Man uses his concealed gun to save life of woman entering abortion clinic...likely there to kill her baby. Leftists cry.

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Another person who is completely wrong about everything.

Most murders happen because someone wants someone else dead. Most murders, by far, are committed by criminals with long records for whom it was already illegal for them to have a gun but, surprisingly, when planning to break the law to commit murder, they don't care about the law. Most murders are black-on-black gang-related murders. Did you know that black women are murdered at twice the rate that are white women?

Gun murders are absolutely a product of the availability of guns. Knife murders are a product of unavailability of guns while knives were available. Choking murders are a product of the unavailability of guns and knives but the availability of hands.

Most crime-of-passion murders against women are not committed with guns; women are beaten or strangled. To get the gun takes at least some bit of planning.

Except none of that is true. Most murders in the US are committed with guns.

The US had 18,319 homicides in 2019. Of those, 14,839 were committed with guns.

As for "gang related" murders, that's simply not true, either. According to the National Gang Center, between 2008 and 2012, the number of "Gang related" murders was between 1659 and 2363. In short, only a fraction of all homicides committed.

You're completely wrong about most murders. Most murders are gang-related murders where people don't really know each other more than superficially.

Simply not true. 32% of homicides in the US are family members. 51% victims are known to the killer. Only 5% are people being killed by complete strangers. (Another 12% are unknown, because they don't know who killed the person.)

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Women are routinely beaten to death by the men, or women, in their lives. Banning guns does nothing to reduce crime; it may reduce some gun crime but then the crimes will simply be crimes instead of gun crimes.
Except, again, this isn't true. Going back to the above Gun figures.

Japan completely bans guns. They had 334 homicides a year with only ONE of those involving a gun.

The United Kingdom mostly banned guns. They had 809 homicides with only 32 of those being committed with guns.

Let's use the closest analog to the US, Canada. Canada allows some gun ownership, but it's not considered a right and you have to jump through a lot of hoops to get a gun.

They had 651 homicides with only 249 of those committed with guns.

As the Onion put it...

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The difference in murder rates has far more to do with gang violence and drug laws, and even culture, than it does with guns.

Naw, buddy, it's the guns. Culturally, Canada isn't really that different from us. They have gangs, they have poverty, they don't have that many guns and they don't have that many murders.

Now, if you want to make the argument that because the US doesn't deal well with other factors like racism, poverty, addiction and mental illness, you might have a point. We have a shitty record on those things. Our priorities are fucked up. It's what you can expect when a country lets a guy like Trump become President.

But the fact is, the US is the only G-7 country that allows this kind of gun policy, and we get exactly the expected result. If you let a mentally ill, addicted or poor person have easy access to a gun, you are going to get exactly these kinds of results.

Except all your statistics ignore one important thing: Race.

People in Japan kill less people because they don't have guns? Japanese Americans pretty much the same in our country. Why are mostly or all white suburbs virtually gun crime free? We have access to all kinds of guns.

53% of all US murders are committed by a group that's 7% of our population--black males. Second in line are Hispanic males.

The citizens in Sweden always had guns. No problems. They were the second most safest country in the world. Today it's the most violent country in Europe. So what changed, did they get more guns? No. What changed is they allowed middle-east refugies into their country. Are we going to learn any lessons from Sweden and like places? Not if Democrats are in charge.
Except all your statistics ignore one important thing: Race.

Tell us again how not racist you are, Ray, that shit never gets old.

I mean, I know you are very frightened when you see a black person, but the mere sight of one isn't fatal. Your soiled shorts notwithstanding you need a gun to kill people.

53% of all US murders are committed by a group that's 7% of our population--black males. Second in line are Hispanic males.
You need to stop posting NRA propaganda.

The citizens in Sweden always had guns. No problems.

