Manufacturing Not Coming Back from China


Diamond Member
Sep 29, 2005
Surfing the Oceans of Liquidity
At least not yet.

Very few US companies are planning to bring their manufacturing back from China. A few are planning to move out of China to other non-US locations, but not much.


The Daily Shot: Sudden Dip in Confidence Poses Risks to Consumer Spending
Plenty of cheap labor available in Central America and a lot closer than China.
Manufacturing jobs will return when America's standard of living collapses
At least not yet.

Very few US companies are planning to bring their manufacturing back from China. A few are planning to move out of China to other non-US locations, but not much.

View attachment 277122

The Daily Shot: Sudden Dip in Confidence Poses Risks to Consumer Spending

It will take time. As America First expands, it will be like the 1980's where citizens will start consciously looking at where a particular product is made in. They will then decide to support local manufacturing as much as possible, especially as wages rise.

The Japanese and Chinese citizens do this, as do the Germans. Americans and Canadians should as well.

I'm not going to expect all things made locally. You want to make socks, clothes and other low value garbage overseas, ok. But technology, vehicles, industrial applications. High value products and that which you need to be dependent on, or can spy on you? I want that build locally, at least to a higher percentage, and especially the critical components.
At least not yet.

Very few US companies are planning to bring their manufacturing back from China. A few are planning to move out of China to other non-US locations, but not much.

View attachment 277122

The Daily Shot: Sudden Dip in Confidence Poses Risks to Consumer Spending
Find a way-its worth it
Find American factory workers willing to work for $500 a month and you’re good to go.
American workers with automation can't be beat
At least not yet.

Very few US companies are planning to bring their manufacturing back from China. A few are planning to move out of China to other non-US locations, but not much.

View attachment 277122

The Daily Shot: Sudden Dip in Confidence Poses Risks to Consumer Spending

It will take time. As America First expands, it will be like the 1980's where citizens will start consciously looking at where a particular product is made in. They will then decide to support local manufacturing as much as possible, especially as wages rise.

The Japanese and Chinese citizens do this, as do the Germans. Americans and Canadians should as well.

I'm not going to expect all things made locally. You want to make socks, clothes and other low value garbage overseas, ok. But technology, vehicles, industrial applications. High value products and that which you need to be dependent on, or can spy on you? I want that build locally, at least to a higher percentage, and especially the critical components.

That means higher taxes.
Plenty of cheap labor available in Central America and a lot closer than China.

Put in El Salvador and Guatemala so their citizens will stay there...

At least not yet.

Very few US companies are planning to bring their manufacturing back from China. A few are planning to move out of China to other non-US locations, but not much.

