McCabe memo...seems Flynn interview was a setup!

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
A total set up. Think about how removed Flynn was from any of the fake Russia narratives. And the big lie was about him simply doing his job on the transition. This is completely outrageous!

Former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, who arranged the bureau's interview with then-national security adviser Michael Flynn at the White House on Jan. 24, 2017 — the interview that ultimately led to Flynn's guilty plea on one count of making false statements — suggested Flynn not have a lawyer present at the session, according to newly-filed court documents. In addition, FBI officials, along with the two agents who interviewed Flynn, decided specifically not to warn him that there would be penalties for making false statements because the agents wanted to ensure that Flynn was "relaxed" during the session.

The new information, drawn from McCabe's account of events plus the FBI agents' writeup of the interview — the so-called 302 report — is contained in a sentencing memo filed Tuesday by Flynn's defense team.

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"In one striking detail, footnotes in the Flynn memo say the 302 report cited was dated Aug. 22, 2017 — nearly seven months after the Flynn interview. It is not clear why the report would be written so long after the interview itself."

7 months to write a 302? That's pure horse$hit.

What law enforcement agency allows paperwork, whether it be an interview report, an incident report, an arrest report, or any other type of report that could end up in a court of law, be delayed that long? That's plain incompetence. The lateness of the 302 being submitted, coupled with the fact that the DOJ has refused Congress' requests to view them makes it perfectly clear that something is definitely afoul with the whole thing. And what law enforcement agency representative has the right to recommend to an American citizen, that he shouldn't bring a lawyer with him when he's being interviewed by FBI agents? This was a set-up from the get-go, and I can't believe that General Flynn fell for it. After 30 years in the military, he should have been on high alert. He'd already ticked McCabe off after going to bat for Robyn Gritz, a decorated female counterterrorism agent that had accused McCabe and higher ups of sexual discrimination. But then it's quite possible, that Flynn never realized the feathers he'd ruffled.
A total set up. Think about how removed Flynn was from any of the fake Russia narratives. And the big lie was about him simply doing his job on the transition. This is completely outrageous!

Former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, who arranged the bureau's interview with then-national security adviser Michael Flynn at the White House on Jan. 24, 2017 — the interview that ultimately led to Flynn's guilty plea on one count of making false statements — suggested Flynn not have a lawyer present at the session, according to newly-filed court documents. In addition, FBI officials, along with the two agents who interviewed Flynn, decided specifically not to warn him that there would be penalties for making false statements because the agents wanted to ensure that Flynn was "relaxed" during the session.

The new information, drawn from McCabe's account of events plus the FBI agents' writeup of the interview — the so-called 302 report — is contained in a sentencing memo filed Tuesday by Flynn's defense team.

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"In one striking detail, footnotes in the Flynn memo say the 302 report cited was dated Aug. 22, 2017 — nearly seven months after the Flynn interview. It is not clear why the report would be written so long after the interview itself."

7 months to write a 302? That's pure horse$hit.

What law enforcement agency allows paperwork, whether it be an interview report, an incident report, an arrest report, or any other type of report that could end up in a court of law, be delayed that long? That's plain incompetence. The lateness of the 302 being submitted, coupled with the fact that the DOJ has refused Congress' requests to view them makes it perfectly clear that something is definitely afoul with the whole thing. And what law enforcement agency representative has the right to recommend to an American citizen, that he shouldn't bring a lawyer with him when he's being interviewed by FBI agents? This was a set-up from the get-go, and I can't believe that General Flynn fell for it. After 30 years in the military, he should have been on high alert. He'd already ticked McCabe off after going to bat for Robyn Gritz, a decorated female counterterrorism agent that had accused McCabe and higher ups of sexual discrimination. But then it's quite possible, that Flynn never realized the feathers he'd ruffled.
Of course they set him up. It's what they do..............try to get a crime out of really nothing...............There was no crime talking to Russian Counterparts from the transition team...........That's what they are supposed to do..........but they got him on a perjury trap..............asking this that...back to this.......back to that until he makes a mistake........He should have NEVER TESTIFIED.......Plead the 5th and told them to shove their questions up their asses............because he agreed to do so they fucked him............when basically he NEVER COMITTED A CRIME............

Being the bunch of SCUM BAGS that they had and still have at the top of the shit pile of the FBI.
HOW IS THIS LEGAL?… Flynn Gave FBI Agents Tour of White House – Was Joking With Them — HAD NO IDEA He Was Being Interrogated!

General Mike Flynn’s sentencing memo was filed Tuesday evening and it further proved that the FBI agents ambushed him to get him in a perjury trap. General Flynn’s lawyers asked the judge for no jail time and instead “to sentence him to a term of probation not to exceed one year, with minimal conditions of supervision, along with 200 hours of community service.”

They told Flynn not to have his lawyer present. He thought it was a social visit.

This was on January 24th — four days after the Inauguration.

Flynn had NO IDEA he was being interrogated. This is how the Deep State criminals operate.

Flynn thought is was some sort of training session.

In fact Michael Flynn gave the FBI creatures a tour of his White House wing, joking with them, thinking it was some kind of training session!

They set him up. They spied on him! They spied on Trump. They spied on Trump’s daughter. They sent in operatives to spy on the Trump campaign. And then they charged Mike Flynn with lying to investigators when he did not even know he was being interrogated!

This is pure evil! This is today’s Democrat party! This is the today’s liberal media! This is the deep state.

These are NOT good people!

In a lengthy court filing Tuesday, attorneys for former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn alleged that then-FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe pushed Flynn not to have an attorney present during the questioning that ultimately led to his guilty plea on a single charge of lying to federal authorities.

The document outlines, with striking new details, the rapid sequence of events that led to Flynn's sudden fall from the Trump administration. The filing also seemingly demonstrates that the FBI took a significantly more aggressive tack in handling the Flynn interview than it did during other similar matters, including the agency's sit-downs with Hillary Clinton and ex-Trump adviser George Papadopoulos.

While Flynn is among several Trump associates to have been charged with making false statements as part of the Russia probe, no one interviewed during the FBI’s Clinton email investigation was hit with false statement charges – though investigators believed some witnesses were untruthful.

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“though investigators believed some witnesses were untruthful”

Though not a witness, the Chicago Gangster comes to mind. “ I didn’t know about Clinton’s illegal Server until I read about it” POS. Lying mother fucker!
And these are the people that Mac1958 wants to know why can't we negotiate with them.
Oh, I know why you can't negotiate with them. You just don't have it in you. You don't want to. Neither do many wingers on the left.

I'm not expecting collaboration and innovation from the wings. It's the rest of us who will have to do the heavy lifting here.

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