Man kills dog, gets art contract

Quantum Windbag

Gold Member
May 9, 2010
Liberals are up in arms over public funds being spent on art. I guess some tax money being spent on art is bad after all.
A Brooklyn artist who once shot and killed a dog and called it art has landed a coveted $750,000 city art contract for the Central Subway. As if the $1.6 billion railway weren’t controversial enough, artist Tom Otterness’ commission can be expected to generate criticism from dog lovers and animal rights groups. In June, the board of directors of the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency approved a contract with Otterness for 59 bronze sculptures to fill three levels of the proposed subway’s Moscone station. An agency spokesman said the board was unaware of Otterness’ controversial past and relied on a recommendation from the Arts Commission. But in May, animal rights groups and dog lovers blasted a planned Otterness art project involving bronze lions at a New York Public Library branch. An online petition to revoke the commission was signed by 11,209 people.
Sculptor who killed dog set to make San Francisco Central Subway art | Joshua Sabatini | Transportation | San Francisco Examiner
Its not just liberals opposing this fuck.

I can not believe SF paid money to a man who shot a dog as "art" to do public sculptures.
Many artists are wacko.
And a lot of art is not.

I have killed a few dogs, but for good reason not to call it art.
This really tells me Endowment to the Artz should be eliminated from the federal budget. Crap like this guy has no business getting any funds for his so called talent.
My mother shot a rabbit. Then she cooked him up and we had him for dinner.
There has communist public art being displayed all over NYC, especially in the subway. You'll see mini statues of fat people wearing suits and clutching money bags, next to a statute of someone scrubbing the floor. It very subtle, and I'm not sure how effective, but the message of the art is clear.
They put the icon of Christian identity, the Crucifix in a vat of urine and called it art and nobody complained and they took a statue of the Virgin Mary and smeared it with animal feces and nobody complained. A dead dog as art? It can't be worse than Jackson Pollack's puke. Get a life.
They put the icon of Christian identity, the Crucifix in a vat of urine and called it art and nobody complained and they took a statue of the Virgin Mary and smeared it with animal feces and nobody complained. A dead dog as art? It can't be worse than Jackson Pollack's puke. Get a life.

The most shallow comparison I've ever witnessed.

EDIT: never mind, my mistake.
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They put the icon of Christian identity, the Crucifix in a vat of urine and called it art and nobody complained and they took a statue of the Virgin Mary and smeared it with animal feces and nobody complained. A dead dog as art? It can't be worse than Jackson Pollack's puke. Get a life.

The most shallow comparison I've ever witnessed.

EDIT: never mind, my mistake.

Shallow means approval doesn't it, especially when it comes to pop-art. Don't make me bring up the gang of factory workers in Warhol's corrupt pop-culture society. It makes a dead dog smell good.
Liberals are up in arms over public funds being spent on art. I guess some tax money being spent on art is bad after all.
A Brooklyn artist who once shot and killed a dog and called it art has landed a coveted $750,000 city art contract for the Central Subway. As if the $1.6 billion railway weren’t controversial enough, artist Tom Otterness’ commission can be expected to generate criticism from dog lovers and animal rights groups. In June, the board of directors of the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency approved a contract with Otterness for 59 bronze sculptures to fill three levels of the proposed subway’s Moscone station. An agency spokesman said the board was unaware of Otterness’ controversial past and relied on a recommendation from the Arts Commission. But in May, animal rights groups and dog lovers blasted a planned Otterness art project involving bronze lions at a New York Public Library branch. An online petition to revoke the commission was signed by 11,209 people.
Sculptor who killed dog set to make San Francisco Central Subway art | Joshua Sabatini | Transportation | San Francisco Examiner

I love dogs but you just made me laugh....

"man kills dog, gets art contract"
They put the icon of Christian identity, the Crucifix in a vat of urine and called it art and nobody complained and they took a statue of the Virgin Mary and smeared it with animal feces and nobody complained. A dead dog as art? It can't be worse than Jackson Pollack's puke. Get a life.

The most shallow comparison I've ever witnessed.

EDIT: never mind, my mistake.

Shallow means approval doesn't it, especially when it comes to pop-art. Don't make me bring up the gang of factory workers in Warhol's corrupt pop-culture society. It makes a dead dog smell good.

Mea culpa, I. misunderstood your post. See my edit.
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In April 2008, he told the Brooklyn Daily Eagle, “Thirty years ago, when I was 25 years old, I made a film in which I shot a dog. It was an indefensible act that I am deeply sorry for. Many of us have experienced profound emotional turmoil and despair. Few have made the mistake I made. I hope people can find it in their hearts to forgive me.”

Read more at the San Francisco Examiner: Sculptor who killed dog set to make San Francisco Central Subway art | Joshua Sabatini | Transportation | San Francisco Examiner
They put the icon of Christian identity, the Crucifix in a vat of urine and called it art and nobody complained and they took a statue of the Virgin Mary and smeared it with animal feces and nobody complained. A dead dog as art? It can't be worse than Jackson Pollack's puke. Get a life.

You get a life.

Anyone who dismisses a dog's life is suspect in my book. Dogs trump Jesus and Pollack. Any sick fuck touches my dog, I'll tear his eyes out and call it art.
Liberals are up in arms over public funds being spent on art. I guess some tax money being spent on art is bad after all.
A Brooklyn artist who once shot and killed a dog and called it art has landed a coveted $750,000 city art contract for the Central Subway. As if the $1.6 billion railway weren’t controversial enough, artist Tom Otterness’ commission can be expected to generate criticism from dog lovers and animal rights groups. In June, the board of directors of the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency approved a contract with Otterness for 59 bronze sculptures to fill three levels of the proposed subway’s Moscone station. An agency spokesman said the board was unaware of Otterness’ controversial past and relied on a recommendation from the Arts Commission. But in May, animal rights groups and dog lovers blasted a planned Otterness art project involving bronze lions at a New York Public Library branch. An online petition to revoke the commission was signed by 11,209 people.
Sculptor who killed dog set to make San Francisco Central Subway art | Joshua Sabatini | Transportation | San Francisco Examiner

I love dogs but you just made me laugh....

"man kills dog, gets art contract"

It made me laugh to.
They put the icon of Christian identity, the Crucifix in a vat of urine and called it art and nobody complained and they took a statue of the Virgin Mary and smeared it with animal feces and nobody complained. A dead dog as art? It can't be worse than Jackson Pollack's puke. Get a life.

You get a life.

Anyone who dismisses a dog's life is suspect in my book. Dogs trump Jesus and Pollack. Any sick fuck touches my dog, I'll tear his eyes out and call it art.

I know what you're saying....the specticle of Killing a dog passing for art is disgusting, but blasphemous art, although not harming living things, are offensive to countless people in many different cultures.

I guess if it boils down to it, killing a dog is worse than disrespecting a cross, but both are very disgusting, and Christianity has been more of a victim of hateful garbage that passes for art, than dogs.

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