Majority of Germans Want To Ditch The Euro


Diamond Member
Nov 22, 2003
Can't say I blame them:

Most Germans want to ditch the euro


A majority of Germans wants to scrap the euro and bring back the old currency, the deutschemark, according to a new poll published on Tuesday.

The Ipsos survey showed 51 per cent of people in Europe's top economy wanted their beloved deutschemark back, with 30 per cent wanting to keep the euro. The remainder was undecided....
Don't see it going anywhere for the short term. German hegemony has usually started out economic and then moved policly afterward. This is the way the Reich was put together between 1815 and 1870. The prussian Zollverien was paid for by Prussia in a huge way, but the cost was worth it as it saved the prussian state tons of money and led to a huge economic expansion in Germany. Same way with the EU. German idea, Germany pays for it, but everything grows better under German hegemony.

but with all the problems, continuing , of Eastern integration, and the southern part of the Euro zone being so pathetic and the eastern part of the euro zone growing so well, the euro zone may see some big changes. Germany can't pay for Greece and Spain. And Poland, the Czek republic and Latvia are big movers. Look for big changes if Greece flops again.

Since Turkey is doing comparitavly well, maybe Greece will get dumped for Turkey

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