MATT DRUDGE Goes Off on Twitter Rampage It s the Night of the Republican Suicide

Are RHINOS the controlled opposition of Democrats?

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Finally. It looks like more & more Republicans are beginning to get it. Mitch McConnell and John Boehner are corrupt members of one big Globalist Elite club. Hence the numerous photos and videos out there showing them yukking it up with the Prez. It's like Lucy holding the football for Charlie Brown. She always pulls it away at the last second. But Charlie still keeps believing one day he'll get to kick the football.

That's the Republican 'Leadership' in a nutshell. They start out acting as if they're aggressively opposing. They get the base (Charlie Browns) all worked up, and then pull the football and go along. How many more times will the Charlie Browns try to kick that football? When will they all get the fact they're being screwed?
Seems to be the new way of doing things in DC...
Passing legislation without reading the fucking thing.
^^^ Thinks they used to read legislation.
There hasn't been an opposition to Obama his entire tenure. There's only been an illusion of one. He's gotten everything he wanted. And that was only achieved by the Republican 'Leadership' fully cooperating.

The awful Trade Deal, Iran Deal, and Patriot Act will be pushed through by the supposed Republican 'Opposition.' Bet on that. There is no Opposition. Time for Republicans to finally get that.
I'm looking for the roll call vote, but I can't seem to find it.

I didn't see which Republicans didn't vote, but I did see this.

"Every Republican who voted voted to advance fast-track. Democrats were split.

Democrats who backed advancing the bill included Michael Bennet of Colorado, Maria Cantwell of Washington, Thomas R. Carper of Delaware, Chris Coons of Delaware, Dianne Feinstein of California, Heidi Heitkamp of North Dakota, Tim Kaine of Virginia, Claire McCaskill of Missouri, Patty Murray of Washington, Bill Nelson of Florida, Jeanne Shaheen of New Hampshire, Mark Warner of Virginia and Ron Wyden of Oregon."

Senate Votes to Advance Fast-Track Trade Bill

In the words of Vladimir Lenin: "The best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves."

These days there's no difference between establishment RHINO Republicans, like Mcconnel and Boehner and a Democrat. They are Obama's Rubber Stamp on every major tyrannical issue, like spying on all americans and pushing through trade deals that cripple the United States.

Conservative internet mogul Matt Drudge unleashed on the Republican Party Friday after the GOP Congress gave Barack Obama sweeping new powers

The Republican Senate passed Obamatrade Friday without reading the bill.

MATT DRUDGE Goes Off on Twitter Rampage It s the Night of the Republican Suicide Alex Jones Infowars There s a war on for your mind

Vote out every RHINO.

Let me repeat the words of the Communist Dear Leader:
Lenin: "The best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves."

That's the RHINOS and establishment Republicans like Mccain, Graham, Mcconnel, etc.

They are Democrat agents, working to control the Democrat's opposition.

We should refer to them exclusively as "The Democrat controlled opposition" and they would be voted out in a single election cycle.


Since neither you nor Drudge gave an explanation, what I understand from the public discussion is that what they did was give Obama the right to negotiate a trade treaty and get an up or down vote.

Free trade is great for us, so I support that unless there is more too it. It's a way to get it past the Democrats without their burying it in Christmas tree amendments.

Maybe if you know more, you could clarify
Seems to be the new way of doing things in DC...
Passing legislation without reading the fucking thing.
^^^ Thinks they used to read legislation.

When the legislation was only a page or two (look at the original text in the Alien and Sedition Acts), they actually did read it.

There should be Constitutional Amendment to limit to length of all laws to 500 words. If you need more words, then write another law and get it passed the same way as the former.
There hasn't been an opposition to Obama his entire tenure. There's only been an illusion of one. He's gotten everything he wanted. And that was only achieved by the Republican 'Leadership' fully cooperating.

The awful Trade Deal, Iran Deal, and Patriot Act will be pushed through by the supposed Republican 'Opposition.' Bet on that. There is no Opposition. Time for Republicans to finally get that.

If any liberal can name one thing that RINOS didn't give Obama, let's hear it.

In the words of Vladimir Lenin: "The best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves."

These days there's no difference between establishment RHINO Republicans, like Mcconnel and Boehner and a Democrat. They are Obama's Rubber Stamp on every major tyrannical issue, like spying on all americans and pushing through trade deals that cripple the United States.

Conservative internet mogul Matt Drudge unleashed on the Republican Party Friday after the GOP Congress gave Barack Obama sweeping new powers

The Republican Senate passed Obamatrade Friday without reading the bill.

MATT DRUDGE Goes Off on Twitter Rampage It s the Night of the Republican Suicide Alex Jones Infowars There s a war on for your mind

Vote out every RHINO.

Let me repeat the words of the Communist Dear Leader:
Lenin: "The best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves."

That's the RHINOS and establishment Republicans like Mccain, Graham, Mcconnel, etc.

They are Democrat agents, working to control the Democrat's opposition.

We should refer to them exclusively as "The Democrat controlled opposition" and they would be voted out in a single election cycle.


If you really think this, you should vote for the most right-wing candidates possible in the primaries, and if they don't win the primaries, when a RINO ends up on the Republican ticket, either stay home, or don't vote for the Republican. Consider voting for the Constitution Party.
Meh this hurts the poor and middle class not me, eventually the retards will learn their lesson and stop electing Dem's and RINO's.
If you really think this, you should vote for the most right-wing candidates possible in the primaries, and if they don't win the primaries, when a RINO ends up on the Republican ticket, either stay home, or don't vote for the Republican. Consider voting for the Constitution Party.

Given the current selection of candidates, if it's not Paul or Cruz, then yes, I'm staying home.

“They are Democrat agents, working to control the Democrat's opposition.”

No, actually you're a delusional rightwing loon in need of mental health treatment.

This 'RINO' nonsense is also typical of the authoritarian right, where diversity and dissent won't be tolerated, and all must be compelled to conform to sanctioned conservative doctrine and dogma lest they be banished from the Party and branded as heretics.

It's utterly totalitarian.
I'm looking for the roll call vote, but I can't seem to find it.

I didn't see which Republicans didn't vote, but I did see this.

"Every Republican who voted voted to advance fast-track. Democrats were split.

Democrats who backed advancing the bill included Michael Bennet of Colorado, Maria Cantwell of Washington, Thomas R. Carper of Delaware, Chris Coons of Delaware, Dianne Feinstein of California, Heidi Heitkamp of North Dakota, Tim Kaine of Virginia, Claire McCaskill of Missouri, Patty Murray of Washington, Bill Nelson of Florida, Jeanne Shaheen of New Hampshire, Mark Warner of Virginia and Ron Wyden of Oregon."

Senate Votes to Advance Fast-Track Trade Bill
All of the conservative Democrats - I'm so shocked!
If you really think this, you should vote for the most right-wing candidates possible in the primaries, and if they don't win the primaries, when a RINO ends up on the Republican ticket, either stay home, or don't vote for the Republican. Consider voting for the Constitution Party.

Given the current selection of candidates, if it's not Paul or Cruz, then yes, I'm staying home.
^^^ Hillary thanks you.

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