McCabe: 'I wasn't one of the 'Bad Guys' - I was one of the 'Good Guys'....Honest - Believe Me'


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe....

- recommended for Indictment by the US IG for leaking information during the Trump 'coup attempt' ('Confirmed' by his boss, former FBI Director James Comey who threw McCabe under the bus some time ago) AND who is under investigation by the US IG (FISA Court Abuse investigation) & DOJ -

...has now claimed that it was HE, not his boss (Comey) fired disgraced / criminal former FBI Agent Peter Strzok after the 'secret' text message between he and former FBI agent and love interest Page were publicly exposed.

After being thrown under the proverbial bus by his boss, accused of being a LEAKER and being recommended for indictment by US IG for that very reason, McCabe has been proven to be one of the key conspirators in the illegal FBI Trump investigation....BUT NOW HE WANTS TO CLAIM HE WAS ONE OF THE 'GOOD GUYS' BECAUSE HE FIRED STRZOK.

That is going to be a 'Hard Sell', especially since he has been proven to be a liar, a leaker, and a fellow co-conspirator who has already been recommended for Indictment by the US IG.

McCabe says he 'made the decision' to remove Strzok from Mueller team: transcript
Another interesting 'revelation' is how Former FBI Agent and co-conspirator Strzok was the one who opened the FBI investigation into Trump - called 'Crossfire Hurricane' - in July 2016....but he was assigned to Mueller's Team AFTER Crossfire Hurricane...

So, Strzok was the one responsible for opening up a counter-Intelligence investigation - an illegal investigation - on Trump... while he was having an affair with his partner and texting Page about the 'Secret Society', meetings already had, Obama wanting to be kept briefed on everything going on, how the FBI had a 'Leak Strategy' (SOP in Counter-Intelligence Operations), etc....and the proven criminal / co-conspirator Strzok who started the FBI's illegal investigation joins Special Counsel Mueller's Team of Democrat/Hillary supporters/donors in charge of investigating Trump....


Yeah, no problem / conflict of interest there...
The rats are turning to cannibalism...did you see Lynch slamming Comey this morning? she said he is lying about what she told him......:21:
Former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe....

- recommended for Indictment by the US IG for leaking information during the Trump 'coup attempt' ('Confirmed' by his boss, former FBI Director James Comey who threw McCabe under the bus some time ago) AND who is under investigation by the US IG (FISA Court Abuse investigation) & DOJ -

...has now claimed that it was HE, not his boss (Comey) fired disgraced / criminal former FBI Agent Peter Strzok after the 'secret' text message between he and former FBI agent and love interest Page were publicly exposed.

After being thrown under the proverbial bus by his boss, accused of being a LEAKER and being recommended for indictment by US IG for that very reason, McCabe has been proven to be one of the key conspirators in the illegal FBI Trump investigation....BUT NOW HE WANTS TO CLAIM HE WAS ONE OF THE 'GOOD GUYS' BECAUSE HE FIRED STRZOK.

That is going to be a 'Hard Sell', especially since he has been proven to be a liar, a leaker, and a fellow co-conspirator who has already been recommended for Indictment by the US IG.

McCabe says he 'made the decision' to remove Strzok from Mueller team: transcript

Just a few months ago, the libs had a cow when President Trump fired McCabe's useless carcass.

And now, its starting to look like he is going to prison. Mr. McCabe should really try to make a deal.
Former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe....

- recommended for Indictment by the US IG for leaking information during the Trump 'coup attempt' ('Confirmed' by his boss, former FBI Director James Comey who threw McCabe under the bus some time ago) AND who is under investigation by the US IG (FISA Court Abuse investigation) & DOJ -

...has now claimed that it was HE, not his boss (Comey) fired disgraced / criminal former FBI Agent Peter Strzok after the 'secret' text message between he and former FBI agent and love interest Page were publicly exposed.

After being thrown under the proverbial bus by his boss, accused of being a LEAKER and being recommended for indictment by US IG for that very reason, McCabe has been proven to be one of the key conspirators in the illegal FBI Trump investigation....BUT NOW HE WANTS TO CLAIM HE WAS ONE OF THE 'GOOD GUYS' BECAUSE HE FIRED STRZOK.

