McConnell's plan is a GOP Cop Out


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2007

So, the Republicans cannot handle the tea party whack jobs in Congress, so the best they can do it kick the can down the road to Obama and hope everyone blames him for increasing the debt ceiling. If it hadn't been for the dogmatic tea party children in the House, a real deal had been done. A 4 Trillion dollar plan was on the table, and the GOP walked away from it, basically because they cannot handle the tea baggers.

But it is going to backfire. Do you think the US voter wants the nation to be held hostage by a bunch of tea bagger children? Everyone can see that the Republican party is on the way out. They are now being held hostage and will soon only be a notation in History Books.
it sure is., and the dimocrats failure to cut cap and balance is a cop out too.

So, the Republicans cannot handle the tea party whack jobs in Congress, so the best they can do it kick the can down the road to Obama and hope everyone blames him for increasing the debt ceiling. If it hadn't been for the dogmatic tea party children in the House, a real deal had been done. A 4 Trillion dollar plan was on the table, and the GOP walked away from it, basically because they cannot handle the tea baggers.

But it is going to backfire. Do you think the US voter wants the nation to be held hostage by a bunch of tea bagger children? Everyone can see that the Republican party is on the way out. They are now being held hostage and will soon only be a notation in History Books.

Not putting out a budget for two years is a cop out, fucking clown. Also, the dems don't want a short term agreement because no matter how much they lie and demonize, they DO NOT want this debate during election season.
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So, the Republicans cannot handle the tea party whack jobs in Congress, so the best they can do it kick the can down the road to Obama and hope everyone blames him for increasing the debt ceiling. If it hadn't been for the dogmatic tea party children in the House, a real deal had been done. A 4 Trillion dollar plan was on the table, and the GOP walked away from it, basically because they cannot handle the tea baggers.

But it is going to backfire. Do you think the US voter wants the nation to be held hostage by a bunch of tea bagger children? Everyone can see that the Republican party is on the way out. They are now being held hostage and will soon only be a notation in History Books.
I think that the fact that there are enough Tea Party members elected to "hold hostage" the increase in spending says more than you think.
At this point, I would guess that the majority do not want to increase spending, they want to cut it.
If I was wrong, I would have expected to see the witch Pelosi still banging the gavel at the head of congress.

She is not.

So, the Republicans cannot handle the tea party whack jobs in Congress, so the best they can do it kick the can down the road to Obama and hope everyone blames him for increasing the debt ceiling. If it hadn't been for the dogmatic tea party children in the House, a real deal had been done. A 4 Trillion dollar plan was on the table, and the GOP walked away from it, basically because they cannot handle the tea baggers.

But it is going to backfire. Do you think the US voter wants the nation to be held hostage by a bunch of tea bagger children? Everyone can see that the Republican party is on the way out. They are now being held hostage and will soon only be a notation in History Books.

Not putting out a budget for two years is a cop out, fucking clown. Also, the dems don't want a short term agreement because no matter how much they lie and demonize, they DO NOT want this debate during election season.

You ARE kidding, right? Obama and the Democrats have offered $4T in cuts, which goes against most of the left leaning liberals in America. Yet, Obama has done this in an attempt to compromise and work with Republicans and "conservatives". If we default on our loans due to a lack of cooperation from Boehner and Cantor, this is EXACTLY the debate Obama wants during election season.
McConnell's plan is a cynical attempt to blame everything on President Obama. The Conservatives want total power..and they want all opposition out of government. They look as people that don't believe in their a dreaded enemy.

It's as simple as that.
You ARE kidding, right? Obama and the Democrats have offered $4T in cuts, which goes against most of the left leaning liberals in America. Yet, Obama has done this in an attempt to compromise and work with Republicans and "conservatives". If we default on our loans due to a lack of cooperation from Boehner and Cantor, this is EXACTLY the debate Obama wants during election season.

the Democrats haven't offered squat except tax increase. Cuts in the future aren't worth the paper they are written on. They are just as credible as an alcoholic who says he will quit drinking 2 years from now.

It's the same old Democrat formula: tax increases now. Budget cuts in the distant future.

