Shouldn't Mass Hysterectomies On ICE Detainees Be The Right Thing To Do?


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018

"Multiple legal advocacy groups filed a whistleblower complaint on Monday following allegations of mass hysterectomies being performed on migrant women at Immigration and Customs Enforcement and other "jarring medical neglect." Several women including Wooten came forward to tell Project South about what they felt was an excessive amount of inmates being subjected to hysterectomies. Many of the women who underwent the procedure were reportedly "confused" when asked to explain why they were getting the surgery. One detainee went as far as to compare the treatment to that of concentration camps. ICE declined to comment on the allegations in the complaint. But, Lasalle Corrections—which runs the Irwin County Detention Center—insists that it was following legal and ethical guidelines."

I remember when AOC used Anti-Semitic comments to attack ICE by claiming that ICE detention centers were like concentration camps -- and just like clockwork, you hear one of these filthy illegals trying to compare her hysterectomy to being in a concentration camp.

Trump warned all of us that caravans of brown scum was coming across our borders to destroy our way of life, he sounded the alarms -- it was a panic situation, but
Dems played it down and flat out lied about it -- because they want to destroy America -- so it was imperative that we do things like mass hysterectomies to prevent these filthy insects from breeding...As a poster said on here earlier about this story; these female detainees are not even human, so whatever we do to them is justified; dogs deserve better treatment than these sub-human animals...Obama wouldn't have the balls to do something like this -- and if this story begins to gain some real traction, then we can just say Obama did it's a win win...
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"Multiple legal advocacy groups filed a whistleblower complaint on Monday following allegations of mass hysterectomies being performed on migrant women at Immigration and Customs Enforcement and other "jarring medical neglect." Several women including Wooten came forward to tell Project South about what they felt was an excessive amount of inmates being subjected to hysterectomies. Many of the women who underwent the procedure were reportedly "confused" when asked to explain why they were getting the surgery. One detainee went as far as to compare the treatment to that of concentration camps. ICE declined to comment on the allegations in the complaint. But, Lasalle Corrections—which runs the Irwin County Detention Center—insists that it was following legal and ethical guidelines."

I remember when AOC used Anti-Semitic comments to attack ICE by claiming that ICE detention centers were like concentration camps -- and just like clockwork, you hear one of these filthy illegals trying to compare her hysterectomy to being in a concentration camp.

Trump warned all of us that caravans of brown scum was coming across our borders to destroy our way of life, he sounded the alarms -- it was a panic situation, but
Dems played it down and flat out lied about it -- because they want to destroy America -- so it was imperative that we do things like mass hysterectomies to prevent these filthy insects from breeding...As a poster said on here earlier about this story; these female detainees are not even human, so whatever we do them is justified; dogs deserve better treatment than these sub-human animals...Obama wouldn't have the balls to do something like this -- and if this story begins to gain some real traction, then we can just say Obama did it's a win win...
I have suggested that to stop the mass illegal immigration of those crossing our southern border, is to round up all illegals, (it is easy, because the left always wants to make US citizens with guns criminals and arrest them) take photos, fingerprints and DNA from each one, send them back to their country with a warning that if they come back again, they are then executed for being an invading army, and soon the illegal problem is solved. If the progs want to use themselves as human shields, then take a few of them, execute them as enemies of the state, and soon the progs would be put in line..
I do not believe that there are mass hysterectomies going on------the complaint is IDIOTIC----An hysterectomy is a DIFFICULT and very EXPENSIVE
procedure----its not like a tonsillectomy or a tooth
extraction. Furthermore----if impregnation is to be
avoided----there are easier ways to go about it. It
is possible that a few of the migrants are so naive that they imagine a pelvic exam is an hysterectomy

"Multiple legal advocacy groups filed a whistleblower complaint on Monday following allegations of mass hysterectomies being performed on migrant women at Immigration and Customs Enforcement and other "jarring medical neglect." Several women including Wooten came forward to tell Project South about what they felt was an excessive amount of inmates being subjected to hysterectomies. Many of the women who underwent the procedure were reportedly "confused" when asked to explain why they were getting the surgery. One detainee went as far as to compare the treatment to that of concentration camps. ICE declined to comment on the allegations in the complaint. But, Lasalle Corrections—which runs the Irwin County Detention Center—insists that it was following legal and ethical guidelines."

I remember when AOC used Anti-Semitic comments to attack ICE by claiming that ICE detention centers were like concentration camps -- and just like clockwork, you hear one of these filthy illegals trying to compare her hysterectomy to being in a concentration camp.