The regulation of guns in Sweden is categorised as restrictive90

In Sweden, the right to private gun ownership is not guaranteed by law

In Sweden, only licensed gun owners91 101 97 99 35 may lawfully acquire, possess or transfer a firearm or ammunition

Genuine Reason Required for Firearm Possession​

Applicants for a gun owner’s licence in Sweden are required to establish a genuine reason to possess a firearm, for example hunting, target shooting, collection and self-defence (but in practice, no such licences are ever granted)91 102

Well, you get the idea. Nowhere near the insanity we have.
ell us again how not racist you are, Ray, that shit never gets old.

Neither does leftists calling statistics racist. Statistics can't be racist, they are not human. They are compiled data usually performed by the FBI.

You need to stop posting NRA propaganda.

The NRA deals with gun issues, not crime issues. Now if you can find a better source than the FBI, by all means, post it.

The regulation of guns in Sweden is categorised as restrictive90

In Sweden, the right to private gun ownership is not guaranteed by law

In Sweden, only licensed gun owners91 101 97 99 35 may lawfully acquire, possess or transfer a firearm or ammunition

Genuine Reason Required for Firearm Possession​

Applicants for a gun owner’s licence in Sweden are required to establish a genuine reason to possess a firearm, for example hunting, target shooting, collection and self-defence (but in practice, no such licences are ever granted)91 102

Well, you get the idea. Nowhere near the insanity we have.

I never said obtaining guns in Sweden was as easy as it is here. Here, it's a constitutional right. But the point is they always had guns, and very little violent crime problems until they opened their borders to people of color.
I never said obtaining guns in Sweden was as easy as it is here. Here, it's a constitutional right. But the point is they always had guns, and very little violent crime problems until they opened their borders to people of color.

Thanks for a great post. It gets tiring proving facts to those who won't hear them so I'm glad to see great arguments.

One thing I'll say, though; it's not that they opened their borders to people of color, color is coincidence in this case. They opened their borders to people who hate everything about Sweden and its culture, religions, and history. They opened their border to a culture that has spent the past 1200+ years trying to take over everything between Arabia and the northern tip of Norway, including Sweden. And now they're surprised. They knew it was a snake when they let it in.

But the cause is culture differences not color differences.
Neither does leftists calling statistics racist. Statistics can't be racist, they are not human. They are compiled data usually performed by the FBI.

There's an old saying figures don't lie, but liars figure.

Or as Disraeli might have said, Mendacity comes in three forms, lies, damned lies and statistics.

The NRA deals with gun issues, not crime issues. Now if you can find a better source than the FBI, by all means, post it.

Kind of not the point. Other countries have high minority populations ,and they still don't have our crime levels because - wait for it - no guns.

I never said obtaining guns in Sweden was as easy as it is here. Here, it's a constitutional right. But the point is they always had guns, and very little violent crime problems until they opened their borders to people of color.

Except they don't have guns.. Sweden has about 2 million guns in civilian hands for 11 million people. About 8% of swedes live in a household with a gun. Compared to the US, which has 300 million guns, and 42% of us live in a household with a gun. Sweden has 108 homicides a year with 39 committed with guns, the US has 19000 homicides with 14,600 being committed with guns.

One thing I'll say, though; it's not that they opened their borders to people of color, color is coincidence in this case. They opened their borders to people who hate everything about Sweden and its culture, religions, and history. They opened their border to a culture that has spent the past 1200+ years trying to take over everything between Arabia and the northern tip of Norway, including Sweden. And now they're surprised. They knew it was a snake when they let it in.

Actually, Sweden still has very little crime.

Because not only do they sensibly restrict who can have a gun, they have social programs, universal health care, they don't let their mentally ill wander the streets and they treat addiction as a medical problem.

Oh, and there isn't a scary Muslim under your bed waiting to kill you. If you are a victim of murder in this country, it's probably going to be someone you know well. Maybe someone you share a bed with. Because that person was able to get a gun.
A woman was attempting to enter an abortion clinic was attacked by the man who brought her to the clinic....he started shooting at her. An Abortion protestor, armed with a concealed, legal, gun, fired on the attacker saving the woman's life.

But......But.....I thought people never used guns for actual self defense....right?

And two......saving the life of a woman who is there to end the life of her baby? Odd, isn't it.....

Here is the story...

