Marshall Foundation celebrating women in combat


Diamond Member
Dec 28, 2010
Western Va.
Personally I think the "citizen soldier" General George Marshall who was Chief of Staff during WW2 would roll over in his grave if he saw that his library is celebrating American women in combat. The issue seems to be left vs right. Lefties apparently think that it it's a concept of "fairness" to force female Service members to serve in combat. Why would any nation much less the only "super-power" left in the world think it's a good idea to allow (force?) it's female population serve in combat?
Women served in combat roles in every war we've ever been involved with, lad.

Read your nations history.
Yeah, ask the Army how the whole women in combat thing is working for them...they're working overtime to sweep all the rapes under the rug.

Put women in isolated, close quarters with men who are hyped up dealing with death every single day. Throw in a lack of surveillance or security...guess what you get? Madness.
Women do not belong in combat. Not on the battlefields of the military, nor anywhere else. The sole exception being in support or absence of her Father/Husband/Boyfriend/Etc... during some type of assault, robbery, etc....
More women love from Republicans.

I can't speak for Republicans but we Conservatives absolutely adore women. What we have no love for are those females who cannot or will not accept their proper role in life (feminists and the like). Nor do we have any place for males who won't accept their proper place either.
A country that puts women in combat situations should be ashamed rather than "celebrating" at the grave of a WW2 Soldier.
Do women have the capability to fight in combat? Yes.
Should women be put into combat? No.
Does that make me a sexist? No, it makes me, Cain.
Do women have the capability to fight in combat? Yes.
Should women be put into combat? No.
Does that make me a sexist? No, it makes me, Cain.

"The capability to fight in combat". We should be ashamed to even consider the concept.
Do women have the capability to fight in combat? Yes.
Should women be put into combat? No.
Does that make me a sexist? No, it makes me, Cain.

"The capability to fight in combat". We should be ashamed to even consider the concept.

I do not believe it is shameful to see women as capable of combat, I think it is shameful to have a woman fight your battles, but I think it is shameful for anyone to have someone else fight their battles. That is one reason I dislike politicians who encourage war, but are not willing to shed their own blood for their cause.
Yeah, ask the Army how the whole women in combat thing is working for them...they're working overtime to sweep all the rapes under the rug.

Put women in isolated, close quarters with men who are hyped up dealing with death every single day. Throw in a lack of surveillance or security...guess what you get? Madness.
It's debatable whether rape happens in the military at a rate significantly higher than the general population (instances of captured soldiers excluded)
Women do not belong in combat
Nobody does

First thing you've said in a while I agree with, JB, but true. Those who haven't been there, don't know how lucky they are. I wish those of us who already had the experience could fight all the wars, so the young wouldn't have to, but it doesn't work that way, so someone else always has to step up, when the next fight comes along. I suppose we could teach women to fight as coldly, savagely, and mercilessly as any man, but I'd rather not. There's little enough innocence left in the world as it is (even if it does lead many to a point of view contrary to mine).
For a woman to die in combat is horrendous

For a young man to die is cause for a parade and a bbq

"Horrendus", interesting choice of words to characterize the courage and heroism of an American Soldier who died in combat. It kind of sounds like the Westborough people. The preamble of the US Constitution states the duty of the government in a single sentence to "provide for the common defense". Women were protected from combat roles since civilization was established. Only left wing anarchists and ignorant sexist criminals would suggest using American women in combat roles and yet we are thanks to the most degenerate (Clinton) administration in history.
For a woman to die in combat is horrendous

For a young man to die is cause for a parade and a bbq

"Horrendus", interesting choice of words to characterize the courage and heroism of an American Soldier who died in combat. It kind of sounds like the Westborough people. The preamble of the US Constitution states the duty of the government in a single sentence to "provide for the common defense". Women were protected from combat roles since civilization was established. Only left wing anarchists and ignorant sexist criminals would suggest using American women in combat roles and yet we are thanks to the most degenerate (Clinton) administration in history.
It's always tragic to lose a soldier; the courage and honor that led to the loss makes it more so. It's not glorious, not on that level, just a sad sacrifice. Dying is easy; so is killing; it's living with the losses that's the hardest thing. Of all the things I had to do, the one I hated most, was writing that letter to a man's wife or parents, explaining why why I couldn't bring him back to them. If there are any right words for that, I never found them.

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