Macron = new Hitler! Where are US sanctions against bloody dictator?260+ injured & over1.7k detained


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
We could imagine such pictures somewhere in Nazi Germany or Latin America thirty years ago, but not in terrorized by socialist modern France.The true Face of liberalism: murders, killings, terror.
Like in USA lefts spread terror and violence everywhere in the world, even Gaddafi and Pinochet were more tolerable to own people.
Trump shall impose sanctions against murderous lying perverse grannie lover Macron and demand his deportation in the US for a fair trial.

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260+ injured & over 1.7k detained across France in latest Yellow Vest chaos (VIDEO)

Macron is a cowardly criminal and killer!

We could imagine such pictures somewhere in Nazi Germany or Latin America thirty years ago, but not in terrorized by socialist modern France.The true Face of liberalism: murders, killings, terror.
Like in USA lefts spread terror and violence everywhere in the world, even Gaddafi and Pinochet were more tolerable to own people.
Trump shall impose sanctions against murderous lying perverse grannie lover Macron and demand his deportation in the US for a fair trial.

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260+ injured & over 1.7k detained across France in latest Yellow Vest chaos (VIDEO)

Macron is a cowardly criminal and killer!

Killer! Who died?
Actually, 4 have died, just an fyi, nothing more-

Since the unrest began Nov. 17 in response to a sharp increase in diesel taxes, four people have been killed in protest-related accidents.
We could imagine such pictures somewhere in Nazi Germany or Latin America thirty years ago, but not in terrorized by socialist modern France.The true Face of liberalism: murders, killings, terror.
Like in USA lefts spread terror and violence everywhere in the world, even Gaddafi and Pinochet were more tolerable to own people.
Trump shall impose sanctions against murderous lying perverse grannie lover Macron and demand his deportation in the US for a fair trial.

France girds for weekend protests, fearing more violence

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260+ injured & over 1.7k detained across France in latest Yellow Vest chaos (VIDEO)

Macron is a cowardly criminal and killer!

Killer! Who died?
He’s totes like Hitler. Dramatic retards.
We’ve saved France twice in the last century. Time for someone else to do it, or for their own citizenry to step up and do it.
France is a socialist country. It was just a matter of time before the shit hit the fan. Eventually it'll happen here too.
Time for the neo-Marxists to open up the gulags for those pesky white folk that aren’t going along with the Agenda.
I is confused-----maybe Baron knows-----what is the DEMOGRAPHIC of the yellow vests in France? ---
what is the demographic of the protesters? -----the
only information I find suggest that the afflicted
people are GUYANESE ------is that true?
Actually, 4 have died, just an fyi, nothing more-

Since the unrest began Nov. 17 in response to a sharp increase in diesel taxes, four people have been killed in protest-related accidents.
We could imagine such pictures somewhere in Nazi Germany or Latin America thirty years ago, but not in terrorized by socialist modern France.The true Face of liberalism: murders, killings, terror.
Like in USA lefts spread terror and violence everywhere in the world, even Gaddafi and Pinochet were more tolerable to own people.
Trump shall impose sanctions against murderous lying perverse grannie lover Macron and demand his deportation in the US for a fair trial.

France girds for weekend protests, fearing more violence

Read more:

260+ injured & over 1.7k detained across France in latest Yellow Vest chaos (VIDEO)

Macron is a cowardly criminal and killer!

Killer! Who died?

4 died. Were they killed by Macron or Macron forces?
Second French Revolution!

Bless the French who are fed up with globalism and open borders, and want their country back!:clap2:

I is confused-----maybe Baron knows-----what is the DEMOGRAPHIC of the yellow vests in France? ---
what is the demographic of the protesters? -----the
only information I find suggest that the afflicted
people are GUYANESE ------is that true?

They are mainly folks from small villages in rural parts.
We’ve saved France twice in the last century. Time for someone else to do it, or for their own citizenry to step up and do it.

Precisely. The French resent the domestic military impôt-du-sang and hire a foreign legion of mercenary soldiers. No go. Military leadership in France has no backbone. If they aren't there for their own soldiers, they aren't there for us.
We’ve saved France twice in the last century. Time for someone else to do it, or for their own citizenry to step up and do it.

They have only themselves to blame. They voted Macron in.

Let em settle their own disputes.

Wonder if they vote for him next time??

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