The fact that an anti-abortion protestor saved a woman who was going into an abortion clinic should be very newsworthy. If the opposite had happened, if the protestor had harmed the woman, it would get national news. But this story of an anti-abortion protestor saving a woman’s life is only getting local news coverage. The event took place on Saturday, May 15th, 2021, at the Alamo Women’s Reproductive Services, 7402 John Smith Dr #101, San Antonio, TX 78229.

. No one was injured, San Antonio Police spokesperson crediting an armed bystander who returned fire.
No one was injured, San Antonio Police Department spokesperson Christopher Ramos said, crediting an armed bystander who returned fire.
The shooting happened Saturday around 8:30 a.m. in the 7400 block of John Smith Drive, near the intersection of Wurzbach and Babcock roads on the Northwest Side.
A man who arrived with a woman at the facility pulled out a gun and shot at the woman but missed, Ramos said during a morning press conference near the scene.
A person who was with a group of protesters near the clinic saw the shooter and used his handgun to fire at the man, police said. Police said the protester had a license to carry the pistol.

I didn't know it was illegal for a woman to have an abortion.
Who has the right to stop her? The godbotherers?
There's an old saying figures don't lie, but liars figure.

Or as Disraeli might have said, Mendacity comes in three forms, lies, damned lies and statistics.

Yes, because anybody that posts facts you disagree with is a liar. Liberal handbook page 2.

Kind of not the point. Other countries have high minority populations ,and they still don't have our crime levels because - wait for it - no guns.

I said people of color. So what white country with people of color do you speak of?

Except they don't have guns.. Sweden has about 2 million guns in civilian hands for 11 million people. About 8% of swedes live in a household with a gun. Compared to the US, which has 300 million guns, and 42% of us live in a household with a gun. Sweden has 108 homicides a year with 39 committed with guns, the US has 19000 homicides with 14,600 being committed with guns.

They are still legal in that country. People in an all white population seldom need guns just like here in the US. One of the best aspects of legal firearm ownership is the criminal element doesn't know who has guns and who does not. How many millions of guns is irrelevant.
A woman was attempting to enter an abortion clinic was attacked by the man who brought her to the clinic....he started shooting at her. An Abortion protestor, armed with a concealed, legal, gun, fired on the attacker saving the woman's life.

But......But.....I thought people never used guns for actual self defense....right?

And two......saving the life of a woman who is there to end the life of her baby? Odd, isn't it.....

Here is the story...

The fact that an anti-abortion protestor saved a woman who was going into an abortion clinic should be very newsworthy. If the opposite had happened, if the protestor had harmed the woman, it would get national news. But this story of an anti-abortion protestor saving a woman’s life is only getting local news coverage. The event took place on Saturday, May 15th, 2021, at the Alamo Women’s Reproductive Services, 7402 John Smith Dr #101, San Antonio, TX 78229.

. No one was injured, San Antonio Police spokesperson crediting an armed bystander who returned fire.
No one was injured, San Antonio Police Department spokesperson Christopher Ramos said, crediting an armed bystander who returned fire.
The shooting happened Saturday around 8:30 a.m. in the 7400 block of John Smith Drive, near the intersection of Wurzbach and Babcock roads on the Northwest Side.
A man who arrived with a woman at the facility pulled out a gun and shot at the woman but missed, Ramos said during a morning press conference near the scene.
A person who was with a group of protesters near the clinic saw the shooter and used his handgun to fire at the man, police said. Police said the protester had a license to carry the pistol.

A guy with a gun started shooting at her. Not a good argument for being able to carry handguns.
Thanks for a great post. It gets tiring proving facts to those who won't hear them so I'm glad to see great arguments.

One thing I'll say, though; it's not that they opened their borders to people of color, color is coincidence in this case. They opened their borders to people who hate everything about Sweden and its culture, religions, and history. They opened their border to a culture that has spent the past 1200+ years trying to take over everything between Arabia and the northern tip of Norway, including Sweden. And now they're surprised. They knew it was a snake when they let it in.

But the cause is culture differences not color differences.

