Mano a mano.


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

With Biden and Ryan, “what you see is what you get.” Biden smiles and Ryan frowns. And they are long standing and permanent traits in both. Anyone who knows Biden, knows that smile and it’s who Biden is. Biden is keeping it real. Ryan’s frown is permanent also and it reflect pain as if he was constipated.
Bret Baier; “No one is going to cast their vote based on Biden and Ryan.” The hell they will. They are a part of a Romney/Obama team. Cheney was Bush’s number one advisor. Depends on who would you rather have facing China, Russia, Iran, N. Korea, etc, Ryan with or Biden. I voted for Obama in 08’ because of Biden and against McCain because of Palin. I’ve known Biden longer than I have known Obama.
What you see is what you get and I like what I see and hear in Biden/Obama. I question what I see and hear in Romney/Ryan. Way too many lies.
Only complaint Foxnews and the Right have against Biden is his demeanor and his facial expressions when he was frustrated by Ryan’s continuing lies. People frown when they are in pain and Biden put a hurting on Ryan. High five. Biden’s smile is a trade mark, a Gucci original. High five.
Ps. Special message to Obama. Come Tuesday, Obama need to open that can of “whoop ass” on Romney. “Making nice” don’t get the job done when you are in a cave of wolves that will eat you alive.
Ps. Pat Smith; The investigation is ongoing and when the truth comes out, you will be among the first to get it. And stop being used by Foxnews.and the ambulance chaser, Jeanine Pirro. Steven was a big man, he could have evacuated with the others.
911 in 2001 could have been prevented. Bush ignored multiple warnings. Where was Issa, his rope and matches that the got from Foxnews after 911 and Operation Wide Receiver. “When you’re White, you’re right, when you’re right, you are White.”

With Biden and Ryan, “what you see is what you get.” Biden smiles and Ryan frowns. And they are long standing and permanent traits in both. Anyone who knows Biden, knows that smile and it’s who Biden is. Biden is keeping it real. Ryan’s frown is permanent also and it reflect pain as if he was constipated.
Bret Baier; “No one is going to cast their vote based on Biden and Ryan.” The hell they will. They are a part of a Romney/Obama team. Cheney was Bush’s number one advisor. Depends on who would you rather have facing China, Russia, Iran, N. Korea, etc, Ryan with or Biden. I voted for Obama in 08’ because of Biden and against McCain because of Palin. I’ve known Biden longer than I have known Obama.
What you see is what you get and I like what I see and hear in Biden/Obama. I question what I see and hear in Romney/Ryan. Way too many lies.
Only complaint Foxnews and the Right have against Biden is his demeanor and his facial expressions when he was frustrated by Ryan’s continuing lies. People frown when they are in pain and Biden put a hurting on Ryan. High five. Biden’s smile is a trade mark, a Gucci original. High five.
Ps. Special message to Obama. Come Tuesday, Obama need to open that can of “whoop ass” on Romney. “Making nice” don’t get the job done when you are in a cave of wolves that will eat you alive.
Ps. Pat Smith; The investigation is ongoing and when the truth comes out, you will be among the first to get it. And stop being used by Foxnews.and the ambulance chaser, Jeanine Pirro. Steven was a big man, he could have evacuated with the others.
911 in 2001 could have been prevented. Bush ignored multiple warnings. Where was Issa, his rope and matches that the got from Foxnews after 911 and Operation Wide Receiver. “When you’re White, you’re right, when you’re right, you are White.”

Absolutely. Well stated. Ryan got his ass handed to him. All the Right has is to try to find some way to criticize Biden for the manner in which he did it.
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