That is going to be a 'Hard Sell', especially since he has been proven to be a liar, a leaker, and a fellow co-conspirator who has already been recommended for Indictment by the US IG.

McCabe says he 'made the decision' to remove Strzok from Mueller team: transcript

Just a few months ago, the libs had a cow when President Trump fired McCabe's useless carcass.

And now, its starting to look like he is going to prison. Mr. McCabe should really try to make a deal.


Idiots, what is he "going to prison" for?

The nonsence you lunatic Trumpster dupes peddle is off the charts insane - up is down, down is up.

Republican named Comey was officially fired for screwing Hillary during election and McCabe was officially fired over...wait for it...also screwing Hillary. Everyone sane knows full well that that was just a pretense by our Liar-in-Chief, but that of course does not apply here, so you fools think that this has to do with your nutbag COUP! conspiracy theories.
Last edited:
Former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe....

- recommended for Indictment by the US IG for leaking information during the Trump 'coup attempt' ('Confirmed' by his boss, former FBI Director James Comey who threw McCabe under the bus some time ago) AND who is under investigation by the US IG (FISA Court Abuse investigation) & DOJ -

...has now claimed that it was HE, not his boss (Comey) fired disgraced / criminal former FBI Agent Peter Strzok after the 'secret' text message between he and former FBI agent and love interest Page were publicly exposed.

After being thrown under the proverbial bus by his boss, accused of being a LEAKER and being recommended for indictment by US IG for that very reason, McCabe has been proven to be one of the key conspirators in the illegal FBI Trump investigation....BUT NOW HE WANTS TO CLAIM HE WAS ONE OF THE 'GOOD GUYS' BECAUSE HE FIRED STRZOK.

That is going to be a 'Hard Sell', especially since he has been proven to be a liar, a leaker, and a fellow co-conspirator who has already been recommended for Indictment by the US IG.

McCabe says he 'made the decision' to remove Strzok from Mueller team: transcript

Just a few months ago, the libs had a cow when President Trump fired McCabe's useless carcass.

And now, its starting to look like he is going to prison. Mr. McCabe should really try to make a deal.


Idiot, what is he "going to prison" for?

The nonsence you lunatic Trumpster dupes peddle is off the charts insane.
almost as insane as thinking acting like a 6 year old told NO should garner you any respect for what you think.
Former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe....

- recommended for Indictment by the US IG for leaking information during the Trump 'coup attempt' ('Confirmed' by his boss, former FBI Director James Comey who threw McCabe under the bus some time ago) AND who is under investigation by the US IG (FISA Court Abuse investigation) & DOJ -

...has now claimed that it was HE, not his boss (Comey) fired disgraced / criminal former FBI Agent Peter Strzok after the 'secret' text message between he and former FBI agent and love interest Page were publicly exposed.

After being thrown under the proverbial bus by his boss, accused of being a LEAKER and being recommended for indictment by US IG for that very reason, McCabe has been proven to be one of the key conspirators in the illegal FBI Trump investigation....BUT NOW HE WANTS TO CLAIM HE WAS ONE OF THE 'GOOD GUYS' BECAUSE HE FIRED STRZOK.

That is going to be a 'Hard Sell', especially since he has been proven to be a liar, a leaker, and a fellow co-conspirator who has already been recommended for Indictment by the US IG.

McCabe says he 'made the decision' to remove Strzok from Mueller team: transcript

Just a few months ago, the libs had a cow when President Trump fired McCabe's useless carcass.

And now, its starting to look like he is going to prison. Mr. McCabe should really try to make a deal.


Idiot, what is he "going to prison" for?

The nonsence you lunatic Trumpster dupes peddle is off the charts insane.

McCabe will be going to prison for High Treason, and for a really long time. Attempting a coup against the lawfully elected President is giving aid and comfort to the enemy.

Unless he can make a deal
Former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe....