Same thing here, but it's generally people of color who have those culture differences.
Yes, because anybody that posts facts you disagree with is a liar. Liberal handbook page 2.

You're not posting facts, you are posting racism.

I said people of color. So what white country with people of color do you speak of?

France and the UK... for starters.

They are still legal in that country. People in an all white population seldom need guns just like here in the US. One of the best aspects of legal firearm ownership is the criminal element doesn't know who has guns and who does not. How many millions of guns is irrelevant.

Well, no, it's completely relevant... We have millions of guns and hundreds of thousands of gun crimes... we have to lock up 2 million people and we STILL don't feel safe going out at night.
You're not posting facts, you are posting racism.

Facts are not racism. Are you calling the FBI racists? Facts are facts until you find evidence those facts are wrong.

France and the UK... for starters.

WTF are you talking about? The police don't even go in Muslim areas in France because they fear for their lives.

Well, no, it's completely relevant... We have millions of guns and hundreds of thousands of gun crimes... we have to lock up 2 million people and we STILL don't feel safe going out at night.

You could have 500 million guns in this country, and it wouldn't change a thing. Guns don't open the gun safe and go out and night to kill people, only people do. As I have stated before, if you took a nice safe all white suburb, created law that all households must have a firearm, you would see no change in their violent crime rate. If you went to a low-income high crime minority area and made law that all guns were illegal to have, their crime statistics wouldn't change either. It would still be an extremely dangerous place to be.
Neither does leftists calling statistics racist. Statistics can't be racist, they are not human. They are compiled data usually performed by the FBI.

There's an old saying figures don't lie, but liars figure.

Or as Disraeli might have said, Mendacity comes in three forms, lies, damned lies and statistics.

The NRA deals with gun issues, not crime issues. Now if you can find a better source than the FBI, by all means, post it.

Kind of not the point. Other countries have high minority populations ,and they still don't have our crime levels because - wait for it - no guns.

I never said obtaining guns in Sweden was as easy as it is here. Here, it's a constitutional right. But the point is they always had guns, and very little violent crime problems until they opened their borders to people of color.

Except they don't have guns.. Sweden has about 2 million guns in civilian hands for 11 million people. About 8% of swedes live in a household with a gun. Compared to the US, which has 300 million guns, and 42% of us live in a household with a gun. Sweden has 108 homicides a year with 39 committed with guns, the US has 19000 homicides with 14,600 being committed with guns.

One thing I'll say, though; it's not that they opened their borders to people of color, color is coincidence in this case. They opened their borders to people who hate everything about Sweden and its culture, religions, and history. They opened their border to a culture that has spent the past 1200+ years trying to take over everything between Arabia and the northern tip of Norway, including Sweden. And now they're surprised. They knew it was a snake when they let it in.

Actually, Sweden still has very little crime.

Because not only do they sensibly restrict who can have a gun, they have social programs, universal health care, they don't let their mentally ill wander the streets and they treat addiction as a medical problem.

Oh, and there isn't a scary Muslim under your bed waiting to kill you. If you are a victim of murder in this country, it's probably going to be someone you know well. Maybe someone you share a bed with. Because that person was able to get a gun.

Moron.....Sweden has fully automatic military weapons in their homes...and very little isn't access to guns that creates crime.....

Tell that to Switzerland...where they have escalating gun crime...tell that to France where the fully automatic military rifle is the weapon of choice for French criminals........

You are such a lying asshole.......

Americans use their legal guns 1.1 million times a year to stop violent rapes, robberies, stabbings, beatings, and murders...according to the Centers for Disease Control......

Our problem is the democrat party that keeps releasing violent criminals from prison and jail.....something the European countries don't do...yet...but their idiots, like you, want to release violent are the problem.
A woman was attempting to enter an abortion clinic was attacked by the man who brought her to the clinic....he started shooting at her. An Abortion protestor, armed with a concealed, legal, gun, fired on the attacker saving the woman's life.

But......But.....I thought people never used guns for actual self defense....right?

And two......saving the life of a woman who is there to end the life of her baby? Odd, isn't it.....