View attachment 277122

The Daily Shot: Sudden Dip in Confidence Poses Risks to Consumer Spending

You may not know this but there are manufacturing jobs here in America and if you did a search just in the Houston area you would discover a need for machine operators fro Houston to San Antonio ...
Manufacturing jobs will return when America's standard of living collapses
We are following the path of Britain. In the 19th century Britain averaged close to 2% growth and was a crude social benefit leader of the world back then. It too the United States a century to overtake Britain. And by the beginning of the 20th century we were the richest nation in the world. But we were not willing to be the military leader at that time. Britain limped along until WW2 then we took over. Our growth is eerily close to what Britain was in the 19th century. And the next nation getting ready to flex its muscle is China at this point. Negatives to world peace is a different language and we still had 2 world wars with Britain passing the baton to us and we both speak English. And China has a lot of people to take care of. Which also opens them up to build the products for themselves first as their middle class matures. They are building their military at warp speed. We are having problems with the newest weapon hardware and are improving old technology items. We are building more Arleigh Burke class destroyers that are at least 35 year old designs because we coud not get the bugs out of the new Zumwalt class destroyer. We have a new aircraft carrier design that has had a skeleton crew on it for at least a few years because we can not get the bugs out of it. We built a ship called the Littoral Combat Ship that has been nicknamed the Little Crappy Ship. The F 35 is the most expensive fighting jet aircraft in our history and still has many bugs in it. We have a new aerial refueling tanker that has flaws in it. Just some of the issues that has cost us hundreds of billions of dollars in cost over runs and over some decades trillions and trillions of dollars we do not know what happened to on defense. We may still be ahead of China. But they have purpose and goals to be the world power. The greatest gift we had/have is location and we have opened up our Southern border into a sieve. So standard of living is tangible and fleeting in this modern world.
Manufacturing jobs will return when America's standard of living collapses
We are following the path of Britain. In the 19th century Britain averaged close to 2% growth and was a crude social benefit leader of the world back then. It too the United States a century to overtake Britain. And by the beginning of the 20th century we were the richest nation in the world. But we were not willing to be the military leader at that time. Britain limped along until WW2 then we took over. Our growth is eerily close to what Britain was in the 19th century. And the next nation getting ready to flex its muscle is China at this point. Negatives to world peace is a different language and we still had 2 world wars with Britain passing the baton to us and we both speak English. And China has a lot of people to take care of. Which also opens them up to build the products for themselves first as their middle class matures. They are building their military at warp speed. We are having problems with the newest weapon hardware and are improving old technology items. We are building more Arleigh Burke class destroyers that are at least 35 year old designs because we coud not get the bugs out of the new Zumwalt class destroyer. We have a new aircraft carrier design that has had a skeleton crew on it for at least a few years because we can not get the bugs out of it. We built a ship called the Littoral Combat Ship that has been nicknamed the Little Crappy Ship. The F 35 is the most expensive fighting jet aircraft in our history and still has many bugs in it. We have a new aerial refueling tanker that has flaws in it. Just some of the issues that has cost us hundreds of billions of dollars in cost over runs and over some decades trillions and trillions of dollars we do not know what happened to on defense. We may still be ahead of China. But they have purpose and goals to be the world power. The greatest gift we had/have is location and we have opened up our Southern border into a sieve. So standard of living is tangible and fleeting in this modern world.

Oh, well.

Que lastima
Manufacturing Not Coming Back from China
Who would ever have imagined that it would - or even could?
Once established elsewhere, inertia tends to apply. Then, with tech and robots, the jobs themselves tend to evaporate.
China has played a scenario that should have been foreseen. Operating as a centrally-controlled entity, it has take the fullest advantage of the world-wide, tamed capitalist system and out-played the very most capitalist.
Manufacturing Not Coming Back from China
Who would ever have imagined that it would - or even could?
Once established elsewhere, inertia tends to apply. Then, with tech and robots, the jobs themselves tend to evaporate.
China has played a scenario that should have been foreseen. Operating as a centrally-controlled entity, it has take the fullest advantage of the world-wide, tamed capitalist system and out-played the very most capitalist.

Too simple. China’s growth has depended upon exporting manufactured goods too heavily for too long. A single beam cannot support an entire house. China is at the point now where they must develop a robust domestic market or face significant consequences.
Manufacturing jobs will return when America's standard of living collapses
We are following the path of Britain. In the 19th century Britain averaged close to 2% growth and was a crude social benefit leader of the world back then. It too the United States a century to overtake Britain. And by the beginning of the 20th century we were the richest nation in the world. But we were not willing to be the military leader at that time. Britain limped along until WW2 then we took over. Our growth is eerily close to what Britain was in the 19th century. And the next nation getting ready to flex its muscle is China at this point. Negatives to world peace is a different language and we still had 2 world wars with Britain passing the baton to us and we both speak English. And China has a lot of people to take care of. Which also opens them up to build the products for themselves first as their middle class matures. They are building their military at warp speed. We are having problems with the newest weapon hardware and are improving old technology items. We are building more Arleigh Burke class destroyers that are at least 35 year old designs because we coud not get the bugs out of the new Zumwalt class destroyer. We have a new aircraft carrier design that has had a skeleton crew on it for at least a few years because we can not get the bugs out of it. We built a ship called the Littoral Combat Ship that has been nicknamed the Little Crappy Ship. The F 35 is the most expensive fighting jet aircraft in our history and still has many bugs in it. We have a new aerial refueling tanker that has flaws in it. Just some of the issues that has cost us hundreds of billions of dollars in cost over runs and over some decades trillions and trillions of dollars we do not know what happened to on defense. We may still be ahead of China. But they have purpose and goals to be the world power. The greatest gift we had/have is location and we have opened up our Southern border into a sieve. So standard of living is tangible and fleeting in this modern world.

You underestimate how far ahead of China we are militarily, and the massive demographic crisis looming over them.

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