Man Jailed For 16 Weeks After Setting Off Fireworks At Remembrance Event

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016
Y Cae Ras
Man Jailed For 16 Weeks After Setting Off Fireworks At Remembrance Event

A man has been jailed for 16 weeks after he set off fireworks at a Remembrance Sunday event.

Stuart Potts let off two fireworks as the Last Post ended and hundreds of people stood observing a two-minute silence for the war dead at the cenotaph in Eccles, Salford, on Sunday.

Mr Potts fired the fireworks while sat on the ledge of a first-floor window of a disused pub being used by squatters.

I somehow doubt that a short spell in jail will reform Mr Potts. But he will be nice and warm for Christmas, unlike many former soldiers sleeping rough.
Man Jailed For 16 Weeks After Setting Off Fireworks At Remembrance Event

A man has been jailed for 16 weeks after he set off fireworks at a Remembrance Sunday event.

Stuart Potts let off two fireworks as the Last Post ended and hundreds of people stood observing a two-minute silence for the war dead at the cenotaph in Eccles, Salford, on Sunday.

Mr Potts fired the fireworks while sat on the ledge of a first-floor window of a disused pub being used by squatters.

I somehow doubt that a short spell in jail will reform Mr Potts. But he will be nice and warm for Christmas, unlike many former soldiers sleeping rough.
Sooooooo, when do you start mandating your bureaucrats start wearing NKVD uniforms? Or do you prefer the Allgemeine SS uniforms? :dunno:
Man Jailed For 16 Weeks After Setting Off Fireworks At Remembrance Event

A man has been jailed for 16 weeks after he set off fireworks at a Remembrance Sunday event.

Stuart Potts let off two fireworks as the Last Post ended and hundreds of people stood observing a two-minute silence for the war dead at the cenotaph in Eccles, Salford, on Sunday.

Mr Potts fired the fireworks while sat on the ledge of a first-floor window of a disused pub being used by squatters.

I somehow doubt that a short spell in jail will reform Mr Potts. But he will be nice and warm for Christmas, unlike many former soldiers sleeping rough.
Sooooooo, when do you start mandating your bureaucrats start wearing NKVD uniforms? Or do you prefer the Allgemeine SS uniforms? :dunno:
Not with you there . What do you mean ?
Man Jailed For 16 Weeks After Setting Off Fireworks At Remembrance Event

A man has been jailed for 16 weeks after he set off fireworks at a Remembrance Sunday event.

Stuart Potts let off two fireworks as the Last Post ended and hundreds of people stood observing a two-minute silence for the war dead at the cenotaph in Eccles, Salford, on Sunday.

Mr Potts fired the fireworks while sat on the ledge of a first-floor window of a disused pub being used by squatters.

I somehow doubt that a short spell in jail will reform Mr Potts. But he will be nice and warm for Christmas, unlike many former soldiers sleeping rough.
Sooooooo, when do you start mandating your bureaucrats start wearing NKVD uniforms? Or do you prefer the Allgemeine SS uniforms? :dunno:
Not with you there . What do you mean ?
It's obvious to those who have eyes to see, ears to hear, apparently yours aren't working. BTW it must get tiresome staring at the end of your nose 24/7..........
Man Jailed For 16 Weeks After Setting Off Fireworks At Remembrance Event

A man has been jailed for 16 weeks after he set off fireworks at a Remembrance Sunday event.

Stuart Potts let off two fireworks as the Last Post ended and hundreds of people stood observing a two-minute silence for the war dead at the cenotaph in Eccles, Salford, on Sunday.

Mr Potts fired the fireworks while sat on the ledge of a first-floor window of a disused pub being used by squatters.

I somehow doubt that a short spell in jail will reform Mr Potts. But he will be nice and warm for Christmas, unlike many former soldiers sleeping rough.
Sooooooo, when do you start mandating your bureaucrats start wearing NKVD uniforms? Or do you prefer the Allgemeine SS uniforms? :dunno:
Not with you there . What do you mean ?
It's obvious to those who have eyes to see, ears to hear, apparently yours aren't working. BTW it must get tiresome staring at the end of your nose 24/7..........
Nope. What are you on about ?
Fireworks are illegal to shoot off here in Wisconsin too, but they sell them everywhere, and you can shoot them off right next to a cop, and unless someone bitches, they ignore it.
Man Jailed For 16 Weeks After Setting Off Fireworks At Remembrance Event

A man has been jailed for 16 weeks after he set off fireworks at a Remembrance Sunday event.

Stuart Potts let off two fireworks as the Last Post ended and hundreds of people stood observing a two-minute silence for the war dead at the cenotaph in Eccles, Salford, on Sunday.

Mr Potts fired the fireworks while sat on the ledge of a first-floor window of a disused pub being used by squatters.

I somehow doubt that a short spell in jail will reform Mr Potts. But he will be nice and warm for Christmas, unlike many former soldiers sleeping rough.
Sooooooo, when do you start mandating your bureaucrats start wearing NKVD uniforms? Or do you prefer the Allgemeine SS uniforms? :dunno:
Not with you there . What do you mean ?
It's obvious to those who have eyes to see, ears to hear, apparently yours aren't working. BTW it must get tiresome staring at the end of your nose 24/7..........
Nope. What are you on about ?
Not very bright, are ya........
Fireworks are illegal to shoot off here in Wisconsin too, but they sell them everywhere, and you can shoot them off right next to a cop, and unless someone bitches, they ignore it.
I was at a football match a few years back where they shot off a rocket that killed someone. I later found out that the lad who did was an old school friend. He was an idiot rather than a killer. All very sad.
Fireworks are illegal to shoot off here in Wisconsin too, but they sell them everywhere, and you can shoot them off right next to a cop, and unless someone bitches, they ignore it.
And people don't go to jail over it, they might get a fine but no jail.
Is this your beef ?
Tip of the iceberg there buddy........ Here's your new National Anthem;

Think you are being a bit melodramatic.Its illegal to fire rockets into a crowd of 300 pensioners. He is probably in a safer place anyway.

