Mass shooter psychology


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
Problem with shootings in the US isn't gun control laws, availability of guns, or anything of the sort. That's like blaming the car for a drunk driving accident, or the syringe in a heroin overdose. The problem lies in how we eagerly hyperfactionalize people in our country.

Instead of everyone being our fellow Americans we readily and seemingly very eagerly categorize ourselves into tiny cliques. Democrats and Republicans, Liberals or Conservatives, Christians or not-Christians, legal and illegal, etc. When you do that people not in your category become marginalized and less respected as fellow human beings and what happens to them up to, and including their being killed is much less objectionable than if to those in your own grouping.

The shooter's alledged question of what religion are you illustrates this well. He wanted to kill those not of his own faith, but not those of it.
Delta, you are a total fag. Plus, you are stupid, and other things that the mods will not let me say. I have developed a 4 step plan to substantially reduce mass shootings in America. Notice that I say "reduce" and not "eliminate", as you will never eliminate mass shootings in any country in the world regardless of the gun laws in each. Notwithstanding the general assumption about these events, they do occur in other places outside of the USA.

My plan will give you some actual insight to the fucked up mental states of these mass shooter. Here it is:

1. The media needs to stop glamorizing these shootings and making some kind of weird, dark heroes out of these shit stains. Almost everyone is heart broken when they hear about this shit. However, for potential mass shooters, they get their rocks off hearing these stories in the media. They aspire to have that level of media coverage because it gives them what they desire: attention, notoriety and legitimation.

2. Parents need to do a better job of vetting and preparing these twerps for society. ALL of the parents of these shooters KNOW that their offspring is malfunctioning. If they cannot get them fixed with therapy and drugs then they need to smother the little bastards with a pillow while they sleep.

3. Legalize prostitution. The overwhelming majority of these mass shooters are young, testosterone driven white males. However, it has NEVER been revealed that one of these shooters were excellent cocksmen in their personal lives. This is because bat-shit crazy is not a pussy magnet. But if you facilitate these looney fuckers getting laid, then maybe they will fucking relax, thereby draining them of their violent impulses. Let's face it, after a guy blows his load all he wants to do is watch "Mountain Monsters" until I fall asleep.

4. We need an armed citizenry. Everyone needs to be armed and trained on shooting accurately. These maggot mass shooters are basically cowards. Who else but a fucking coward walks around shooting innocent and unarmed people? However, if the shithead knows that his intended victims will return fire, then he is less likely to go through with his plan. In addition to the deterrent effect, there is also the matter of disposal. If their parents will not, or cannot, fix the outcast then we need to apply the principles of natural selection and remove the weakest members of the herd. Finally, it is just not cool to be taken out before your job is done. How inspiring will it be to a potential shooter to read the headline, "Potential Mass Shooter Taken Out By Cheerleader With Single Shot From Her .38. 'That Fag Fell Like A Stone', says Cheerleader.'l?

We do not need to fuck with gun control, or better mental health screening, or psycho babble bullshit. My plan will reduce these mass shootings by probably better than 90%. Delta is a layman who is full of wild speculations.
Problem with shootings in the US isn't gun control laws, availability of guns, or anything of the sort. That's like blaming the car for a drunk driving accident, or the syringe in a heroin overdose. The problem lies in how we eagerly hyperfactionalize people in our country.

Instead of everyone being our fellow Americans we readily and seemingly very eagerly categorize ourselves into tiny cliques. Democrats and Republicans, Liberals or Conservatives, Christians or not-Christians, legal and illegal, etc. When you do that people not in your category become marginalized and less respected as fellow human beings and what happens to them up to, and including their being killed is much less objectionable than if to those in your own grouping.

The shooter's alledged question of what religion are you illustrates this well. He wanted to kill those not of his own faith, but not those of it.

Well good on ya for figuring out that decades of gun control laws haven't prevented a damned thing and starting to look at root causes. Sorry man, but there are no easy answers. Freedom isn't pretty, but it's still better than being a serf or slave.
Delta, you are a total fag. Plus, you are stupid, and other things that the mods will not let me say. I have developed a 4 step plan to substantially reduce mass shootings in America. Notice that I say "reduce" and not "eliminate", as you will never eliminate mass shootings in any country in the world regardless of the gun laws in each. Notwithstanding the general assumption about these events, they do occur in other places outside of the USA.

My plan will give you some actual insight to the fucked up mental states of these mass shooter. Here it is:

1. The media needs to stop glamorizing these shootings and making some kind of weird, dark heroes out of these shit stains. Almost everyone is heart broken when they hear about this shit. However, for potential mass shooters, they get their rocks off hearing these stories in the media. They aspire to have that level of media coverage because it gives them what they desire: attention, notoriety and legitimation.

2. Parents need to do a better job of vetting and preparing these twerps for society. ALL of the parents of these shooters KNOW that their offspring is malfunctioning. If they cannot get them fixed with therapy and drugs then they need to smother the little bastards with a pillow while they sleep.

3. Legalize prostitution. The overwhelming majority of these mass shooters are young, testosterone driven white males. However, it has NEVER been revealed that one of these shooters were excellent cocksmen in their personal lives. This is because bat-shit crazy is not a pussy magnet. But if you facilitate these looney fuckers getting laid, then maybe they will fucking relax, thereby draining them of their violent impulses. Let's face it, after a guy blows his load all he wants to do is watch "Mountain Monsters" until I fall asleep.

