Many Japanese Understand The Bomb Was A Mixed Blessing


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts

The usual refrain is that dropping the bomb saved the lives of millions.

The primary benefit of the bomb was it ended the war sooner.

Ended it before the Russians could invade and turn parts of Japan communist.

Russia would have invaded Japan and then set up another Iron Curtain and spent decades decimating the Japanese. Luckily they didn't....and the Japanese had the help of the United States to turn them into a peaceful flourishing society.

Does anyone disagree with that assessment?

Oh....yes.....communist/Democrats do.

15 Things to Do in Hiroshima

The usual refrain is that dropping the bomb saved the lives of millions.

The primary benefit of the bomb was it ended the war sooner.

Ended it before the Russians could invade and turn parts of Japan communist.

Russia would have invaded Japan and then set up another Iron Curtain and spent decades decimating the Japanese. Luckily they didn't....and the Japanese had the help of the United States to turn them into a peaceful flourishing society.

Does anyone disagree with that assessment?

Oh....yes.....communist/Democrats do.

15 Things to Do in Hiroshima

I think you should get your hallucinogens tested.

"Russia" (the USSR) was fighting for its survival, was in NO position to "invade Japan" after its decimation in Europe, was coaxed into an alliance with the US, and then Truman jumped the gun anyway. FFS where do you get your history? Dell comics?
If you've ever seen the map of the USA plans to invade japan...YES...the 2 nukes save COUNTLESS millions!

How many died total between fat man & little boy? 10's of thousands?


The usual refrain is that dropping the bomb saved the lives of millions.

The primary benefit of the bomb was it ended the war sooner.

Ended it before the Russians could invade and turn parts of Japan communist.

Russia would have invaded Japan and then set up another Iron Curtain and spent decades decimating the Japanese. Luckily they didn't....and the Japanese had the help of the United States to turn them into a peaceful flourishing society.

Does anyone disagree with that assessment?

Oh....yes.....communist/Democrats do.

15 Things to Do in Hiroshima

I think you should get your hallucinogens tested.

"Russia" (the USSR) was fighting for its survival, was in NO position to "invade Japan" after its decimation in Europe, was coaxed into an alliance with the US, and then Truman jumped the gun anyway. FFS where do you get your history? Dell comics?
I don't get it from YOUR communist state approved media......that's for sure.

"In the wee hours of Aug. 24, 1945, Soviet long-range bombers would take off from their air base not far from the Far Eastern port of Vladivostok and fly east, across the Sea of Japan, dropping lethal payloads on the northern Japanese island of Hokkaido. At 5 a.m. that morning, two Soviet regiments would storm their way onshore, followed, in two hours, by a larger force. Within days, two infantry divisions would sweep across northern Hokkaido, cutting the island in half.

That was the rough battle plan drawn up by the commander of the Soviet Pacific Fleet, Adm. Ivan Yumashev, at the end of World War II for occupying Hokkaido. Troops were on standby. Submarines were ordered to the Hokkaido coast for reconnaissance in preparation for land invasion, and had even started sinking Japanese ships (tragically, just refugee boats fleeing Soviet operations on nearby Sakhalin Island). The Soviets had by then occupied southern Sakhalin and were mopping up the remnants of the Japanese along the Kuril island chain that stretched from Hokkaido to the Kamchatka Peninsula, in Russia’s far northeast. Although the Red Army was not as experienced as the Americans with landing operations, this Soviet “D-Day” in Hokkaido would’ve been a walkover — the Japanese army was in shambles, and Emperor Hirohito had recently proclaimed defeat.

Japan’s second-largest island, roughly the size of Maine, Hokkaido was of huge strategic significance. Joseph Stalin’s possession of the island would turn the vast Sea of Okhotsk into a Soviet lake, and ease the projection of Soviet naval power into the Pacific. Stalin had his eyes on a big prize. The detailed Soviet operational plans, published Wednesday by the Wilson Center in the full English translation for the first time, show that all the pieces had been put in place for a swift Soviet occupation.

All that was missing was a final go-ahead from Stalin.

All that was missing was a final go-ahead from Stalin. On Aug. 16 the Soviet leader asked U.S. President Harry S. Truman to acquiesce in this “modest wish” or risk offending “Russian public opinion.” Although just months earlier, the U.S. War Department had considered letting the Soviets occupy Hokkaido and even part of Honshu, Japan’s largest island, Hiroshima had clearly changed things for Truman. Possession of a mighty new weapon gave Truman the confidence to set the terms of his relationship with Stalin. On Aug. 18, Truman bluntly turned Uncle Joe down. Stalin procrastinated, weighing the pros and cons. Two days before the planned Aug. 24 landing on Hokkaido, he called off the operation."​


Did Hiroshima Save Japan From Soviet Occupation?

Soviet–Japanese War - Wikipedia
Everyone would be surprised how many historic events have been twisted by the left into blaming America, .....when in fact, losing a war to US was the best thing that happened to countries like Germany and Japan.
Yes, many people agree that dropping the A-bomb saved many Japanese and American lives that would have been lost in case of an Allied invasion of the homeland.

Many people also feel that Emperor Hirohito was not the figurehead that General MacArthur made him out to be. They feel that His Majesty should have at least abdicated. (Putting him on trial may have, indeed, made it harder to get the Japanese to cooperate with the Allies.)

Bottom line: If the A-bombs saved one American life, then it was (sadly) worth using.
Obviously, nobody can know for sure what would have happened had we not dropped the bomb on Japan, but the bottom line is, don't want to get nuked? Don't bomb Pearl Harbor. End of story. Why anyone thinks the U.S. would have to apologize for that is beyond me.
Luckily they didn't....and the Japanese had the help of the United States to turn them into a peaceful flourishing society.

You forgot Iran, Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, Kuwait, Libya, Argentina, Brazil, Chile, El Salvador, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Panama ,Cambodia , Laos & Vietnam....

I can see a justification for Hiroshima
Not Nagasaki
Japan should have been wiped off the map for the atrocities they committed but the benevolent US rebuilt their country for them.

The Japs, just like the Krauts were assholes. Like major league assholes.

We had to kick their ass before they could be convinced to play nice.

Nobody should bitch about how we kicked their ass. They had it coming to them.
I can see a justification for Hiroshima
Not Nagasaki
The Japanese had a problem with the military after Hiroshima.
They wouldn't agree to a surrender.
They claimed we only had one we dropped another one.

We only gave them three days.
As it was, we only had two

But in six months, we had a shitload of nukes.
Once we successfully tested the bomb in July 1944, the war was over. There was no longer any need to invade.

The only question was, how were we going to demonstrate our new toy.
I can see a justification for Hiroshima
Not Nagasaki
The Japanese had a problem with the military after Hiroshima.
They wouldn't agree to a surrender.
They claimed we only had one we dropped another one.

We only gave them three days.
As it was, we only had two

But in six months, we had a shitload of nukes.
Once we successfully tested the bomb in July 1944, the war was over. There was no longer any need to invade.

The only question was, how were we going to demonstrate our new toy.
War is Hell.

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