Mark Cuban for President


Diamond Member
Jun 1, 2013
Everywhere needed
There is more and more talk around the country of Mark Cuban running for President.

Should we start a conversation on him yet?

(If there's already a thread on this, please discard this one)
Cuban would be a great president, if he's even interested in the job. Absolute baller. He's actually worth more than all of the other sharks combined.
Cuban would be a great president, if he's even interested in the job. Absolute baller. He's actually worth more than all of the other sharks combined.

You amaze with your indepth content.....:rolleyes:

WHY would Cuban be a great President? WTF is a "baller"? What does his "worth" have to do with being a good President? Geez!
There is more and more talk around the country of Mark Cuban running for President.

Should we start a conversation on him yet?

(If there's already a thread on this, please discard this one)
He's as qualified as the one we got now...
Cuban would be a great president, if he's even interested in the job. Absolute baller. He's actually worth more than all of the other sharks combined.

You amaze with your indepth content.....:rolleyes:

WHY would Cuban be a great President? WTF is a "baller"? What does his "worth" have to do with being a good President? Geez!

I didn't realize I had to write a goddamn thesis in this thread. Isn't this just a casual thread? Relax.

His net worth has nothing to do with being a good president, I just thought I'd mention it. If you don't know what a baller is, grandpa...then I don't know what to tell you.
Cuban always seems defensive and butthurt. The best sharks are Lori and Daymond IMO! With Lori you are guaranteed quality exposure and with Daymond you have someone been there done that and will get it made somewhere, somehow. The others want to dick around with legalities that stifle the creative process.
I didn't realize I had to write a goddamn thesis in this thread. Isn't this just a casual thread? Relax.

His net worth has nothing to do with being a good president, I just thought I'd mention it. If you don't know what a baller is, grandpa...then I don't know what to tell you.

If you can't stand the should not be on political forums.....squid :poke:
Cuban used to be cool, now he's a guy who doesn't know what he wants to be when he grows up. It's almost as if he is jealous that Trump could actually win the presidency and he wants to try the same.

There is one path to the presidency and Cuban won't win it. He isn't going to win the Rustbelt and his anti-Trump efforts and poor judgement that the "sky will fall if Trump wins" doesn't bode well for him, it shows that he is out of touch. He would be mercilessly attacked and would have his life opened up from his pure luckbox timing of the sale of his old company that made him rich, to his rants on the NBA court. That is only the nice stuff. Wait until the secret videos and audio come out, he would cry uncle after a month.

I like him as a sports owner, other than that, I don't have much interest in what he has to say. I'm certain there are quite a few who share this perspective. If NAFTA is dealt with, jobs return in record numbers and tax rates cut while the stock market flies, what is Cuban going to tout as a platform of improvement?

The next election is Trumps to lose as long as he keeps his promises, there is no human who can win if Trump does this. That's my prediction and I'm sticking to it.
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