Mass Shooting Funerals: In Only One Week, The NRA Winners are Forgotten! Just how some MAGA!?

I wonder how the DEAD feels getting these words now?

DOi2QB6W0AIcfrc.jpg forgot the whole thing....

It is Thoughts, Prayers....and an AR-15 civilian rifle in the hands of an NRA instructor...since the police won't show up till the killer is stopped by the armed civilian...
One in say 8-10K, that's cowardly Gun Nutters for you.
Abortion and this has nothang to do with Mass Shootings.
The 6100 guns death does somewhat

btw. DOPer Moron. Abortions in America will NEVER stop.
If Roe is overturned. State by State can still do them.
Seems those states will be the winners, in Holiday Planning,
That would be a 217 Million boost to their state GDP.

btw2: Your numbers are way off. OOPS! Another MAGA DOPer Moment.
In 2013, 664,435 legal induced abortions were reported to CDC from 49 reporting areas.
The abortion rate for 2013 was 12.5 abortions per 1,000 women aged 15–44 years,
and the abortion ratio was 200 abortions per 1,000 live births.
So DOPer Moron, Let's try a little math. Education is about pride

So today There are some 326 to 345 million people in the USA. Some feel more.
About 51% are Female. So let us be fair and go with 160 Million Females.
So 160M Females /1000 = 160000 * 12.5= 2,000,000 Million Possible Goo Removals
per year.. Note: The Above is a rough total win for Amerca.

btw3: But we are getting 1.4 -1.7 Million plus each year, does seem possible.
WHEE! Reducing American Long-Term TAKERS Productions.
All American TaxPayers Save and FFS WIN!

btw4: This is not an Abortion thread Moron DOPer!

Btw5: It's still legal to kill yourself in many states.
Why do ALL Red States allow assisted suicide?
Them beer makers are killing Americans as co-conspirators/helpers,
Excessive alcohol use led to approximately 88,000 deaths in 2016.
CDC - Fact Sheets-Alcohol Use And Health - Alcohol
What liberal morons(redundant statement) like you don't realize is that all those mass shootings was because a liberal mentally ill "person" decided that life doesn't matter. So they went on a liberal rampage and shot up children at a school, movie theater viewers, congressional Republicans, young kids at a country western event, and most recently Christians at a church. If there is no sanctity of life for the born and unborn, why should a liberal regret taking life of those, later on in life?

Everyone of these liberals had mental problems..


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