Massacre in North Shropshire

Yes a marvelous day to be alive as the forces of darkness get smashed to fuck in a seat they have held for 200 years.

The Libs flooded the seat with wide eyed goofy loons and swept away the lacklustre tories in a massive blow to Johnson. Basically his government has a reverse midas effect and everything he touches turns to shit.

This is the end of Johnson, the end of populism and a long period on the naughty step for conservatism.

Join me and rejoice.

So.....Britain is going to vote for even more destruction....good to know, you new Russian overlords appreciate your incompetence...

Yes a marvelous day to be alive as the forces of darkness get smashed to fuck in a seat they have held for 200 years.

The Libs flooded the seat with wide eyed goofy loons and swept away the lacklustre tories in a massive blow to Johnson. Basically his government has a reverse midas effect and everything he touches turns to shit.

This is the end of Johnson, the end of populism and a long period on the naughty step for conservatism.

Join me and rejoice.

And now for a sane look as it relates to American Politics...

See, Boris Johnson heads a party called the “Conservatives,” but its establishment is not conservative in the current American sense, which is traditionalist/populist. It’s conservative in the Mitt Romney sense, which means rich guys with the same Eton/Cambridge (or Andover/Harvard here in the States) prejudices and inclinations that have led to everything being so totally screwed-up. They are more like American Democrats, except with silly accents and weirder kinks. A political chameleon as unencumbered any kind of ideological principle beyond “Does this help me?” as he is by standard hairstyling conventions, Boris got into office by defending Brexit, co-opting its energy, and dragging the Europhile elite along with him when the left tried to undo it. He crushed the Labour Party. But then he governed like an American Democrat. Climate hoax nonsense. Letting illegal aliens swamp the country. COVID panic. Oh, and his snobby minions decided to have a Christmas party after telling the country to cower alone last holiday season. Then they got caught on video snickering about it. Then they all lied about it.

Sound familiar?

Look, the UK and the US political situations are not a perfect match, but they are close enough that you should pay attention. A few years ago, the shocking – to the swells and toffs – Brexit vote predicted the populism that gave us Trump. Now, Boris has embraced the same upper crust frivolity, like weather panic and pretending illegal aliens have some sort of right to flaunt the will of the people, as our Dems have. Boris picked and chose a populist few fights, like Brexit and not kneeling for the BLM mob, but his loyalty is clearly to his class. Class conflict has always been a central feature of British culture, but make no mistake – America too is in a class war as our garbage gentry tries to make the working class submit to its fussy will.

Climate silliness, hugging crooks, inflating the currency, CRT – nobody but faculty lounge radicals, dumb college students, and frigid suburban wine women are eager for any of that nonsense, but that’s what our idiot ruling class is obsessed with. Everything is getting worse.


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