Mark Zuckerberg Disgusted With Social Media


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
The world is his oyster, wants to help eradicating all disease, good for him but stay away from education we have to many libtarts in that field already...
Mark Zuckerberg Disgusted With Social Media; Set To Leave Facebook Later This Year

(ET, Tuesday, March 14, 2017) - Mark Zuckerberg helped to create a whole new world when he unveiled Facebook in 2004. Barely 20 years old, the fresh faced college student knew he had something special with his technological find. But even this genius had no way to predict how Facebook would change the world.

“What Mark wanted most was to bring the world together. It’s not good enough if it brings along some people and leaves others behind.” And when it comes to using the platform he created to bully or disparage others, Zuckerberg is completely disgusted. “He hates the way some users utilize the platform to bring others down or even to circulate false accounts of events or history.”

While Facebook itself begins a new chapter in harnessing its platform for the betterment of society, focusing on remaking the site in order to offer global connectedness while fighting isolationism and social ills. Although a manifesto recently released by Zuckerberg himself outlines a long-term plan by his company to revamp the site and “focus on social infrastructure for the community for supporting us, for keeping us safe, for informing us, for civic engagement, and for inclusion of all,” many behind the scenes say that the Facebook founder has no intention of being a part of the changes and will announce his exit from Facebook in the coming months.

Since marrying wife Priscilla Chan M.D., in 2012, Zuckerberg has discovered a new passion: for eradicating disease and living a healthier lifestyle. A pediatrician who specializes in childhood disease, Chan convinced her husband last year to fund the Chan-Zuckerberg initiative, whose main focus is health and education. The initiative has also cited a long-term goal of working towards eradicating all disease by the end of the 21st century.


Zuckerberg wants to focus on helping people
He sounds conflicted about facebook's role in electing Trump, who he doubtless considers too Authoritarian. Maybe he needs to take another beijing smog-jog to clear his head.
So, FB will actually allow posts to be shared with all on one's friends list now or no?

They won't censor a post if they don't think it's PC?

Hmm, I have my doubts.

To me, I'd bet Zuckerberg is at the forefront of Commie-indoctrinated youth of the American education system as it stands today.

I could ask him a few questions and gauge his reactions to find out.
Oppenheimer is disgusted with how the bomb was used.:rolleyes:

We had Myspace which was anonymous for obvious reasons. As soon as I heard of Facebook I immediately thought, why would I want anyone I know to meet each other?

That's the first thing I thought.

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