- recommended for Indictment by the US IG for leaking information during the Trump 'coup attempt' ('Confirmed' by his boss, former FBI Director James Comey who threw McCabe under the bus some time ago) AND who is under investigation by the US IG (FISA Court Abuse investigation) & DOJ -

...has now claimed that it was HE, not his boss (Comey) fired disgraced / criminal former FBI Agent Peter Strzok after the 'secret' text message between he and former FBI agent and love interest Page were publicly exposed.

After being thrown under the proverbial bus by his boss, accused of being a LEAKER and being recommended for indictment by US IG for that very reason, McCabe has been proven to be one of the key conspirators in the illegal FBI Trump investigation....BUT NOW HE WANTS TO CLAIM HE WAS ONE OF THE 'GOOD GUYS' BECAUSE HE FIRED STRZOK.

That is going to be a 'Hard Sell', especially since he has been proven to be a liar, a leaker, and a fellow co-conspirator who has already been recommended for Indictment by the US IG.

McCabe says he 'made the decision' to remove Strzok from Mueller team: transcript

Just a few months ago, the libs had a cow when President Trump fired McCabe's useless carcass.

And now, its starting to look like he is going to prison. Mr. McCabe should really try to make a deal.


Idiot, what is he "going to prison" for?

The nonsence you lunatic Trumpster dupes peddle is off the charts insane.

McCabe will be going to prison for High Treason, and for a really long time. Attempting a coup against the lawfully elected President is giving aid and comfort to the enemy.

Unless he can make a deal

No he won't, and you will KNOW you are a fucking moron when none of your loony conspiracy theories will ever pan out.
Former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe....

- recommended for Indictment by the US IG for leaking information during the Trump 'coup attempt' ('Confirmed' by his boss, former FBI Director James Comey who threw McCabe under the bus some time ago) AND who is under investigation by the US IG (FISA Court Abuse investigation) & DOJ -

...has now claimed that it was HE, not his boss (Comey) fired disgraced / criminal former FBI Agent Peter Strzok after the 'secret' text message between he and former FBI agent and love interest Page were publicly exposed.

After being thrown under the proverbial bus by his boss, accused of being a LEAKER and being recommended for indictment by US IG for that very reason, McCabe has been proven to be one of the key conspirators in the illegal FBI Trump investigation....BUT NOW HE WANTS TO CLAIM HE WAS ONE OF THE 'GOOD GUYS' BECAUSE HE FIRED STRZOK.

That is going to be a 'Hard Sell', especially since he has been proven to be a liar, a leaker, and a fellow co-conspirator who has already been recommended for Indictment by the US IG.

McCabe says he 'made the decision' to remove Strzok from Mueller team: transcript

Just a few months ago, the libs had a cow when President Trump fired McCabe's useless carcass.

And now, its starting to look like he is going to prison. Mr. McCabe should really try to make a deal.


Idiot, what is he "going to prison" for?

The nonsence you lunatic Trumpster dupes peddle is off the charts insane.
almost as insane as thinking acting like a 6 year old told NO should garner you any respect for what you think.

Idiot, what is he "going to prison" for?

Can't answer this simple question, can you?
Former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe....

- recommended for Indictment by the US IG for leaking information during the Trump 'coup attempt' ('Confirmed' by his boss, former FBI Director James Comey who threw McCabe under the bus some time ago) AND who is under investigation by the US IG (FISA Court Abuse investigation) & DOJ -

...has now claimed that it was HE, not his boss (Comey) fired disgraced / criminal former FBI Agent Peter Strzok after the 'secret' text message between he and former FBI agent and love interest Page were publicly exposed.

After being thrown under the proverbial bus by his boss, accused of being a LEAKER and being recommended for indictment by US IG for that very reason, McCabe has been proven to be one of the key conspirators in the illegal FBI Trump investigation....BUT NOW HE WANTS TO CLAIM HE WAS ONE OF THE 'GOOD GUYS' BECAUSE HE FIRED STRZOK.

That is going to be a 'Hard Sell', especially since he has been proven to be a liar, a leaker, and a fellow co-conspirator who has already been recommended for Indictment by the US IG.

McCabe says he 'made the decision' to remove Strzok from Mueller team: transcript

Just a few months ago, the libs had a cow when President Trump fired McCabe's useless carcass.