The night human tragedy engulfed the National Stadium of Wales
Fireworks are illegal to shoot off here in Wisconsin too, but they sell them everywhere, and you can shoot them off right next to a cop, and unless someone bitches, they ignore it.
And people don't go to jail over it, they might get a fine but no jail.
Is this your beef ?
Tip of the iceberg there buddy........ Here's your new National Anthem;

Think you are being a bit melodramatic.Its illegal to fire rockets into a crowd of 300 pensioners. He is probably in a safer place anyway.

The night human tragedy engulfed the National Stadium of Wales

He fired them into the crowd or into the air? Which is it? It's doesn't say in the article. It does say the vets became violent........ As for the Wales event that appears to be a whole different issue and honestly has no true bearing on this incident. If someone here fired fireworks into a crowd then of course they would be arrested and possibly jailed depending on circumstances, i e whether they were being stupid or malicious. We also don't fine or lock people up for thought and speech crimes though there are some totalitarians here that advocate as much, (reference "tip of the iceberg").
Fireworks are illegal to shoot off here in Wisconsin too, but they sell them everywhere, and you can shoot them off right next to a cop, and unless someone bitches, they ignore it.
And people don't go to jail over it, they might get a fine but no jail.
Is this your beef ?
Tip of the iceberg there buddy........ Here's your new National Anthem;

Think you are being a bit melodramatic.Its illegal to fire rockets into a crowd of 300 pensioners. He is probably in a safer place anyway.

The night human tragedy engulfed the National Stadium of Wales

He fired them into the crowd or into the air? Which is it? It's doesn't say in the article. It does say the vets became violent........ As for the Wales event that appears to be a whole different issue and honestly has no true bearing on this incident. If someone here fired fireworks into a crowd then of course they would be arrested and possibly jailed depending on circumstances, i e whether they were being stupid or malicious. We also don't fine or lock people up for thought and speech crimes though there are some totalitarians here that advocate as much, (reference "tip of the iceberg").

Here we punish people for what they did wrong not for what they might have done wrong. If he was punished with the jail sentance because he might have injured someone then that's bull shit, if you can't see that then you have a problem, a serious problem.
Fireworks are illegal to shoot off here in Wisconsin too, but they sell them everywhere, and you can shoot them off right next to a cop, and unless someone bitches, they ignore it.
And people don't go to jail over it, they might get a fine but no jail.
Is this your beef ?
Tip of the iceberg there buddy........ Here's your new National Anthem;

Think you are being a bit melodramatic.Its illegal to fire rockets into a crowd of 300 pensioners. He is probably in a safer place anyway.

The night human tragedy engulfed the National Stadium of Wales

He fired them into the crowd or into the air? Which is it? It's doesn't say in the article. It does say the vets became violent........ As for the Wales event that appears to be a whole different issue and honestly has no true bearing on this incident. If someone here fired fireworks into a crowd then of course they would be arrested and possibly jailed depending on circumstances, i e whether they were being stupid or malicious. We also don't fine or lock people up for thought and speech crimes though there are some totalitarians here that advocate as much, (reference "tip of the iceberg").

So are you trying to build this into a wider issue ? He could have been done for breach of the peace as well. Anyway,this homeless man now has somewhere warm to sleep for christmas.
Fireworks are illegal to shoot off here in Wisconsin too, but they sell them everywhere, and you can shoot them off right next to a cop, and unless someone bitches, they ignore it.
I was at a football match a few years back where they shot off a rocket that killed someone. I later found out that the lad who did was an old school friend. He was an idiot rather than a killer. All very sad.
Like Ringel pointed out, did the person intentionally shoot a rocket into a crowd, or did it turn and go into a crowd by accident? That is pertinent. Myself, I don't shoot rockets anyway. I have mortars. They shoot like a canon, go straight up a couple hundred feet and explode, far away from anyone. I've shot them off from right here at my place on the edge on town, and I was one of probably four different people that were all shooting them off. Not a cop in sight, no one cared. Most people come outside to watch, they like it.
Fireworks are illegal to shoot off here in Wisconsin too, but they sell them everywhere, and you can shoot them off right next to a cop, and unless someone bitches, they ignore it.
I was at a football match a few years back where they shot off a rocket that killed someone. I later found out that the lad who did was an old school friend. He was an idiot rather than a killer. All very sad.
Like Ringel pointed out, did the person intentionally shoot a rocket into a crowd, or did it turn and go into a crowd by accident? That is pertinent. Myself, I don't shoot rockets anyway. I have mortars. They shoot like a canon, go straight up a couple hundred feet and explode, far away from anyone. I've shot them off from right here at my place on the edge on town, and I was one of probably four different people that were all shooting them off. Not a cop in sight, no one cared. Most people come outside to watch, they like it.
Yup, we used to fire our rockets into the fields behind our house. Not at people holding a 2 minute silence for the fallen. There is a time and a place. This was neither.
Is it possible you could remove your offensive signature avator?
Why do you hate Conservatives ?

Is this one better ?


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