Majority of vets support Trump.

We got it, you support a degenerate, corrupt cretin.

If Donald Trump is a "degenerate, corrupt cretin", I would love to hear your analysis of what those 12 or 13 Democratic candidates are.

My father's pretty pissed off at the Democrats too.
Especially for wishing to give Illegals drivers licenses, free healthcare, free schooling.

Actually, My father's pretty dang Conservative, he wants to stop Islamic Refugees, he's against Abortion, Pornography, the modern Music industry etc.

But, he believes in helping Americans in need too, and that we shouldn't have to pay more for healthcare than every other nation on Earth.

Well all I can say is there's no perfect Presidential candidate. We're all going to have to swallow our pride and vote for the one who's the lesser of two evils.

Not that Trump is "evil", compared to the gaggle of leftard shitheads the Democrats want to foist on us, I mean.

Let's see Trump deported less Illegals than Obama.

Let's see Trump wants to cut funding to social programs that helps Americans in need, INCLUDING VETS.

Let's see Trump wants to have Poland an ACTUAL USA ally, pay Jews reparations.

Let's see Trump wants more money in the hands of Israel & Less in the hands of NATO.

Let's see Trump panders to Kanya West, a degenerated rapper.

Let's see Trump's giving the rich more tax breaks than the middle class.

Let's see Pollution is rising once again under Trump presumably due to his deregulation.

Let's see Trump's a corrupted cretin.

Let's see-Trump has denied entrance and deported more than the Kenyan, who allowed all those terrorists to come here.

Let's see- The People have been waiting for over 200 years for a non-asskissing non-politician who does what he promises despite an uphill fight with the Democrat Party. As for a Fascist leader and party for this country, each one would have a bulls eye on their puny chest.

Nah, actually Obama deported more than Trump.

Allowed all these terrorists to come here?


How did the 9/11 hijackers & Boston bombers come here?
Well all I can say is there's no perfect Presidential candidate. We're all going to have to swallow our pride and vote for the one who's the lesser of two evils.

Not that Trump is "evil", compared to the gaggle of leftard shitheads the Democrats want to foist on us, I mean.

Let's see Trump deported less Illegals than Obama.

Let's see Trump wants to cut funding to social programs that helps Americans in need, INCLUDING VETS.

Let's see Trump wants to have Poland an ACTUAL USA ally, pay Jews reparations.

Let's see Trump wants more money in the hands of Israel & Less in the hands of NATO.

Let's see Trump panders to Kanya West, a degenerated rapper.

Let's see Trump's giving the rich more tax breaks than the middle class.

Let's see Pollution is rising once again under Trump presumably due to his deregulation.

Let's see Trump's a corrupted cretin.

So do you you want to go back to the time Obama was President? Sorry, he's no longer eligible.

No, like my father I'd rather go back to FDR, JFK, Eisenhower, Teddy Roosevelt etc.

Those days are over, dude. You have to make the best out of what we have today and if you think really hard, these are the best days of our lives.

BS, These days are worse.. This society is fragmenting from within, filled with multiculturalism, and degenerates etc.

You have nobody but Democrats to thank for that.
If Donald Trump is a "degenerate, corrupt cretin", I would love to hear your analysis of what those 12 or 13 Democratic candidates are.

My father's pretty pissed off at the Democrats too.
Especially for wishing to give Illegals drivers licenses, free healthcare, free schooling.

Actually, My father's pretty dang Conservative, he wants to stop Islamic Refugees, he's against Abortion, Pornography, the modern Music industry etc.

But, he believes in helping Americans in need too, and that we shouldn't have to pay more for healthcare than every other nation on Earth.

Well all I can say is there's no perfect Presidential candidate. We're all going to have to swallow our pride and vote for the one who's the lesser of two evils.

Not that Trump is "evil", compared to the gaggle of leftard shitheads the Democrats want to foist on us, I mean.

Let's see Trump deported less Illegals than Obama.

Let's see Trump wants to cut funding to social programs that helps Americans in need, INCLUDING VETS.

Let's see Trump wants to have Poland an ACTUAL USA ally, pay Jews reparations.

Let's see Trump wants more money in the hands of Israel & Less in the hands of NATO.

Let's see Trump panders to Kanya West, a degenerated rapper.

Let's see Trump's giving the rich more tax breaks than the middle class.

Let's see Pollution is rising once again under Trump presumably due to his deregulation.

