Manufactured Racism by Blacks

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Platinum Member
Sep 10, 2009
Los Angeles CA
More manufactured racism! A black student spray painted "KKK "and "Nigg@r" all over the school. What the fuck is wrong with these clowns? Black Lives Matter!! Hands Up Don't Shoot!! and hundreds of others like this. All based on lies......

Apparently when they can't find any "real" racism, they go out and and create it!

Police have charged a former Eastern Michigan University student over three incidents of vandalism that targeted African-Americans, including the spray-painting of ‘KKK’ and ‘n*gger,’ and the command to “leave” the school.


On Tuesday, the university was shaken when police announced the suspect was Eddie Curlin, an African-American. A preliminary hearing is set for November 9.

“To know that it was a person of color is hurtful,” Jaiquae Rodwell told the Eastern Echo, the university newspaper. “As a black student, to know that another black person is using the N-word in a negative way is embarrassing.”

Curlin was arraigned on three counts of malicious destruction of property, four counts of identity theft, and one count of using a computer to commit a crime, all related to vandalism incidents that took place on the Eastern Michigan University campus in the fall of 2016.

Aesop's fables are probably too racist to be shared with the 'me' peeps who believe they must create an issue instead of dealing with real one's that are existing already.

It's funny to read the older articles about EMU's racist graffiti, full of pearl clutching and virtue signalling.

This "hate crime" will remain on SPLC's list, no retraction. Soon everyone will forget who the perpetrator was and leftists will use this incident as another example of white supremacy on the rise in "trumps' america" so I guess mission accomplished.
I have to laugh at this. It's so stupid. This one black person does this and now racism by whites is made up.
It's funny to read the older articles about EMU's racist graffiti, full of pearl clutching and virtue signalling.

This "hate crime" will remain on SPLC's list, no retraction. Soon everyone will forget who the perpetrator was and leftists will use this incident as another example of white supremacy on the rise in "trumps' america" so I guess mission accomplished.

Nah, I doubt it. Sane people know the difference between this and Charlottesville.
racists everywhere..racism everywhere
there's a story about it almost everyday
U.S. black rights group warns travelers off American Airlines

Just some months ago, the NAACP issued a travel warning to blacks about driving in Missouri. If they didn't have sh1t for brains, they' be embarrassed at how stupid they're acting... except colored people calls for a boycott will yield loot from American Airlines. F1cking shi1t-skinned shakedown thieves.
More manufactured racism! A black student spray painted "KKK "and "Nigg@r" all over the school. What the fuck is wrong with these clowns? Black Lives Matter!! Hands Up Don't Shoot!! and hundreds of others like this. All based on lies......

Apparently when they can't find any "real" racism, they go out and and create it!

Police have charged a former Eastern Michigan University student over three incidents of vandalism that targeted African-Americans, including the spray-painting of ‘KKK’ and ‘n*gger,’ and the command to “leave” the school.


On Tuesday, the university was shaken when police announced the suspect was Eddie Curlin, an African-American. A preliminary hearing is set for November 9.

“To know that it was a person of color is hurtful,” Jaiquae Rodwell told the Eastern Echo, the university newspaper. “As a black student, to know that another black person is using the N-word in a negative way is embarrassing.”

Curlin was arraigned on three counts of malicious destruction of property, four counts of identity theft, and one count of using a computer to commit a crime, all related to vandalism incidents that took place on the Eastern Michigan University campus in the fall of 2016.

It's not all based on lies.

Of the 802 black Americans we asked, almost all said they believe discrimination against black Americans exists today.

How Black Americans See Discrimination
More manufactured racism! A black student spray painted "KKK "and "Nigg@r" all over the school. What the fuck is wrong with these clowns? Black Lives Matter!! Hands Up Don't Shoot!! and hundreds of others like this. All based on lies......

Apparently when they can't find any "real" racism, they go out and and create it!

Police have charged a former Eastern Michigan University student over three incidents of vandalism that targeted African-Americans, including the spray-painting of ‘KKK’ and ‘n*gger,’ and the command to “leave” the school.


On Tuesday, the university was shaken when police announced the suspect was Eddie Curlin, an African-American. A preliminary hearing is set for November 9.

“To know that it was a person of color is hurtful,” Jaiquae Rodwell told the Eastern Echo, the university newspaper. “As a black student, to know that another black person is using the N-word in a negative way is embarrassing.”

Curlin was arraigned on three counts of malicious destruction of property, four counts of identity theft, and one count of using a computer to commit a crime, all related to vandalism incidents that took place on the Eastern Michigan University campus in the fall of 2016.

More than half of whites — 55 percent — surveyed say that, generally speaking, they believe there is discrimination against white people in America today. Hershman's view is similar to what was heard on the campaign trail at Trump rally after Trump rally. Donald Trump catered to white grievance during the 2016 presidential campaign and has done so as president as well.

Notable, however, is that while a majority of whites in the poll say discrimination against them exists, a much smaller percentage say that they have actually experienced it. Also important to note is that 84 percent of whites believe discrimination exists against racial and ethnic minorities in America today.

Majority Of White Americans Say They Believe Whites Face Discrimination
racists everywhere..racism everywhere
there's a story about it almost everyday
U.S. black rights group warns travelers off American Airlines

Just some months ago, the NAACP issued a travel warning to blacks about driving in Missouri. If they didn't have sh1t for brains, they' be embarrassed at how stupid they're acting... except colored people calls for a boycott will yield loot from American Airlines. F1cking shi1t-skinned shakedown thieves.

Be black and drive in some of those places in Missouri before your run your mouth. I lived in Kansas City and I know about a lot of those places. There ain't no loot to be yield if you ain't practicing racism. There ain't no shake downs going on white piece of shit.
I have to laugh at this. It's so stupid. This one black person does this and now racism by whites is made up.
Do you really think this is one isolated and singular example of fabricated "racism?" This largely undefined "racism" nonsense has since the mid-1960s developed into an increasingly intensive brainwash of America's White population in which the mainstream media is imperceptibly but effectively playing a major role.

What actual examples of White "racism" can you cite?
I have to laugh at this. It's so stupid. This one black person does this and now racism by whites is made up.
Do you really think this is one isolated and singular example of fabricated "racism?" This largely undefined "racism" nonsense has since the mid-1960s developed into an increasingly intensive brainwash of America's White population in which the mainstream media is imperceptibly but effectively playing a major role.

What actual examples of White "racism" can you cite?

These threads and the majority of the comments by whites therein.

So while you can tell me how white racism doesn't exist, I bet you can pull up a kinds of examples of things you think are black racism. The MSM has nothing to do with anything. But that's what you have been brainwashed to believe.
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