McCain “A Virus that must be contained.”


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 23, 2010
In an interview on Fox a few days ago, John McCain describe the uprising in the Arab world as a virus that must be contained.

Huh?? The Republican candidate for President and a leading conservative describes the uprisings of people seeking freedom as a virus that must be contained. When I first heard this, I couldn’t believe it. I know McCain prides himself on being a maverick, but to oppose people trying to overthrow dictators and secure free elections, in order to promote stability is wrong.

McCain Compares Arab Pro-Democracy Movement to a "Virus"
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Mccain has never been anything but a Fabian socialist .
Never a leading conservative but a repulican the media picked.
There are two problems with your analysis:

1 McCain is not a conservative, let alone a leading one.

2. There is no evidence that this uprising is "democratic" and it's quite more likely that there will be an even more oppressive regime put in place.
I know we have supported a lot of dictators and tyrants because we felt it was in our best interest, but I don't remember any respected member of the government going on TV and announced that people fighting for freedom need to be contained.
Another George Soros "media matters" cherry picked quote turned over to left wing blogs like Huff. What would we do without Soros?
There are two problems with your analysis:

1 McCain is not a conservative, let alone a leading one.

2. There is no evidence that this uprising is "democratic" and it's quite more likely that there will be an even more oppressive regime put in place.
Ok, he's not a leading conservative. He just thinks he is. I didn't say this was a democratic uprising, not sure what a democratic uprising is. I said it was an uprising of the people seeking freedom and to overthrow a dictator. The demonstrators have certainly made that clear.
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McCain has become a virus in the Republican party that should be contained.

I was sorry to see he was reelected
I know we have supported a lot of dictators and tyrants because we felt it was in our best interest, but I don't remember any respected member of the government going on TV and announced that people fighting for freedom need to be contained.

Again, your problem is that there is no evidence that they are fighting for freedom.
There are two problems with your analysis:

1 McCain is not a conservative, let alone a leading one.

2. There is no evidence that this uprising is "democratic" and it's quite more likely that there will be an even more oppressive regime put in place.
Ok, he's not a leading conservative. He just thinks he is. I didn't say this was a democratic uprising, not sure what a democratic uprising is. I said it was an uprising of the people seeking freedom and to overthrow a dictator. The demonstrators have certainly made that clear.

Seeking freedom? Or power to oppress the people with their ideas?

See, that's the problem. you don't have evidence they are looking for freedom. Overthrowing a dictator doesnt mean they become free. It could simply mean they get enslaved to a more ruthless dictator.
McCain has become a virus in the Republican party that should be contained.

I was sorry to see he was reelected

Funny thing, when I was young and naive, probably about 10 years ago, I considered moving to Arizona just to run against McCain last year. I would have been eligible for the Senate then.

Alas, I grew up and realized I had more important things to do.
In an interview on Fox a few days ago, John McCain describe the uprising in the Arab world as a virus that must be contained.

Huh?? The Republican candidate for President and a leading conservative describes the uprisings of people seeking freedom as a virus that must be contained. When I first heard this, I couldn’t believe it. I know McCain prides himself on being a maverick, but to oppose people trying to overthrow dictators and secure free elections, in order to promote stability is wrong.

McCain Compares Arab Pro-Democracy Movement to a "Virus"

I think that McCain is concerned that any semblance out of these "uprisings" resulting in any kind of democratic change is at a minimum and that instead they will be high-jacked by the elements already in place. These elements are already well organized, unlike the common citizenry. Things are moving entirely too fast for the common citizens who are not in any way ready to find adequate leaders in this chaos; they will end up with something entirely different than they hoped for when they took to the streets.

The "virus" he is referring to is that there is already in place across the middle east people or groups who are orchestrating upheaval in these countries, who have been waiting for opportunities evolving from the people's frustration with the horrible economic mess that has become to seem unbearable in the past two years.

They are in a position to take charge, with no intent that democratic goals be achieved; this is their moment to grab power. Once they have their way the world will have become immensely more dangerous to democracy than it was before.

Any sort of real democratic movement will be still-born in the chaos; there needs to be a calm period of order, not the mad rush we are seeing, with established governments toppling all over the place. McCains rightly sees and characterizes this as the spreading of a "VIRUS."
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Sorry bout that,

American Horse wrote:

"The "virus" he is referring to is that there is already in place across the middle east people or groups who are orchestrating upheaval in these countries, who have been waiting for opportunities evolving from the people's frustration with the horrible economic mess that has become to seem unbearable in the past two years."

1. Sounds like *Deeeetroit* and *Deeeearborn*.

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There are two problems with your analysis:

1 McCain is not a conservative, let alone a leading one.

2. There is no evidence that this uprising is "democratic" and it's quite more likely that there will be an even more oppressive regime put in place.
Ok, he's not a leading conservative. He just thinks he is. I didn't say this was a democratic uprising, not sure what a democratic uprising is. I said it was an uprising of the people seeking freedom and to overthrow a dictator. The demonstrators have certainly made that clear.

Seeking freedom? Or power to oppress the people with their ideas?

See, that's the problem. you don't have evidence they are looking for freedom. Overthrowing a dictator doesnt mean they become free. It could simply mean they get enslaved to a more ruthless dictator.
When people attempt to rid themselves of a dictator by protests and demonstrations, there is no way to know if a democratic government will emerge, but we certainly should give it a chance. My point is that we should not try to contain an attempt to overflow a brutal dictator because the new government may not be to our liking. Also, we should not involved ourselves in the internal affairs of another nation unless we are ready for another conflict.

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