Let's see Trump's a corrupted cretin.

Let's see-Trump has denied entrance and deported more than the Kenyan, who allowed all those terrorists to come here.

Let's see- The People have been waiting for over 200 years for a non-asskissing non-politician who does what he promises despite an uphill fight with the Democrat Party. As for a Fascist leader and party for this country, each one would have a bulls eye on their puny chest.

Nah, actually Obama deported more than Trump.

Allowed all these terrorists to come here?


How did the 9/11 hijackers & Boston bombers come here?

Obama deported more, but yet his policies made it easier for illegals to come here and gave them more benefits?

Who has rounded up and incarcerated more MS-13 members? Trump or Obama?
Let's see Trump deported less Illegals than Obama.

Let's see Trump wants to cut funding to social programs that helps Americans in need, INCLUDING VETS.

Let's see Trump wants to have Poland an ACTUAL USA ally, pay Jews reparations.

Let's see Trump wants more money in the hands of Israel & Less in the hands of NATO.

Let's see Trump panders to Kanya West, a degenerated rapper.

Let's see Trump's giving the rich more tax breaks than the middle class.

Let's see Pollution is rising once again under Trump presumably due to his deregulation.

Let's see Trump's a corrupted cretin.

So do you you want to go back to the time Obama was President? Sorry, he's no longer eligible.

No, like my father I'd rather go back to FDR, JFK, Eisenhower, Teddy Roosevelt etc.

Those days are over, dude. You have to make the best out of what we have today and if you think really hard, these are the best days of our lives.

BS, These days are worse.. This society is fragmenting from within, filled with multiculturalism, and degenerates etc.

You have nobody but Democrats to thank for that.

Some of them maybe, but you're completely bonkers if you think it all is

- Republican Reagan's Amnesty.
- Republican Warren Burgers Roe v Wade. (Abortion)
- Capitalists hiring illegals in mass.
- Capitalists outsourcing in mass.
- Capitalist Porn Industry
- Capitalist Strip clubs.
- Capitalist Sex change operations in Capitalist Hospitals.
- Capitalist McDonald's hiring Illegals & selling us sub foods, filled with processed & sugary garbage.
- Capitalist Gay Bar & Gay Tavern owners.
- Capitalist Music industry Gangster Rap.
- Capitalist Hollywood smut, raunchy films, shoot 'em up degeneracy Liberal cr@pola.
My father's pretty pissed off at the Democrats too.
Especially for wishing to give Illegals drivers licenses, free healthcare, free schooling.

Actually, My father's pretty dang Conservative, he wants to stop Islamic Refugees, he's against Abortion, Pornography, the modern Music industry etc.

But, he believes in helping Americans in need too, and that we shouldn't have to pay more for healthcare than every other nation on Earth.

Well all I can say is there's no perfect Presidential candidate. We're all going to have to swallow our pride and vote for the one who's the lesser of two evils.

Not that Trump is "evil", compared to the gaggle of leftard shitheads the Democrats want to foist on us, I mean.

Let's see Trump deported less Illegals than Obama.

Let's see Trump wants to cut funding to social programs that helps Americans in need, INCLUDING VETS.

Let's see Trump wants to have Poland an ACTUAL USA ally, pay Jews reparations.

Let's see Trump wants more money in the hands of Israel & Less in the hands of NATO.

Let's see Trump panders to Kanya West, a degenerated rapper.

Let's see Trump's giving the rich more tax breaks than the middle class.

Let's see Pollution is rising once again under Trump presumably due to his deregulation.

Let's see Trump's a corrupted cretin.

Let's see-Trump has denied entrance and deported more than the Kenyan, who allowed all those terrorists to come here.

Let's see- The People have been waiting for over 200 years for a non-asskissing non-politician who does what he promises despite an uphill fight with the Democrat Party. As for a Fascist leader and party for this country, each one would have a bulls eye on their puny chest.

Nah, actually Obama deported more than Trump.

Allowed all these terrorists to come here?


How did the 9/11 hijackers & Boston bombers come here?

Obama deported more, but yet his policies made it easier for illegals to come here and gave them more benefits?

Who has rounded up and incarcerated more MS-13 members? Trump or Obama?

Actually, the amount of illegals slowed up, because of Dumbya Bush's recession.

The whole ordeal started with Reagan.

We didn't have Illegal Guatemalans in Brewster, NY until about 1989 - 1991, give or take.

