Mainstream Democrats Attack Trump Supporters in Minneapolis


May 23, 2014
Mainstream Democrats converged on Trump rally and attack people who love the United States of America. Many veterans among the pro-America crowd leaving the event. Law enforcement officers assaulted as well. Plastic bullets, Ben bags, night sticks and tear gas should have been employed on the terrorists.
Trump protest in Minneapolis erupts in pepper spray, MAGA hat fires
This is how you handle Antifa...and let the whole fucking world watch.
Probably just Hillary Clinton hiring thugs to beat and bloody Trump supporters at Trump rallies ... AGAIN.

ANTIFA got nasty with the police and got there ass handed to them and locked up.

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No right winger has ever seen a mass protest they didn't want to sick the dogs on. Nothing frightens/enrages them more than the rabble getting uppity.
No right winger has ever seen a mass protest they didn't want to sick the dogs on. Nothing frightens/enrages them more than the rabble getting uppity.

You missed the part about these protesters throwing objects (including beer bottles) at police and police horses--many of which hit the intended targets--and physically assaulting Trump supporters leaving the rally. The cops just sat there and took it, barely reacting after objects hit them. I saw one "protester" who was wearing a bandana on his face push a person who was leaving the rally, whacked him on the head to knock his hat off, and then when the guy leaned over to pick up his hat, several people crowded around him shouting at him while the initial protester pushed him in the back and then got up in his face (about an inch away) taunting him to throw a punch.

I honestly don't know how he kept his cool, other than perhaps the realization that he was surrounded by a crowd of people jumping up and down, shouting at him, waiting for the first instigation to turn it into a group beating.

The cops were so outnumbered (and many of them were very small women) there was nothing they could have done to control the situation in a timely manner if full blown violence did erupt. I did see what seemed to be pepper spray deployed a couple of times, but I'm uncertain if that's what it was considering it had no effect on the unprovoked physically aggressive acts by the crowd
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And only 45 miles away total peace and quiet. Wasn't for the media I wouldn't even know about the rioting.
Low crime, low taxes, reasonable real estate. Screw the Twin Cities. Screw the unelected Met Council. They create their own problems.
Only one way to stop this, let trump supporters bring guns. Check them at the front of the arena, pick up before you leave, and if anyone attack’s your grand ma see ya
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Press knows how it looked and worked hard to spin it as just " spirited" and other nonsense.
Have to remember that the left being so intellectually above others advertise themselves as being inclusive and tolerant.
Imagine what it would be like if they were not?
And people point to polls claiming Trump doesn't have support. How many believe if they answer that they support him they will face this kind of inclusion by the tolerant left?
SOON, SOON NOW, the shooting will start. I can't wait....

I know -
There were 20 thousand good people there last night - plus L.E.

there were maybe 1000 bed wetting masked Antifa types.

Why not just leave the venue and eliminate them all?
And only 45 miles away total peace and quiet. Wasn't for the media I wouldn't even know about the rioting.
Low crime, low taxes, reasonable real estate. Screw the Twin Cities. Screw the unelected Met Council. They create their own problems.
------------------------------------------------ only problem is Growth and Expansion . I used to go to Duluth - Superior for the Bars in Superior in the mid - late 60s and it was nice . Anyway , in about 2010 I ended up going through Duluth and man , has that town ever grown Petro .

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