Matt Gaetz: Women Who 'Look Like A Thumb' Shouldn't Gripe About Abortion Rights

Do enjoying hanging out with guys who say shit like that? Is he a good ole boy in your view? Would you let your daughter date him?
This is another example of how the MAGAverse thinks, and what excites it. It must be that his comments are just commonplace for most of these people. They now have a growing group of people in power who behave just like they do, at their level. The bar has been lowered and they're thrilled.

Do you remember the term "the Ugly American"? This is what it looks like.
Do you remember the term "the Ugly American"? This is what it looks like.
I think it's a huge part of the movement. They're tired of being ashamed. Tired if being looked down on for being ignorant jackasses. And they long for leaders who tell them it's ok to be deplorable, who are deplorable themselves.
This is another example of how the MAGAverse thinks, and what excites it. It must be that his comments are just commonplace for most of these people. They now have a growing group of people in power who behave just like they do, at their level. The bar has been lowered and they're thrilled.

Do you remember the term "the Ugly American"? This is what it looks like.
You’re sending men, in dresses, demanding to be treated as women to the French Ambassadors party as representative of us. That’s the ugly. Maybe we don’t want these kinds of representatives.
Do you enjoy hanging out with guys who say shit like that? Is he a good ole boy in your view? Would you let your daughter date him?
I expect my politicians to fight dirty if they have to. In most cases I wouldn't want them to date my daughter.
Even after all this time, I don't think we fully understand the motivations here, or their depth or intensity.

And I don't think we've spent enough time trying to figure it out. Somehow, we're still a little stunned.

I think we do understand.

Same reason religion exist. Same reason people go get drunk, or high. Same reason people do a lot of things.

Reality is difficult, we have to deal with a lot of complex things and it's easier to make a fantasy world to simplify everything. Also to bring control to our lives.

We create a God and then we create ways in which to appease the God, and then all of a sudden we can control the world.

In the real world most things that happen are out of our control. We could learn and study them to learn how best to react, but this takes too much effort, easier to just create a God.
This is another example of how the MAGAverse thinks, and what excites it. It must be that his comments are just commonplace for most of these people. They now have a growing group of people in power who behave just like they do, at their level. The bar has been lowered and they're thrilled.

Do you remember the term "the Ugly American"? This is what it looks like.
What I find absolutely hilarious is that you think you're any different.
I think we do understand.

Same reason religion exist. Same reason people go get drunk, or high. Same reason people do a lot of things.

Reality is difficult, we have to deal with a lot of complex things and it's easier to make a fantasy world to simplify everything. Also to bring control to our lives.

We create a God and then we create ways in which to appease the God, and then all of a sudden we can control the world.

In the real world most things that happen are out of our control. We could learn and study them to learn how best to react, but this takes too much effort, easier to just create a God.
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