Just a few years after Reagan's amnesty.
so the questions i have for the democrats are these ..... are they Nazi's too ?? are they deplorable smelly wallmart shoppers ?? you know are they what the left calls all Trump supporters ??Trump draws stronger support from veterans than from the public
You should read your own article. When any President increases military spending like Trump you will get positive reaction from those receiving the funds. Bush Jr had an approval rating over 65% with the military.
from your article
"significant shares of veterans are dissatisfied with Trump’s leadership. Nearly half (45%) say he doesn’t listen enough to military leaders in making national security decisions, and a similar share say they have little trust in him to make the right decisions about the use of military force".

The military are not the ones who makes foreign policy and national security decisions and the use of emilitary force. That's the President's domain with the advise of his advisers, including the military.
So do you you want to go back to the time Obama was President? Sorry, he's no longer eligible.

No, like my father I'd rather go back to FDR, JFK, Eisenhower, Teddy Roosevelt etc.

Those days are over, dude. You have to make the best out of what we have today and if you think really hard, these are the best days of our lives.

BS, These days are worse.. This society is fragmenting from within, filled with multiculturalism, and degenerates etc.

You have nobody but Democrats to thank for that.

Some of them maybe, but you're completely bonkers if you think it all is

- Republican Reagan's Amnesty.
- Republican Warren Burgers Roe v Wade. (Abortion)
- Capitalists hiring illegals in mass.
- Capitalists outsourcing in mass.
- Capitalist Porn Industry
- Capitalist Strip clubs.
- Capitalist Sex change operations in Capitalist Hospitals.
- Capitalist McDonald's hiring Illegals & selling us sub foods, filled with processed & sugary garbage.
- Capitalist Gay Bar & Gay Tavern owners.
- Capitalist Music industry Gangster Rap.
- Capitalist Hollywood smut, raunchy films, shoot 'em up degeneracy Liberal cr@pola.

Sounds more like you need a Shariah Law Caliphate, since you have a problem with American decadence. Personally, I take pleasure in my own American decadence.

But if you ever decide to convert to the "Religion of Peace" and radicalize, don't come around my neighborhood.
Subservience is a major, major issue among Western Europeans.

Sound neat...what does that mean to you?
If we don't vote no one will win?

Western Europeans are subservient to their masters.
They cannot think, nor express proper politics.

They just kind of lock into a political clique & Chimp out all irrational.

Doesn't matter if it's the Colonial genocide clique, or the Multicultural suicide clique.

You are a race of lemmings, driving your society off a cliff because all the lemmings are doing it.

I think you're a bit confused....You're saying we are subservient because we vote for the candidate we see as the best fit for us among all potential candidates?

Well, if you start Chimping out for anyone who's smart enough to notice Trump's corruption & flaws like a few users did here for me pointing them out.

Then, yeah subservient idiots.

Corruption and flaws using your metrics?
You've already said you hate him because he hasn't promised you any free shit. You hate him because he engaged in locker room speak like real men with dicks do. You hate him because he banged a dirty liberal whore a decade ago.
Sorry bud, nobody sane and legitimate can take you seriously.
You say "like real men with dicks do"? That is said like a real dick who is far from being a man.
You are a prototypical Trump supporter, stupid, immature, insecure looking for someone to pull you out of your miserable life because you are not able to do so yourself. You think Trump will do it for you. He will not.
No, like my father I'd rather go back to FDR, JFK, Eisenhower, Teddy Roosevelt etc.

Those days are over, dude. You have to make the best out of what we have today and if you think really hard, these are the best days of our lives.

BS, These days are worse.. This society is fragmenting from within, filled with multiculturalism, and degenerates etc.

You have nobody but Democrats to thank for that.

Some of them maybe, but you're completely bonkers if you think it all is

- Republican Reagan's Amnesty.
- Republican Warren Burgers Roe v Wade. (Abortion)
- Capitalists hiring illegals in mass.
- Capitalists outsourcing in mass.
- Capitalist Porn Industry
- Capitalist Strip clubs.
- Capitalist Sex change operations in Capitalist Hospitals.
- Capitalist McDonald's hiring Illegals & selling us sub foods, filled with processed & sugary garbage.
- Capitalist Gay Bar & Gay Tavern owners.
- Capitalist Music industry Gangster Rap.
- Capitalist Hollywood smut, raunchy films, shoot 'em up degeneracy Liberal cr@pola.