4. We need an armed citizenry. Everyone needs to be armed and trained on shooting accurately. These maggot mass shooters are basically cowards. Who else but a fucking coward walks around shooting innocent and unarmed people? However, if the shithead knows that his intended victims will return fire, then he is less likely to go through with his plan. In addition to the deterrent effect, there is also the matter of disposal. If their parents will not, or cannot, fix the outcast then we need to apply the principles of natural selection and remove the weakest members of the herd. Finally, it is just not cool to be taken out before your job is done. How inspiring will it be to a potential shooter to read the headline, "Potential Mass Shooter Taken Out By Cheerleader With Single Shot From Her .38. 'That Fag Fell Like A Stone', says Cheerleader.'l?

We do not need to fuck with gun control, or better mental health screening, or psycho babble bullshit. My plan will reduce these mass shootings by probably better than 90%. Delta is a layman who is full of wild speculations.

It's unfortunate that in-between your angry raving you had some ideas I share. Gets lost in the transmission though when you behave like a little boy.
Delta, you are a total fag. Plus, you are stupid, and other things that the mods will not let me say. I have developed a 4 step plan to substantially reduce mass shootings in America. Notice that I say "reduce" and not "eliminate", as you will never eliminate mass shootings in any country in the world regardless of the gun laws in each. Notwithstanding the general assumption about these events, they do occur in other places outside of the USA.

My plan will give you some actual insight to the fucked up mental states of these mass shooter. Here it is:

1. The media needs to stop glamorizing these shootings and making some kind of weird, dark heroes out of these shit stains. Almost everyone is heart broken when they hear about this shit. However, for potential mass shooters, they get their rocks off hearing these stories in the media. They aspire to have that level of media coverage because it gives them what they desire: attention, notoriety and legitimation.

2. Parents need to do a better job of vetting and preparing these twerps for society. ALL of the parents of these shooters KNOW that their offspring is malfunctioning. If they cannot get them fixed with therapy and drugs then they need to smother the little bastards with a pillow while they sleep.

3. Legalize prostitution. The overwhelming majority of these mass shooters are young, testosterone driven white males. However, it has NEVER been revealed that one of these shooters were excellent cocksmen in their personal lives. This is because bat-shit crazy is not a pussy magnet. But if you facilitate these looney fuckers getting laid, then maybe they will fucking relax, thereby draining them of their violent impulses. Let's face it, after a guy blows his load all he wants to do is watch "Mountain Monsters" until I fall asleep.

4. We need an armed citizenry. Everyone needs to be armed and trained on shooting accurately. These maggot mass shooters are basically cowards. Who else but a fucking coward walks around shooting innocent and unarmed people? However, if the shithead knows that his intended victims will return fire, then he is less likely to go through with his plan. In addition to the deterrent effect, there is also the matter of disposal. If their parents will not, or cannot, fix the outcast then we need to apply the principles of natural selection and remove the weakest members of the herd. Finally, it is just not cool to be taken out before your job is done. How inspiring will it be to a potential shooter to read the headline, "Potential Mass Shooter Taken Out By Cheerleader With Single Shot From Her .38. 'That Fag Fell Like A Stone', says Cheerleader.'l?

We do not need to fuck with gun control, or better mental health screening, or psycho babble bullshit. My plan will reduce these mass shootings by probably better than 90%. Delta is a layman who is full of wild speculations.

It's unfortunate that in-between your angry raving you had some ideas I share. Gets lost in the transmission though when you behave like a little boy.

When YOU call someone a little boy it is extra creepy. In addition, it is too bad that you are such a fucking empty headed buffoon that my "anger" distracts you to the point where you are disabled from seeing a good idea when it is right in front of your eyes. You are crippled, boy - emotionally and intellectually.
Study of mass killers shows commonalities...

Psychiatrist: Mass Killers Have Much in Common
February 10, 2017 | WASHINGTON — Every two or three months there seems to be a mass killing somewhere. If it seems that these incidents are now more frequent, it’s because they are. A mass shooting, where at least three or four people are killed, happens about every 64 days in the U.S.
The Federal Bureau of Investigation and several prominent U.S. universities are collecting data on these crimes, including Harvard and Stanford, as are a number of forensic psychologists, such as J. Reid Meloy, a clinical professor of psychiatry at the University of California, San Diego, School of Medicine, and a faculty member of the San Diego Psychoanalytic Center. In a Skype interview with VOA, Meloy said things are evolving rapidly in the area of mass murder, regardless of weapon, and many of the cases involve lone actors.


A couple spend a quiet moment at a makeshift memorial honoring the victims of the Pulse nightclub mass shooting, June 20, 2016, in Orlando, Fla.​

That’s true in the mass killing January 31 in Quebec, when a 27-year-old man killed five worshipers at a mosque. It was also the case in Nice last Bastille Day (July 14) when a man driving a truck slammed into a crowd killing dozens of people, including children. In Orlando, Florida, last year, it was a lone gunman who opened fire at a nightclub killing 49 people. And the list goes on. Studies by the FBI, the Harvard School of Public Health, Stanford University and others show mass killings have tripled in the past few years. In the U.S., semi-automatic rifles are the preferred weapons.

Common traits

Meloy told VOA that “these individuals typically have more in common than they do in terms of differences.” He said mass killers often have a history of psychiatric problems. They have rocky intimate relationships. And the killings are a quest for status. In the Orlando nightclub shooting, Meloy said, the killer “attempted to burnish his reputation and perhaps inflate his notoriety by pledging allegiance during the mass murder itself, to two ideologically opposed groups. ... He pledged allegiance to a Sunni group as well as to Hezbollah, which is Shia. And they, of course, have been at war for 1,300 years.”

Meloy said even if the killers claim to act on behalf of a particular cause, that’s not necessarily the reason for their actions. “For individuals who carry out mass murders, oftentimes the pathway to violence begins with a personal grievance. It typically has three components to it. One is there’s some kind of loss; secondly, there’s the feeling of humiliation; then thirdly, there’s anger toward and blaming of a person or a group of people who have caused them to have this problem.”

Personal grievance

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