*McCain Unelectable: Next One Same Old Shit From Iowa*


Dec 9, 2007
Fort Worth, Texas
Sorry bout that,

1. Well the voters decide in Iowa, for some lame ass Republican who couldn't get elected, like McCain was last time.
2. We will see the same thing happen again, Independents will come out and put some lame ass Republican on the ticket, who Obama even as bad as he is can beat easyly.
3. Yup some body like Ron Paul, God love him but he comes across as another Perot, little loud mouth, who no one listens too.
4. Yeah, we're screwed!
5. Link:Texas Rep. Ron Paul captures CPAC presidential preference straw poll - Washington Times

"Texas Rep. Ron Paul has won the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) 2012 presidential preference straw poll of 3,742 activists, the chairman of the huge annual gathering of conservative activists announced on Saturday.

The poll, sponsored this year for the first time by The Washington Times, is seen as one of the earliest tests of grassroots popularity among the party’s dominant conservative wing, and Mr. Paul, who ran unsuccessfully for the nomination in 2008, has traditionally done well in the CPAC voting.

The Republican lawmaker, long a favorite of the party’s libertarian wing, took 30 percent of the votes cast, followed by Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney with 23 percent. New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, who has said he will not be a candidate in 2012, and New Mexico former Gov. Gary Johnson tied for third, with 6 percent of the vote.

Former GOP House Speaker Newt Gingrich followed with 5 percent.

Tied at 4 percent were Minnesota Rep. Michele Bachmann, Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels and former Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty. Trailing them was former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, who garnered just 3 percent of the vote.

Asked in the survey if they were generally happy with the field of GOP contenders lining up to challenge President Obama next year, 56 percent of CPAC voters said they were generally satisfied with the current crop of candidates, while 43 percent said they were not."

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Sorry bout that,

1. Well the voters decide in Iowa, for some lame ass Republican who couldn't get elected, like McCain was last time.
2. We will see the same thing happen again, Independents will come out and put some lame ass Republican on the ticket, who Obama even as bad as he is can beat easyly.
3. Yup some body like Ron Paul, God love him but he comes across as another Perot, little loud mouth, who no one listens too.
4. Yeah, we're screwed!
5. Link:Texas Rep. Ron Paul captures CPAC presidential preference straw poll - Washington Times

"Texas Rep. Ron Paul has won the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) 2012 presidential preference straw poll of 3,742 activists, the chairman of the huge annual gathering of conservative activists announced on Saturday.

The poll, sponsored this year for the first time by The Washington Times, is seen as one of the earliest tests of grassroots popularity among the party’s dominant conservative wing, and Mr. Paul, who ran unsuccessfully for the nomination in 2008, has traditionally done well in the CPAC voting.

The Republican lawmaker, long a favorite of the party’s libertarian wing, took 30 percent of the votes cast, followed by Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney with 23 percent. New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, who has said he will not be a candidate in 2012, and New Mexico former Gov. Gary Johnson tied for third, with 6 percent of the vote.

Former GOP House Speaker Newt Gingrich followed with 5 percent.

Tied at 4 percent were Minnesota Rep. Michele Bachmann, Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels and former Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty. Trailing them was former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, who garnered just 3 percent of the vote.

Asked in the survey if they were generally happy with the field of GOP contenders lining up to challenge President Obama next year, 56 percent of CPAC voters said they were generally satisfied with the current crop of candidates, while 43 percent said they were not."


McCain is, without any question, a War Hero. And thus, a patriot.

But McCain is a complete failure as a Republucan representative. McCain, in that respect, is a disastrous failure.

Unfortunately, the most qualified for the Presidency: Gingrich.....ain't gonna make it.

My dream ticket: Gingrich/Huckabee.

Huckabee has a chance. I hope he makes it.
Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

1. Well the voters decide in Iowa, for some lame ass Republican who couldn't get elected, like McCain was last time.
2. We will see the same thing happen again, Independents will come out and put some lame ass Republican on the ticket, who Obama even as bad as he is can beat easyly.
3. Yup some body like Ron Paul, God love him but he comes across as another Perot, little loud mouth, who no one listens too.
4. Yeah, we're screwed!
5. Link:Texas Rep. Ron Paul captures CPAC presidential preference straw poll - Washington Times

"Texas Rep. Ron Paul has won the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) 2012 presidential preference straw poll of 3,742 activists, the chairman of the huge annual gathering of conservative activists announced on Saturday.