Sounds more like you need a Shariah Law Caliphate, since you have a problem with American decadence.

Personally, I take pleasure in my own American decadence.

Because, you're wait for it
wait for it
Drum roll
Subservience is a major, major issue among Western Europeans.

Sound neat...what does that mean to you?
If we don't vote no one will win?

Western Europeans are subservient to their masters.
They cannot think, nor express proper politics.

They just kind of lock into a political clique & Chimp out all irrational.

Doesn't matter if it's the Colonial genocide clique, or the Multicultural suicide clique.

You are a race of lemmings, driving your society off a cliff because all the lemmings are doing it.

I think you're a bit confused....You're saying we are subservient because we vote for the candidate we see as the best fit for us among all potential candidates?

Well, if you start Chimping out for anyone who's smart enough to notice Trump's corruption & flaws like a few users did here for me pointing them out.

Then, yeah subservient idiots.

Corruption and flaws using your metrics?
You've already said you hate him because he hasn't promised you any free shit. You hate him because he engaged in locker room speak like real men with dicks do. You hate him because he banged a dirty liberal whore a decade ago.
Sorry bud, nobody sane and legitimate can take you seriously.

When did I say that?
Are you hallucinating again?

I'm a Collectivist, I grasp that there's a society in need.

Including children, the elderly, the disabled, and the Vets.

4 of the biggest groups depended on safety networks.

You as an inferior Individualist just kind of grasp "Me, Mine, Now"

"F*ck society, I got mine now"

Individualists are truly savages among men.
Those days are over, dude. You have to make the best out of what we have today and if you think really hard, these are the best days of our lives.

BS, These days are worse.. This society is fragmenting from within, filled with multiculturalism, and degenerates etc.

You have nobody but Democrats to thank for that.

Some of them maybe, but you're completely bonkers if you think it all is

- Republican Reagan's Amnesty.
- Republican Warren Burgers Roe v Wade. (Abortion)
- Capitalists hiring illegals in mass.
- Capitalists outsourcing in mass.
- Capitalist Porn Industry
- Capitalist Strip clubs.
- Capitalist Sex change operations in Capitalist Hospitals.
- Capitalist McDonald's hiring Illegals & selling us sub foods, filled with processed & sugary garbage.
- Capitalist Gay Bar & Gay Tavern owners.
- Capitalist Music industry Gangster Rap.
- Capitalist Hollywood smut, raunchy films, shoot 'em up degeneracy Liberal cr@pola.

Sounds more like you need a Shariah Law Caliphate, since you have a problem with American decadence.

Personally, I take pleasure in my own American decadence.

Because, you're wait for it
wait for it
Drum roll

No liberals have as many assault weapons, guns, and as much ammunition as I do, fool.

Da bum...tish....
My dad's a Vietnam Vet & doesn't like Trump..

Your dad must have PTSD. Sad.

I know of at least one Vietnam War vet here who is a rabid left-wing Trump-hater. Like I say, being a hero at one time doesn't give someone the right to be an asshole forever.

No, my dad doesn't like Trump as a person because he's educated.
He knows Trump is a foul mouthed cretin, who talks about grabbing pu$$y, which is a disgrace to women & children.
He knows Trump has 3,500 lawsuits filed against him.
He knows Trump has hired Illegals.
He knows Trump used Chinese steel in his towers.
He knows Stormy Daniels was a fiasco.
He knows Trump University was a scam.
He knows Trump paid workers less than minimum wage.
He knows Trump said he could shoot someone in Times Square & not lose voters.
He knows Trump said Communist China used good government force in Tiananmen Square Massacre.
MOST IMportantly, Trump ripped off a Veterans charity.

You are just ignorant & subservient.

Your posting style seems to be trending downward badly. Has the end of the year been hard on you in some way?
BS, These days are worse.. This society is fragmenting from within, filled with multiculturalism, and degenerates etc.

You have nobody but Democrats to thank for that.

Some of them maybe, but you're completely bonkers if you think it all is

- Republican Reagan's Amnesty.
- Republican Warren Burgers Roe v Wade. (Abortion)
- Capitalists hiring illegals in mass.
- Capitalists outsourcing in mass.
- Capitalist Porn Industry
- Capitalist Strip clubs.
- Capitalist Sex change operations in Capitalist Hospitals.
- Capitalist McDonald's hiring Illegals & selling us sub foods, filled with processed & sugary garbage.
- Capitalist Gay Bar & Gay Tavern owners.
- Capitalist Music industry Gangster Rap.
- Capitalist Hollywood smut, raunchy films, shoot 'em up degeneracy Liberal cr@pola.

