MATT DRUDGE Goes Off on Twitter Rampage It s the Night of the Republican Suicide

Are RHINOS the controlled opposition of Democrats?

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Gold Member
Feb 16, 2013
In a dependant and enslaved country.

In the words of Vladimir Lenin: "The best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves."

These days there's no difference between establishment RHINO Republicans, like Mcconnel and Boehner and a Democrat. They are Obama's Rubber Stamp on every major tyrannical issue, like spying on all americans and pushing through trade deals that cripple the United States.

Conservative internet mogul Matt Drudge unleashed on the Republican Party Friday after the GOP Congress gave Barack Obama sweeping new powers

The Republican Senate passed Obamatrade Friday without reading the bill.

MATT DRUDGE Goes Off on Twitter Rampage It s the Night of the Republican Suicide Alex Jones Infowars There s a war on for your mind

Vote out every RHINO.

Let me repeat the words of the Communist Dear Leader:
Lenin: "The best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves."

That's the RHINOS and establishment Republicans like Mccain, Graham, Mcconnel, etc.

They are Democrat agents, working to control the Democrat's opposition.

We should refer to them exclusively as "The Democrat controlled opposition" and they would be voted out in a single election cycle.

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Drudge still exists?

What for? :dunno:

And what the fuck is a "RHINO"?
The Rhinoceros in the room. That should be their new animal symbol, instead of the Elephant. They are more than Leviathan sized, they are aggressive and dangerous too.


So you're horny? Is that the point?

You just dropped the letter H. Mr. H. will not be amused at that.

I'm guessing RHINO would be "Right Here Is Nutter Oratory".
Rino's are the compassionate progressive wing of the rebub's that fear their own shadow. The threat of being seen as out of step by mainstream media is synonymous to being controlled by the general consensus as interpreted by the media. Rino's favorite explanation " the key is to give up on the small social issues and focus on securing important agenda victories". They remind me of a captain of the ship that lets it sink only to save the log and ships bell regardless of the fact that the ships bell will sink just as fast. Easily manipulated and quick to capitulate, will say whatever is required to project the consensus of the audience. The Tea Party on the other hand is viewed as dangerous fanatic outspoken opponents to both the Dem's and belt way Rino's because they remain steadfast in their core beliefs of freedom and liberty and what constitutes the role of government, the very reason why they are seen as a threat by mainstream media, Rino's and Dem's. Heaven forbid a group would ever call into question the good old boys in mainstream politics. Sort of like the 60's disgust with the establishment, except now the establishment is the media, Dem's, and Rino's running the show.
It's RINO's; but yes. They all have back channels. They calculate their campaigns wherein selected Repubs put up their token opposition. Both sides get paid and the Democrat agenda marches forth. Bush Jr. demonstrated that all very well.
With Republican 'Friends' like Boehner & McConnell, who needs enemies? My God, laughing it up with the Prez while easing his disastrous Trade Deal, Iran Deal, and Patriot Act through?

Do Republicans still actually believe their 'Leaders' represent them? It's just one big Globalist Elite Club at this point. The Republican Party is dead.
Its not just Republicans that suffer from delusional representation syndrome resulting from the actions of their elected representatives, Democrats are notorious for turning the other cheek and asking for more of the same and keep electing fools to represent them.
Has it occurred to the OP and other clueless nitwits on the extreme right who agree with him on this 'RINO' nonsense that the reasons why you constitute such a small minority is because the American people have correctly rejected your extremism and because the American people have correctly rejected your errant, failed agenda.

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