McCain: Blame the illegal immigrants!


Diamond Member
Aug 26, 2008
Newberry, SC
Wow.........just wow.............

Sen. John McCain is "puzzled" there's an uproar surrounding remarks he made blaming illegal immigrants for starting some of Arizona's wildfires.

The Arizona Republican ignited controversy over the weekend as he toured a massive wildfire in the eastern part of the state. He insisted "there is substantial evidence that some of these fires have been caused by people who have crossed our border illegally."

"They have set fires because they want to signal others; they have set fires to keep warm; and they have set fires in order to divert law enforcement, agents and agencies from them," he added. "So the answer to that part of the problem is to get a secure border."

Authorities have said humans have started the three large fires in Arizona, but they don't know who is responsible.

Sen. John McCain ignites controversy, GOPer blames some Arizona wildfires on illegal immigrants

It's said that humans DID start the fires, but it's unclear exactly who. Good old McStupid decides that since illegals cause so much problems here, they must be responsible.
He's trying to score political points, he has a history of being pro-amnesty in terms of his legislation, he's hoping his rhetoric can cancel all that out by bashing them in front of a podium for a random wildfire, or maybe the weather next time.
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Considering how he's even doubled down on his comments, stating he's "puzzled" by peoples reactions.

Add in how many immigrants are in his state, I don't think he's gonna be able to win a reelection.
Know what would be funny? To find out that the fires were set by some GOP idiot out camping in the woods, who didn't pay attention when they put out their campfire.
First, he said he blames them for SOME of the fires.
Second, he bases it on facts and you base it on the leftist race card crybaby card.

In fact many illegal light fires in the desert for a few reasons:
(1) To keep warm
(2) To signal their partners to pick up the people they smuggled
(3) And the most dangerous one, to divert border partolmen away from areas they are crossing!

He is right and you, and other spinless liberals, are wrong for playing the race card!
First, he said he blames them for SOME of the fires.
Second, he bases it on facts and you base it on the leftist race card crybaby card.

In fact many illegal light fires in the desert for a few reasons:
(1) To keep warm
(2) To signal their partners to pick up the people they smuggled
(3) And the most dangerous one, to divert border partolmen away from areas they are crossing!

He is right and you, and other spinless liberals, are wrong for playing the race card!

Yeah.......sure.......typical right wing bullshit.............blame the wildfires on illegals, because hey........they MUST have done it, because good Americans would take care of their country, right? We've had wildfires up here in Amarillo, and guess what? They were started by good old rednecks. One was cutting on some scrap metal with the humidity at around 8, and another was started by some idiot flicking his cigarette out of the window.

Blame first, and find out who's responsible later. Right............worked out so well for us in Iraq when we INVADED THE WRONG FUCKING COUNTRY.
First, he said he blames them for SOME of the fires.
Second, he bases it on facts and you base it on the leftist race card crybaby card.

In fact many illegal light fires in the desert for a few reasons:
(1) To keep warm
(2) To signal their partners to pick up the people they smuggled
(3) And the most dangerous one, to divert border partolmen away from areas they are crossing!

He is right and you, and other spinless liberals, are wrong for playing the race card!

The US Government is the only entity in the USA that defines "race."

It's why it is almost universally despised.

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