Sounds more like you need a Shariah Law Caliphate, since you have a problem with American decadence.

Personally, I take pleasure in my own American decadence.

Because, you're wait for it
wait for it
Drum roll

No liberals have as many assault weapons, guns, and as much ammunition as I do, fool.

Da bum...tish....

Liberalism equates to loosening, deregulation, laissez fair.
Capitalism, gun rights, equate with Liberalism.
so the questions i have for the democrats are these ..... are they Nazi's too ?? are they deplorable smelly wallmart shoppers ?? you know are they what the left calls all Trump supporters ??Trump draws stronger support from veterans than from the public
The poll sited is from July 6. That is before he pulled troops out of norther Syria with little or no notice, leaving Kurdish fighters that had supported us, died for us all throughout the war against our enemies to twist in the wind and die, at the best of Turkey and Russia, releasing thousands of Taliban and other prisoners taken on the battlefield free to fight us again. It was before he interfered in UCMJ to not only pardon a convicted war criminal, turned in by his own troops, investigated, charged, tried, convicted, and about to be discharged. Instead ordering that he be returned to the Seals without even allowing the Seal review board, made up of his peers to weigh in on if they wanted him back. I did my twenty, Officer and Enlisted. I do not respect, much less support Donald Trump. Bone spurs, while continuing college athletics did not impress me from the beginning. Just another draft dodger in the White House.

Ask me how I know that you're a Democrat and have voted for Democrats all your life?

Go ahead, I dare you.
Wrong Galt. Started voting in 72. I voted for Nixon, Reagan, Reagan, Bush, Lamar Alexander both times as Governor and every time for Senate since then, and of course Senator Howard Baker, as well as Senator Fred Thompson, and a variety of Republican Representatives and Governors, as well as state representatives and local Sheriffs. I have voted for several Democrat Representatives and Governors along with some Presidential candidates. I am an Independent. Sometime a particular party or candidate will suck. Sometimes they both suck. This was the case in 2016. Your candidate sucked and still does. The Democrat, Hillary also severely sucked. Neither of them had an ounce of integrity. I will not vote for a President devoid integrity, it being a job requirement of the job. I voted for Gary Johnson, the Libertarian Party guy. My allegiance is to my conscience and country, not some political party. Independent with a capitol "I".
No, like my father I'd rather go back to FDR, JFK, Eisenhower, Teddy Roosevelt etc.

Those days are over, dude. You have to make the best out of what we have today and if you think really hard, these are the best days of our lives.

BS, These days are worse.. This society is fragmenting from within, filled with multiculturalism, and degenerates etc.

You have nobody but Democrats to thank for that.

Some of them maybe, but you're completely bonkers if you think it all is

- Republican Reagan's Amnesty.
- Republican Warren Burgers Roe v Wade. (Abortion)
- Capitalists hiring illegals in mass.
- Capitalists outsourcing in mass.
- Capitalist Porn Industry
- Capitalist Strip clubs.
- Capitalist Sex change operations in Capitalist Hospitals.
- Capitalist McDonald's hiring Illegals & selling us sub foods, filled with processed & sugary garbage.
- Capitalist Gay Bar & Gay Tavern owners.
- Capitalist Music industry Gangster Rap.
- Capitalist Hollywood smut, raunchy films, shoot 'em up degeneracy Liberal cr@pola.

But if you ever decide to convert to the "Religion of Peace" and radicalize, don't come around my neighborhood.

I'm not particularly fond of Muslims,I certainly don't want them in my nation, but they do seem to beat Protestants & the Synagogue of Satan who are a bunch of degenerate Leftists, Globalists, and so forth.
My dad's a Vietnam Vet & doesn't like Trump..

Your dad must have PTSD. Sad.

I know of at least one Vietnam War vet here who is a rabid left-wing Trump-hater. Like I say, being a hero at one time doesn't give someone the right to be an asshole forever.