And now, its starting to look like he is going to prison. Mr. McCabe should really try to make a deal.


Idiots, what is he "going to prison" for?

The nonsence you lunatic Trumpster dupes peddle is off the charts insane - up is down, down is up.

Republican named Comey was officially fired for screwing Hillary during election and McCabe was officially fired over...wait for it...also screwing Hillary. Everyone sane knows full well that that was just a pretense by our Liar-in-Chief, but that of course does not apply here, so you fools think that this has to do with your nutbag COUP! conspiracy theories.
We're all still waiting for any of these people to be indicted or convicted........we are waiting for any of them to "flip" too. Any day now....any day now...ruh roooooh!...any day now....any day now...any day now...
Former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe....

- recommended for Indictment by the US IG for leaking information during the Trump 'coup attempt' ('Confirmed' by his boss, former FBI Director James Comey who threw McCabe under the bus some time ago) AND who is under investigation by the US IG (FISA Court Abuse investigation) & DOJ -

...has now claimed that it was HE, not his boss (Comey) fired disgraced / criminal former FBI Agent Peter Strzok after the 'secret' text message between he and former FBI agent and love interest Page were publicly exposed.

After being thrown under the proverbial bus by his boss, accused of being a LEAKER and being recommended for indictment by US IG for that very reason, McCabe has been proven to be one of the key conspirators in the illegal FBI Trump investigation....BUT NOW HE WANTS TO CLAIM HE WAS ONE OF THE 'GOOD GUYS' BECAUSE HE FIRED STRZOK.

That is going to be a 'Hard Sell', especially since he has been proven to be a liar, a leaker, and a fellow co-conspirator who has already been recommended for Indictment by the US IG.

McCabe says he 'made the decision' to remove Strzok from Mueller team: transcript

Just a few months ago, the libs had a cow when President Trump fired McCabe's useless carcass.

And now, its starting to look like he is going to prison. Mr. McCabe should really try to make a deal.


Idiots, what is he "going to prison" for?

The nonsence you lunatic Trumpster dupes peddle is off the charts insane - up is down, down is up.

Republican named Comey was officially fired for screwing Hillary during election and McCabe was officially fired over...wait for it...also screwing Hillary. Everyone sane knows full well that that was just a pretense by our Liar-in-Chief, but that of course does not apply here, so you fools think that this has to do with your nutbag COUP! conspiracy theories.
We're all still waiting for any of these people to be indicted or convicted........we are waiting for any of them to "flip" too. Any day now....any day now...ruh roooooh!...any day now....any day now...any day now...

Good news, you may not have to wait that much longer.
Former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe....

- recommended for Indictment by the US IG for leaking information during the Trump 'coup attempt' ('Confirmed' by his boss, former FBI Director James Comey who threw McCabe under the bus some time ago) AND who is under investigation by the US IG (FISA Court Abuse investigation) & DOJ -

...has now claimed that it was HE, not his boss (Comey) fired disgraced / criminal former FBI Agent Peter Strzok after the 'secret' text message between he and former FBI agent and love interest Page were publicly exposed.

After being thrown under the proverbial bus by his boss, accused of being a LEAKER and being recommended for indictment by US IG for that very reason, McCabe has been proven to be one of the key conspirators in the illegal FBI Trump investigation....BUT NOW HE WANTS TO CLAIM HE WAS ONE OF THE 'GOOD GUYS' BECAUSE HE FIRED STRZOK.

That is going to be a 'Hard Sell', especially since he has been proven to be a liar, a leaker, and a fellow co-conspirator who has already been recommended for Indictment by the US IG.

McCabe says he 'made the decision' to remove Strzok from Mueller team: transcript

Just a few months ago, the libs had a cow when President Trump fired McCabe's useless carcass.

And now, its starting to look like he is going to prison. Mr. McCabe should really try to make a deal.


Idiot, what is he "going to prison" for?

The nonsence you lunatic Trumpster dupes peddle is off the charts insane.
almost as insane as thinking acting like a 6 year old told NO should garner you any respect for what you think.

Idiot, what is he "going to prison" for?

Can't answer this simple question, can you?
5 year old. my bad.
Former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe....