Trump warned all of us that caravans of brown scum was coming across our borders to destroy our way of life, he sounded the alarms -- it was a panic situation, but
Dems played it down and flat out lied about it -- because they want to destroy America -- so it was imperative that we do things like mass hysterectomies to prevent these filthy insects from breeding...As a poster said on here earlier about this story; these female detainees are not even human, so whatever we do them is justified; dogs deserve better treatment than these sub-human animals...Obama wouldn't have the balls to do something like this -- and if this story begins to gain some real traction, then we can just say Obama did it's a win win...
I'm going to need some evidence,.

The US has already been down this road and would absolutely not do a repeat.

"Multiple legal advocacy groups filed a whistleblower complaint on Monday following allegations of mass hysterectomies being performed on migrant women at Immigration and Customs Enforcement and other "jarring medical neglect." Several women including Wooten came forward to tell Project South about what they felt was an excessive amount of inmates being subjected to hysterectomies. Many of the women who underwent the procedure were reportedly "confused" when asked to explain why they were getting the surgery. One detainee went as far as to compare the treatment to that of concentration camps. ICE declined to comment on the allegations in the complaint. But, Lasalle Corrections—which runs the Irwin County Detention Center—insists that it was following legal and ethical guidelines."

I remember when AOC used Anti-Semitic comments to attack ICE by claiming that ICE detention centers were like concentration camps -- and just like clockwork, you hear one of these filthy illegals trying to compare her hysterectomy to being in a concentration camp.

Trump warned all of us that caravans of brown scum was coming across our borders to destroy our way of life, he sounded the alarms -- it was a panic situation, but
Dems played it down and flat out lied about it -- because they want to destroy America -- so it was imperative that we do things like mass hysterectomies to prevent these filthy insects from breeding...As a poster said on here earlier about this story; these female detainees are not even human, so whatever we do them is justified; dogs deserve better treatment than these sub-human animals...Obama wouldn't have the balls to do something like this -- and if this story begins to gain some real traction, then we can just say Obama did it's a win win...
I'm going to need some evidence,.

The US has already been down this road and would absolutely not do a repeat.
They must think this is China.

"Multiple legal advocacy groups filed a whistleblower complaint on Monday following allegations of mass hysterectomies being performed on migrant women at Immigration and Customs Enforcement and other "jarring medical neglect." Several women including Wooten came forward to tell Project South about what they felt was an excessive amount of inmates being subjected to hysterectomies. Many of the women who underwent the procedure were reportedly "confused" when asked to explain why they were getting the surgery. One detainee went as far as to compare the treatment to that of concentration camps. ICE declined to comment on the allegations in the complaint. But, Lasalle Corrections—which runs the Irwin County Detention Center—insists that it was following legal and ethical guidelines."

I remember when AOC used Anti-Semitic comments to attack ICE by claiming that ICE detention centers were like concentration camps -- and just like clockwork, you hear one of these filthy illegals trying to compare her hysterectomy to being in a concentration camp.

Trump warned all of us that caravans of brown scum was coming across our borders to destroy our way of life, he sounded the alarms -- it was a panic situation, but
Dems played it down and flat out lied about it -- because they want to destroy America -- so it was imperative that we do things like mass hysterectomies to prevent these filthy insects from breeding...As a poster said on here earlier about this story; these female detainees are not even human, so whatever we do them is justified; dogs deserve better treatment than these sub-human animals...Obama wouldn't have the balls to do something like this -- and if this story begins to gain some real traction, then we can just say Obama did it's a win win...

I need more evidence before I believe this. But if it is true it is horrific. Forced sterilization IS like being in a concentration camp without the eventual execution.

No, they are not "sub-human animals". They are people.

Ship them back? Sure! Forced hysterectomies? Absolutely NOT.
I do find it adorable when I see Trumpers say "we need more evidence" -- while simultaneously believing that Biden has hit squads around the nation training to overthrow the country.....

"Multiple legal advocacy groups filed a whistleblower complaint on Monday following allegations of mass hysterectomies being performed on migrant women at Immigration and Customs Enforcement and other "jarring medical neglect." Several women including Wooten came forward to tell Project South about what they felt was an excessive amount of inmates being subjected to hysterectomies. Many of the women who underwent the procedure were reportedly "confused" when asked to explain why they were getting the surgery. One detainee went as far as to compare the treatment to that of concentration camps. ICE declined to comment on the allegations in the complaint. But, Lasalle Corrections—which runs the Irwin County Detention Center—insists that it was following legal and ethical guidelines."

I remember when AOC used Anti-Semitic comments to attack ICE by claiming that ICE detention centers were like concentration camps -- and just like clockwork, you hear one of these filthy illegals trying to compare her hysterectomy to being in a concentration camp.

