Mandated defense cuts could lead to war, top US military official says


יעקב כהן
Oct 19, 2010

The top U.S. military official suggested Wednesday that scheduled Pentagon budget cuts could lead to war.

Gen. Martin Dempsey, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, testified before a Senate committee Wednesday alongside Defense Secretary Leon Panetta. Both offered dire warnings about the potential impact of the automatic budget cuts, known as sequestration, which will go into effect starting next January unless Congress intervenes.

Dempsey said the cutbacks could lead to the cancellation of weapons systems and disrupt "global operations." In turn, he warned, the U.S. could lose global standing -- opening the door for enemies to test American military might.

"We can't yet say precisely how bad the damage would be, but it is clear that sequestration would risk hollowing out our force and reducing its military options available to the nation," Dempsey told the senators. "We would go from being unquestionably powerful everywhere to being less visibly globally and presenting less of an overmatch to our adversaries, and that would translate into a different deterrent calculus and potentially, therefore, increase the likelihood of conflict."

Panetta made a similar argument last year when he said the sweeping cuts could weaken the military substantially, and invite "aggression" abroad

Read more: Mandated defense cuts could lead to war, top US military official says | Fox News
If I was President, I'd cut that god-damn defense budget in half! We don't need to be spending a fucking trillion dollars a year on god-damn defense, when our economy is in the shape it's in now.

And what does having over 800 military bases all around the world have to do with defense anyway? How does our military, protect this country, when they're not physically in the country they're defending? Why should the Pentagon take 1/3 of every US taxpayer dollar every year? And finally, why do all these tea baggers who say they're upset over un-necessary government spending, say nothing about cutting defense spending?
Dempsey said the cutbacks could lead to the cancellation of weapons systems and disrupt "global operations." In turn, he warned, the U.S. could lose global standing -- opening the door for enemies to test American military might.

:lol: Sure. If we reduce our military from being 10 times bigger than everyone else to 9 times bigger, Iran may send their Navy to test us. :lol:
There goes Obama, shitting on the military again.

November can't get here any faster?
If I was President, I'd cut that god-damn defense budget in half! We don't need to be spending a fucking trillion dollars a year on god-damn defense, when our economy is in the shape it's in now.

And what does having over 800 military bases all around the world have to do with defense anyway? How does our military, protect this country, when they're not physically in the country they're defending? Why should the Pentagon take 1/3 of every US taxpayer dollar every year? And finally, why do all these tea baggers who say they're upset over un-necessary government spending, say nothing about cutting defense spending?

Perhaps if you served in the military, you'd have some appreciation for it. Defense cuts include cutting base pay and other benefits from our brave men and women and their families. It also results in equipment not being repaired, buying substandard - lowest bid - parts, ships rot at piers, morale declines, etc. etc. etc. I experienced it under Carter and then under Clinton when I served. Democrats always target the military.

Why don't you fucking enlist and see for yourself, asswipe.
If I was President, I'd cut that god-damn defense budget in half! We don't need to be spending a fucking trillion dollars a year on god-damn defense, when our economy is in the shape it's in now.

And what does having over 800 military bases all around the world have to do with defense anyway? How does our military, protect this country, when they're not physically in the country they're defending? Why should the Pentagon take 1/3 of every US taxpayer dollar every year? And finally, why do all these tea baggers who say they're upset over un-necessary government spending, say nothing about cutting defense spending?

Perhaps if you served in the military, you'd have some appreciation for it. Defense cuts include cutting base pay and other benefits from our brave men and women and their families. It also results in equipment not being repaired, buying substandard - lowest bid - parts, ships rot at piers, morale declines, etc. etc. etc. I experienced it under Carter and then under Clinton when I served. Democrats always target the military.

Why don't you fucking enlist and see for yourself, asswipe.

You dont have to enlist to know that the budget is too big. Just like you dont need an abortion to have an opinion on it.
If I was President, I'd cut that god-damn defense budget in half! We don't need to be spending a fucking trillion dollars a year on god-damn defense, when our economy is in the shape it's in now.

And what does having over 800 military bases all around the world have to do with defense anyway? How does our military, protect this country, when they're not physically in the country they're defending? Why should the Pentagon take 1/3 of every US taxpayer dollar every year? And finally, why do all these tea baggers who say they're upset over un-necessary government spending, say nothing about cutting defense spending?

Perhaps if you served in the military, you'd have some appreciation for it. Defense cuts include cutting base pay and other benefits from our brave men and women and their families. It also results in equipment not being repaired, buying substandard - lowest bid - parts, ships rot at piers, morale declines, etc. etc. etc. I experienced it under Carter and then under Clinton when I served. Democrats always target the military.

Why don't you fucking enlist and see for yourself, asswipe.

Been there. Done that. You are so full of shit it is amazing that you can still feed yourself.
Dempsey said the cutbacks could lead to the cancellation of weapons systems and disrupt "global operations." In turn, he warned, the U.S. could lose global standing -- opening the door for enemies to test American military might.

:lol: Sure. If we reduce our military from being 10 times bigger than everyone else to 9 times bigger, Iran may send their Navy to test us. :lol:
What navy? Didn't you get the word, St Ronnie sunk Iran's navy! :cuckoo:

Trick Lib Question of Reagan
March 28, 2008

CALLER: Ronald Reagan, why did he never respond to the Marine barracks bombing in Lebanon in 1983?


RUSH: By the way, to answer the guy's question, "Why didn't Reagan respond?" He did. It's one of the most underreported aspects in world history. Amir Taheri wrote about it on April 18th, 2007, in a publication called Gulf News. Basically, Reagan sunk Iran's navy, if I could just sum this up. We sunk Iran's navy. The attacks from Lebanon came from Iran, as they still do to this day. We sunk Iran's navy, but we didn't talk about it much then because that would have made us look mean, and the mullahs didn't talk about it because they didn't want the world to know their navy had been sunk, but it happened.
What he meant was: "Budget cuts will mean we have to reduce the scope of operations around the world, and we don't wanna' do that".

Must. Feed. The. Military. Industrial. Complex.

Panetta: Defense Cuts Will Be ‘Especially Tough’ On Marine Corps

Defense Secretary Leon Panetta said Thursday night that the Marine Corps would be “deeply affected” by the coming cuts in the defense budget. Speaking to a battalion of Marines at Camp Pendleton, Panetta spoke plainly about the need for what he called a “leaner, more efficient Marine Corps.”

While politicians in Washington scramble to find ways to cover a massive federal deficit, many have resorted to attacks on the defense budget. In preparation for what seems inevitable, many division and battalion commanders have already pushed down preliminary guidelines

Panetta: Defense Cuts Will Be
Ol' Warts seems to think that if we only spent as much as the next seven nations combined that we would be unable to defend ourselves.
Been there. Done that. You are so full of shit it is amazing that you can still feed yourself.

Been where done what, asswipe?

I just love the toy soldiers who have anonymous names like "warrior". It is just so damn..........impressive!!

The Warrior was a 102 cubic inch motorcycle (Roadstar Warrior) I once owned, non-serving numbnuts. It's got nothing to do with my military service or your lack thereof, assbrain.
Theres load of waste in defence just like every other bloated Govt program.

They need to make cuts across the board and nothing, not even defense, should be left out.

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