- recommended for Indictment by the US IG for leaking information during the Trump 'coup attempt' ('Confirmed' by his boss, former FBI Director James Comey who threw McCabe under the bus some time ago) AND who is under investigation by the US IG (FISA Court Abuse investigation) & DOJ -

...has now claimed that it was HE, not his boss (Comey) fired disgraced / criminal former FBI Agent Peter Strzok after the 'secret' text message between he and former FBI agent and love interest Page were publicly exposed.

After being thrown under the proverbial bus by his boss, accused of being a LEAKER and being recommended for indictment by US IG for that very reason, McCabe has been proven to be one of the key conspirators in the illegal FBI Trump investigation....BUT NOW HE WANTS TO CLAIM HE WAS ONE OF THE 'GOOD GUYS' BECAUSE HE FIRED STRZOK.

That is going to be a 'Hard Sell', especially since he has been proven to be a liar, a leaker, and a fellow co-conspirator who has already been recommended for Indictment by the US IG.

McCabe says he 'made the decision' to remove Strzok from Mueller team: transcript

Just a few months ago, the libs had a cow when President Trump fired McCabe's useless carcass.

And now, its starting to look like he is going to prison. Mr. McCabe should really try to make a deal.


Idiots, what is he "going to prison" for?

The nonsence you lunatic Trumpster dupes peddle is off the charts insane - up is down, down is up.

Republican named Comey was officially fired for screwing Hillary during election and McCabe was officially fired over...wait for it...also screwing Hillary. Everyone sane knows full well that that was just a pretense by our Liar-in-Chief, but that of course does not apply here, so you fools think that this has to do with your nutbag COUP! conspiracy theories.
We're all still waiting for any of these people to be indicted or convicted........we are waiting for any of them to "flip" too. Any day now....any day now...ruh roooooh!...any day now....any day now...any day now...

I don't want to be harsh with these mentally underdeveloped people but the alternate universe bullshit they propagate day in and out is just out of control.
Former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe....

- recommended for Indictment by the US IG for leaking information during the Trump 'coup attempt' ('Confirmed' by his boss, former FBI Director James Comey who threw McCabe under the bus some time ago) AND who is under investigation by the US IG (FISA Court Abuse investigation) & DOJ -

...has now claimed that it was HE, not his boss (Comey) fired disgraced / criminal former FBI Agent Peter Strzok after the 'secret' text message between he and former FBI agent and love interest Page were publicly exposed.

After being thrown under the proverbial bus by his boss, accused of being a LEAKER and being recommended for indictment by US IG for that very reason, McCabe has been proven to be one of the key conspirators in the illegal FBI Trump investigation....BUT NOW HE WANTS TO CLAIM HE WAS ONE OF THE 'GOOD GUYS' BECAUSE HE FIRED STRZOK.

That is going to be a 'Hard Sell', especially since he has been proven to be a liar, a leaker, and a fellow co-conspirator who has already been recommended for Indictment by the US IG.

McCabe says he 'made the decision' to remove Strzok from Mueller team: transcript

Just a few months ago, the libs had a cow when President Trump fired McCabe's useless carcass.

And now, its starting to look like he is going to prison. Mr. McCabe should really try to make a deal.


Idiot, what is he "going to prison" for?

The nonsence you lunatic Trumpster dupes peddle is off the charts insane.
almost as insane as thinking acting like a 6 year old told NO should garner you any respect for what you think.

Idiot, what is he "going to prison" for?

Can't answer this simple question, can you?
5 year old. my bad.

Yep, put that tail between your legs and run along now.
Durham has just started his investigation. I'd bet it will be a dandy and I sure hope we all get to read it.

I'd also bet there are people who are starting to sweat.

Should be interesting.
Inside the Beltway

"Good Guy" = Zionist Traitor = owned lots of defense stocks on 910
This Turd should have been indicted months ago. The Democrat/Socialist Coup Supporters have already raised half a million dollars for him for legal fees.

I'm sure his lawyers are as disappointed (and surprised) as the American people are that this piece of shit has not already been perp walked. His lawyers are ready to get their hands on all that money---and surely will have---its just taking way too long.

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