Trump warned all of us that caravans of brown scum was coming across our borders to destroy our way of life, he sounded the alarms -- it was a panic situation, but
Dems played it down and flat out lied about it -- because they want to destroy America -- so it was imperative that we do things like mass hysterectomies to prevent these filthy insects from breeding...As a poster said on here earlier about this story; these female detainees are not even human, so whatever we do them is justified; dogs deserve better treatment than these sub-human animals...Obama wouldn't have the balls to do something like this -- and if this story begins to gain some real traction, then we can just say Obama did it's a win win...
I'm going to need some evidence,.

The US has already been down this road and would absolutely not do a repeat.
They must think this is China.

I do find it adorable when I see Trumpers say "we need more evidence" -- while simultaneously believing that Biden has hit squads around the nation training to overthrow the country.....
No one here has alleged that

the democrats are soft on crime, and are pushing anti white hysteria

but biden is not a crime boss ordering hits on his enemies

"Multiple legal advocacy groups filed a whistleblower complaint on Monday following allegations of mass hysterectomies being performed on migrant women at Immigration and Customs Enforcement and other "jarring medical neglect." Several women including Wooten came forward to tell Project South about what they felt was an excessive amount of inmates being subjected to hysterectomies. Many of the women who underwent the procedure were reportedly "confused" when asked to explain why they were getting the surgery. One detainee went as far as to compare the treatment to that of concentration camps. ICE declined to comment on the allegations in the complaint. But, Lasalle Corrections—which runs the Irwin County Detention Center—insists that it was following legal and ethical guidelines."

I remember when AOC used Anti-Semitic comments to attack ICE by claiming that ICE detention centers were like concentration camps -- and just like clockwork, you hear one of these filthy illegals trying to compare her hysterectomy to being in a concentration camp.

Trump warned all of us that caravans of brown scum was coming across our borders to destroy our way of life, he sounded the alarms -- it was a panic situation, but
Dems played it down and flat out lied about it -- because they want to destroy America -- so it was imperative that we do things like mass hysterectomies to prevent these filthy insects from breeding...As a poster said on here earlier about this story; these female detainees are not even human, so whatever we do to them is justified; dogs deserve better treatment than these sub-human animals...Obama wouldn't have the balls to do something like this -- and if this story begins to gain some real traction, then we can just say Obama did it's a win win...
Sure and we should automatically perform vasectomies on all men with an IQ low enough to think performing surgery on women without their consent is a good thing.
I do find it adorable when I see Trumpers say "we need more evidence" -- while simultaneously believing that Biden has hit squads around the nation training to overthrow the country.....
No one here has alleged that

the democrats are soft on crime, and are pushing anti white hysteria

but biden is not a crime boss ordering hits on his enemies
No one has alleged Biden has hit squads??

Guess no one here has gotten the memo from the top HHS spokesperson yet....

I forgot that I am usually ahead of the propaganda that you Trumpers will be spewing 48 hrs later....I am sure you will get your talking points on how to spin Michael Caputo's dumb shit conspiracy theories
This is one of the most vile and despicable pieces that I have ever read. This could have been written by Josef Mengele himself.

Just watch how many of the posters who approve of this atrocity, assuming that it is happening, go to other threads to proclaim how religious they are.
I do find it adorable when I see Trumpers say "we need more evidence" -- while simultaneously believing that Biden has hit squads around the nation training to overthrow the country.....

I find it adorable that to Trumpers I am an America hating democrat, and to others I am a Trumper. I guess I am doing something right.

What I mean is that a whistleblower is the beginning of an investigation, not proof.
No one has alleged Biden has hit squads??
The person in your story did not name biden

he did accuse some career employees at CDC of anti trump bias

and complained about threats and harrassment toward his family
No one has alleged Biden has hit squads??
The person in your story did not name biden

he did accuse some career employees at CDC of anti trump bias

and complained about threats and harrassment toward his family
This is why I have zero respect for Trumpers....

For weeks on here I have seen you Trumpers on here literally claiming Biden is working with BLM and Antifa to plan riots and evidence...

For months I have seen you Trumpers on here literally claiming that Biden conspired with China to create COVID-19 in order to hurt evidence...

Now you want to play stupid when Trump's own HHS spokesperson spews conspiracy theory after conspiracy theory...with zero evidence...
For weeks on here I have seen you Trumpers on here literally claiming Biden is working with BLM and Antifa to plan riots and evidence...
No not literally

biden os soft on rioters but he cant organize very much in his reduced mental state

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