The poll, sponsored this year for the first time by The Washington Times, is seen as one of the earliest tests of grassroots popularity among the party’s dominant conservative wing, and Mr. Paul, who ran unsuccessfully for the nomination in 2008, has traditionally done well in the CPAC voting.

The Republican lawmaker, long a favorite of the party’s libertarian wing, took 30 percent of the votes cast, followed by Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney with 23 percent. New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, who has said he will not be a candidate in 2012, and New Mexico former Gov. Gary Johnson tied for third, with 6 percent of the vote.

Former GOP House Speaker Newt Gingrich followed with 5 percent.

Tied at 4 percent were Minnesota Rep. Michele Bachmann, Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels and former Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty. Trailing them was former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, who garnered just 3 percent of the vote.

Asked in the survey if they were generally happy with the field of GOP contenders lining up to challenge President Obama next year, 56 percent of CPAC voters said they were generally satisfied with the current crop of candidates, while 43 percent said they were not."


McCain is, without any question, a War Hero. And thus, a patriot.

But McCain is a complete failure as a Republucan representative. McCain, in that respect, is a disastrous failure.

Unfortunately, the most qualified for the Presidency: Gingrich.....ain't gonna make it.

My dream ticket: Gingrich/Huckabee.

Huckabee has a chance. I hope he makes it.

1. I agree to a degree, Gingrich would be an excellent President, but for some reason he doesn't seem serious enough to take on the job.
2. And the only thing I can see hurting him, is his indiscretion with the chickidee.:cool:
3. Which we all know Republicans are not supposed to be human, and like the *leg*, not like whats his name, Woody Allen, who threw over his wife Mia Faro for a underage teen korean girl he adopted, he's a renowned liberal asshat.
4. We Republicans are all held to a higher degree of conduct, and it shows when recently the newly elected congressmen who sent a pic of himself on Craigslist to some *leg*, trying to get a reaction out of some girl, and so, he had to resign.
5. He did'nt even get to do the *act*, but got *shit-canned*.
6. He was monkeyian around on his wife, and he should has had her anger only, but it was a huge scandel, and he decided to walk away in shame instead of fighting for his office.
7. A Democrat has no such ethical problems, and just look at what *Willie WankerClinton* did, and got away with, no one expects a Democrat to keep it in his pants, they are suppose to run acros the White House lawn with their penis hanging out chasing the interns.:lol:
8. The main problem facing the Republicans is there is no perfect canidate, Sarah Palin is the best choice with her own platform, but she is a lightning rod for the liberal media, they are so afraid of her, they will sue her non stop in the courts just to tie her up.
9. She would have to have a whole league of lawyers in each state to defend herself, if she could get a consortium of lawyers willing to represent her in each state as a *pro bono*, case by case, where they would stand in for her, at no cost or fuss, then she would have a chance to focus on the work at hand.
10. The liberals and the liberal media are shitting their collective baby diapers over Sarah Palin, and they will flush this Nations as a whole just to defeat her, in any race.
11. In my opinion, she should not ever run, she should have her own radio show, or tv show, and be another Rush, where she can do the most for this country, railing and railing on the liberal media, and the liberals in general.
12. Sarah isn't a fool, and she will finally get my message and get busy with her own radio show, thats her calling, she can do the most good doing that, and still have the satisfaction she helped her country, she heard her calling and she answered it.

Sorry boutt that,

I wish Ron Paul luck

1. He will need luck.
2. But he comes across as a mad little guy.
3. And mad little guys like the leader of Iran, make people stand off.
4. He come's acroos as some what a mental midget, and a tyrant.
5. Trump is right, he is unelectable.

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Sorry boutt that,

I wish Ron Paul luck

1. He will need luck.
2. But he comes across as a mad little guy.
3. And mad little guys like the leader of Iran, make people stand off.
4. He come's acroos as some what a mental midget, and a tyrant.
5. Trump is right, he is unelectable.


Paul would do better than Trump

Has a nicer haircut too
Best dream ticket to me would be Christie/Powell. Chris Christie and Colin Powell.

Best candidate for cost cutting combined with a military genius.

Won't happen though, Christie isn't running.

But anyone who pisses off NJ unions that bad must be correct on the issues.
Trump/Powell would be good too.

But we need to run a black person. And not a half-breed like Obama, a real black person. Obama betrayed black voters. They'd vote GOP if we run a real black person as VP or president.

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