McCain endorses Romney

True, I thought McCain's campaign in 2008 was the lamest I've ever seen . I don't think his endorsement helps Romney all that much, but what the hell.
You gotta wonder about Biden though. After a career in politics and two brain embolisms anything can happen. Didn't he say Obama was the "first clean Black man" to run for president?
I guess we are lucky McCain didn't endorse Obama after the timid campaign the old rino ran in 2008.

I tell you I had to laugh my arse off when I saw this endorsement--the two of them sitting together. And really I could not think of anything dumber of the Romney campaign to stand up there with our last loser--after the bitter fight they had in 2008. Really no one really likes John McCain--and most think of him as a war monger. After all he was criticizing Obama for not intervening in Libya SOONER--when most of us wanted nothing to do with it.

Romney went after McCain in a bunch of attack ads--and the old fart--just had to get his face in this primary and probably insisted in getting on the stage again.--:badgrin:

So one rino endorsing another I guess. All of those political pay-backs can get a little boring.

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I'm ready to crash so instead of starting a new thread, I hope you don't mind I threw this in yours. The timing is perfect for what these people did.

A super pac that is backing Newt dug up this old McCain ad and put it on the web and it shows all of Romney's flip flopping positions.

Too funny.

From the ad:

“I will preserve and protect a woman’s right to choose and am devoted and dedicated to honoring my word in that regard,” he says.

But moments later, in another clip, he says: “You can go back to YouTube and look at what I said. I never said I was pro-choice.”

But it’s the kicker to the ad that makes it significant.

“I’m John McCain and I approved this message,” the senator says in the ad, tweaking both Mr. Romney and Mr. McCain on endorsement day."


Here's the link to the NYT
I'm ready to crash so instead of starting a new thread, I hope you don't mind I threw this in yours. The timing is perfect for what these people did.

A super pac that is backing Newt dug up this old McCain ad and put it on the web and it shows all of Romney's flip flopping positions.

Too funny.

From the ad:

“I will preserve and protect a woman’s right to choose and am devoted and dedicated to honoring my word in that regard,” he says.

But moments later, in another clip, he says: “You can go back to YouTube and look at what I said. I never said I was pro-choice.”

But it’s the kicker to the ad that makes it significant.

“I’m John McCain and I approved this message,” the senator says in the ad, tweaking both Mr. Romney and Mr. McCain on endorsement day."


Here's the link to the NYT

I guess we are lucky McCain didn't endorse Obama after the timid campaign the old rino ran in 2008.

Well, that really adds fuel to the fire. And in that fire lies a battle between a moderate and a right wing nut job.

Epic stuff.
I guess we are lucky McCain didn't endorse Obama after the timid campaign the old rino ran in 2008.

One moderate endorses another surprise there.

what's "moderate" about someone who is pro corporate power, anti the middle class anti federal government and pro radical religious right?

I don't see a lot of difference in what any of the repubs are saying they want... well, except paul, but that's only because he's not a neocon 'bomb bomb bomb bomb bomb iran.... ' type. all the GOP'ers are the same in every other regard.

i think the GOP has forgotten what moderate means.... because near as i can tell, what it means to righties is someone who at least tries to talk civilly to people who disagree with them and doesn't make half the country throw up.

just saying...
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what's "moderate" about someone who is pro corporate power, anti the middle class anti federal government and pro radical religious right?

just saying...

You think the Democrats aren't completely in the pockets of big Corporations just like the Republicans are? Really?

No problem with McCain endorsing Romney at this point. Romney after he lost the nomination in 2008, got behind McCain and worked pretty hard for him. And since the GOP has pretty much said they are going to rig the game in Romney's favor, no matter what the rank and file thinks, why not play along.

Besides, they all know Romney's going to lose.

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