Only a fool would swallow that scam again.
You ARE kidding, right? Obama and the Democrats have offered $4T in cuts, which goes against most of the left leaning liberals in America. Yet, Obama has done this in an attempt to compromise and work with Republicans and "conservatives". If we default on our loans due to a lack of cooperation from Boehner and Cantor, this is EXACTLY the debate Obama wants during election season.

the Democrats haven't offered squat except tax increase. Cuts in the future aren't worth the paper they are written on. They are just as credible as an alcoholic who says he will quit drinking 2 years from now.

It's the same old Democrat formula: tax increases now. Budget cuts in the distant future.

Only a fool would swallow that scam again.

I like your position. Please, oh please let Boehner, Cantor and McConnell let this play out...:eusa_pray:
It was Republicans that GREW government over the last 10 years. Only they grew it after they cut revenue.

Fucking nuts.

So, the Republicans cannot handle the tea party whack jobs in Congress, so the best they can do it kick the can down the road to Obama and hope everyone blames him for increasing the debt ceiling. If it hadn't been for the dogmatic tea party children in the House, a real deal had been done. A 4 Trillion dollar plan was on the table, and the GOP walked away from it, basically because they cannot handle the tea baggers.

But it is going to backfire. Do you think the US voter wants the nation to be held hostage by a bunch of tea bagger children? Everyone can see that the Republican party is on the way out. They are now being held hostage and will soon only be a notation in History Books.

Not putting out a budget for two years is a cop out, fucking clown. Also, the dems don't want a short term agreement because no matter how much they lie and demonize, they DO NOT want this debate during election season.

that's exactly how we know the dimocrats know the problem but refuse to move to fix it.
111th Congress Added More Debt Than First 100 Congresses Combined: $10,429 Per Person in U.S.
111th Congress Added More Debt Than First 100 Congresses Combined: $10,429 Per Person in U.S.

Kevin McCarthy (and Willow Tree) says 111th Congress spent more in two years than the first 100 congresses combined

Politifact rated...

The right wingwers should remember that McConnel supported Bush in virtually everything.
Or was it the other way around?

So, the Republicans cannot handle the tea party whack jobs in Congress, so the best they can do it kick the can down the road to Obama and hope everyone blames him for increasing the debt ceiling. If it hadn't been for the dogmatic tea party children in the House, a real deal had been done. A 4 Trillion dollar plan was on the table, and the GOP walked away from it, basically because they cannot handle the tea baggers.

But it is going to backfire. Do you think the US voter wants the nation to be held hostage by a bunch of tea bagger children? Everyone can see that the Republican party is on the way out. They are now being held hostage and will soon only be a notation in History Books.

Not putting out a budget for two years is a cop out, fucking clown. Also, the dems don't want a short term agreement because no matter how much they lie and demonize, they DO NOT want this debate during election season.

You ARE kidding, right? Obama and the Democrats have offered $4T in cuts, which goes against most of the left leaning liberals in America. Yet, Obama has done this in an attempt to compromise and work with Republicans and "conservatives". If we default on our loans due to a lack of cooperation from Boehner and Cantor, this is EXACTLY the debate Obama wants during election season.

If we default on anything it will be because the Prez and his Treasury Sec will it. They will be deciding what gets payed or doesn't get payed. Anyone think he will let the Govt default on whats owed to bondholders?? I don't.

OL'BO talks a good game but I would like to see what he's gong to cut. Talk is cheap. Its what you do that counts. Let everyone see what he will cut.

He hasn't been fiscally responsible since he came to the WH and now he's trying to make you think he is?? Shit. Even his Dem Senate kicked his budget to the curb. Must have been a real winner.

So, the Republicans cannot handle the tea party whack jobs in Congress, so the best they can do it kick the can down the road to Obama and hope everyone blames him for increasing the debt ceiling. If it hadn't been for the dogmatic tea party children in the House, a real deal had been done. A 4 Trillion dollar plan was on the table, and the GOP walked away from it, basically because they cannot handle the tea baggers.

But it is going to backfire. Do you think the US voter wants the nation to be held hostage by a bunch of tea bagger children? Everyone can see that the Republican party is on the way out. They are now being held hostage and will soon only be a notation in History Books.
I think that the fact that there are enough Tea Party members elected to "hold hostage" the increase in spending says more than you think.
At this point, I would guess that the majority do not want to increase spending, they want to cut it.
If I was wrong, I would have expected to see the witch Pelosi still banging the gavel at the head of congress.

She is not.

Hold hostage the increase in spending???

Never heard it framed that way before.

Guess it was inevidable.
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