Here is the story...

The fact that an anti-abortion protestor saved a woman who was going into an abortion clinic should be very newsworthy. If the opposite had happened, if the protestor had harmed the woman, it would get national news. But this story of an anti-abortion protestor saving a woman’s life is only getting local news coverage. The event took place on Saturday, May 15th, 2021, at the Alamo Women’s Reproductive Services, 7402 John Smith Dr #101, San Antonio, TX 78229.

. No one was injured, San Antonio Police spokesperson crediting an armed bystander who returned fire.
No one was injured, San Antonio Police Department spokesperson Christopher Ramos said, crediting an armed bystander who returned fire.
The shooting happened Saturday around 8:30 a.m. in the 7400 block of John Smith Drive, near the intersection of Wurzbach and Babcock roads on the Northwest Side.
A man who arrived with a woman at the facility pulled out a gun and shot at the woman but missed, Ramos said during a morning press conference near the scene.
A person who was with a group of protesters near the clinic saw the shooter and used his handgun to fire at the man, police said. Police said the protester had a license to carry the pistol.

A guy with a gun started shooting at her. Not a good argument for being able to carry handguns.

And was stopped by a civilian with a gun....good argument for having guns.....lives are saved with guns.
A woman was attempting to enter an abortion clinic was attacked by the man who brought her to the clinic....he started shooting at her. An Abortion protestor, armed with a concealed, legal, gun, fired on the attacker saving the woman's life.

But......But.....I thought people never used guns for actual self defense....right?

And two......saving the life of a woman who is there to end the life of her baby? Odd, isn't it.....

Here is the story...

The fact that an anti-abortion protestor saved a woman who was going into an abortion clinic should be very newsworthy. If the opposite had happened, if the protestor had harmed the woman, it would get national news. But this story of an anti-abortion protestor saving a woman’s life is only getting local news coverage. The event took place on Saturday, May 15th, 2021, at the Alamo Women’s Reproductive Services, 7402 John Smith Dr #101, San Antonio, TX 78229.

. No one was injured, San Antonio Police spokesperson crediting an armed bystander who returned fire.
No one was injured, San Antonio Police Department spokesperson Christopher Ramos said, crediting an armed bystander who returned fire.
The shooting happened Saturday around 8:30 a.m. in the 7400 block of John Smith Drive, near the intersection of Wurzbach and Babcock roads on the Northwest Side.
A man who arrived with a woman at the facility pulled out a gun and shot at the woman but missed, Ramos said during a morning press conference near the scene.
A person who was with a group of protesters near the clinic saw the shooter and used his handgun to fire at the man, police said. Police said the protester had a license to carry the pistol.

A guy with a gun started shooting at her. Not a good argument for being able to carry handguns.

And was stopped by a civilian with a gun....good argument for having guns.....lives are saved with guns.
Not necessary if the gun is not there to begin with.
Facts are not racism. Are you calling the FBI racists? Facts are facts until you find evidence those facts are wrong.

Um, yeah, the FBI is racist as shit. They didn't even have black agents until the 1970's.

You could have 500 million guns in this country, and it wouldn't change a thing. Guns don't open the gun safe and go out and night to kill people, only people do.

Exactly, dummy, people with guns.

A gun in a bad situation can turn it into a tragedy. The rest of the world has figured this out, it's why they have few guns and few murders.
Americans use their legal guns 1.1 million times a year to stop violent rapes, robberies, stabbings, beatings, and murders...according to the Centers for Disease Control......

No, they don't. It's more like 49,000 a year, according to the FBI.

Moron.....Sweden has fully automatic military weapons in their homes...and very little isn't access to guns that creates crime.....

Sweden has one gun for every eight people, and it's very hard to get one. I posted a link to what Sweden's gun laws are.

Yes, SOME people can get a fully auto weapon, but most people can't. Not without a good reason.

Tell that to Switzerland...where they have escalating gun crime...tell that to France where the fully automatic military rifle is the weapon of choice for French criminals........

Didn't you morons claim Switzerland was gun paradise? Except it isn't.
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