No, my dad doesn't like Trump as a person because he's educated.
He knows Trump is a foul mouthed cretin, who talks about grabbing pu$$y, which is a disgrace to women & children.
He knows Trump has 3,500 lawsuits filed against him.
He knows Trump has hired Illegals.
He knows Trump used Chinese steel in his towers.
He knows Stormy Daniels was a fiasco.
He knows Trump University was a scam.
He knows Trump paid workers less than minimum wage.
He knows Trump said he could shoot someone in Times Square & not lose voters.
He knows Trump said Communist China used good government force in Tiananmen Square Massacre.
MOST IMportantly, Trump ripped off a Veterans charity.

You are just ignorant & subservient.

Your posting style seems to be trending downward badly. Has the end of the year been hard on you in some way?

"Facts hurt my feelings, Because they don't fit my ignorant subservient views of the World as a Western European idiot."
My dad's a Vietnam Vet & doesn't like Trump..

Your dad must have PTSD. Sad.

I know of at least one Vietnam War vet here who is a rabid left-wing Trump-hater. Like I say, being a hero at one time doesn't give someone the right to be an asshole forever.

No, my dad doesn't like Trump as a person because he's educated.
He knows Trump is a foul mouthed cretin, who talks about grabbing pu$$y, which is a disgrace to women & children.
He knows Trump has 3,500 lawsuits filed against him.
He knows Trump has hired Illegals.
He knows Trump used Chinese steel in his towers.
He knows Stormy Daniels was a fiasco.
He knows Trump University was a scam.
He knows Trump paid workers less than minimum wage.
He knows Trump said he could shoot someone in Times Square & not lose voters.
He knows Trump said Communist China used good government force in Tiananmen Square Massacre.
MOST IMportantly, Trump ripped off a Veterans charity.

You are just ignorant & subservient.

Your posting style seems to be trending downward badly. Has the end of the year been hard on you in some way?

"Facts hurt my feelings, Because they don't fit my ignorant subservient views of the World as a Western European idiot."

Your list is painfully stupid. Seriously. My feelings are fine. I am concerned by the change in your behavior.

I asked a question. Has the HOlidays been rough on you in some way?
My dad's a Vietnam Vet & doesn't like Trump..

Your dad must have PTSD. Sad.

I know of at least one Vietnam War vet here who is a rabid left-wing Trump-hater. Like I say, being a hero at one time doesn't give someone the right to be an asshole forever.

No, my dad doesn't like Trump as a person because he's educated.
He knows Trump is a foul mouthed cretin, who talks about grabbing pu$$y, which is a disgrace to women & children.
He knows Trump has 3,500 lawsuits filed against him.
He knows Trump has hired Illegals.
He knows Trump used Chinese steel in his towers.
He knows Stormy Daniels was a fiasco.
He knows Trump University was a scam.
He knows Trump paid workers less than minimum wage.
He knows Trump said he could shoot someone in Times Square & not lose voters.
He knows Trump said Communist China used good government force in Tiananmen Square Massacre.
MOST IMportantly, Trump ripped off a Veterans charity.

You are just ignorant & subservient.

Your posting style seems to be trending downward badly. Has the end of the year been hard on you in some way?

"Facts hurt my feelings, Because they don't fit my ignorant subservient views of the World as a Western European idiot."

Your list is painfully stupid. Seriously. My feelings are fine. I am concerned by the change in your behavior.

I asked a question. Has the HOlidays been rough on you in some way?

No, you are painfully stupid.
Most Western Europeans are, they can't help themselves.
so the questions i have for the democrats are these ..... are they Nazi's too ?? are they deplorable smelly wallmart shoppers ?? you know are they what the left calls all Trump supporters ??Trump draws stronger support from veterans than from the public
The poll sited is from July 6. That is before he pulled troops out of norther Syria with little or no notice, leaving Kurdish fighters that had supported us, died for us all throughout the war against our enemies to twist in the wind and die, at the best of Turkey and Russia, releasing thousands of Taliban and other prisoners taken on the battlefield free to fight us again. It was before he interfered in UCMJ to not only pardon a convicted war criminal, turned in by his own troops, investigated, charged, tried, convicted, and about to be discharged. Instead ordering that he be returned to the Seals without even allowing the Seal review board, made up of his peers to weigh in on if they wanted him back. I did my twenty, Officer and Enlisted. I do not respect, much less support Donald Trump. Bone spurs, while continuing college athletics did not impress me from the beginning. Just another draft dodger in the White House.

Ask me how I know that you're a Democrat and have voted for Democrats all your life?

Go ahead, I dare you.
The coward probably WON'T reply...........
OH, and a sincere fuck you too. Too the bluzzman.

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