McCain now "free to speak his mind"


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 23, 2013
The Real World
John McCain in New Book: I’m Freer Now to Speak My Mind

In other words he was full of shit all his life.

Don't expect him to admit that he conspired with regressive sociopaths to undermine our sovereignty in the interests of international collectivists, or deliberately threw the 2008 election in order to let a meat puppet faggot into the WH.

“I would like to see us recover our sense that we are more alike than different.”

Complete bullshit.

I have NOTHING in common with the sort of blithering imbecile who believes the moonbat messiah was a decent human being, let alone refuses to acknowledge he is a red diaper baby. I have nothing in common with the sort of idiot who believes in utopian fantasies of turning mankind into an ant colony, wants to disarm the population, or have government dictate what kind of car you can drive and what your diet should be.

I have NOTHING in common with a spoiled admiral's son who killed 134 sailors and was protected after numerous other violations of the UCMJ, who then became a senator and embraced sociopaths like Ted Kennedy who killed a woman, and is known to be a serial abuser of women.

No senator, I do not want to be "equal" with the likes of you. When you get to hell, tell "your friend" Ted Kennedy to kiss my ass.


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