Low Information DeathRAT Congressman: Ted Lieu on Alabama Disaster Blames Trump

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
Ted Lieu-sor.

If he an Occasonal-Kotex mated, their offspring just might have the IQ of a baked potato.....Or did I aim too high?

DemonRATIC California Rep. Ted Lieu apologized Friday for a snarky tweet that mocked President Donald Trump’s trip. DeathRAT Rep. Ted Lieu apologized Friday for a snarky tweet that mocked President Donald Trump’s trip to storm-ravaged Alabama to meet with tornado victims.

In response to the president’s Friday morning announcement that he was on his way to Alabama, Lieu wrote in a since-deleted tweet, “WE ARE IN THE THIRD WEEK OF THE NATIONAL EMERGENCY! Can you feel the emergency? Is this why [Trump] is going to Alabama, because we need to build a Wall along Alabama’s southern border? Oh wait, I just looked at the map ….” Lieu concluded his comment with the hashtag, “#FridayMorning Thoughts”....

“I have concluded based on Twitter comments I received,” Lieu began, “that my last tweet was inappropriate. I understand the purpose now of the President’s visit to Alabama. I apologize and am going to delete my tweet.”

(Excerpt) Read more at dailycaller.com ...

There’s nothing the DeathRATS won’t say. They’ll blame everything on President Trump from the Mongol Horde to the Black Death. They are no longer concerned about how whacky they sound, meaning either they’re unhinged or their base is unhinged. Probably both. Backing by the media is making the whole country look like an asylum.... THE REST OF THE WORLD IS LAUGHING AT THE COMPLETE STUPIDITY OF THE DEMONRATS!
Another troll, Russian or dark money or just a Trump snowflake. Odd how trolls get all their info from wacko sites. So many threads, so little sense. For the non snowflake lots of stuff below.

Daily Caller - Media Bias/Fact Check

"Cold, grasping, bleak, graceless, and dull; unctuous, sleek, pitiless, and crass; a pallid vulgarian floating through life on clouds of acrid cologne and trailed by a vanguard of fawning divorce lawyers, the devil is probably eerily similar to Donald Trump—though perhaps just a little nicer."

A Person You Flee At Parties | David Bentley Hart

"What is patriotism? Let us begin with what patriotism is not. It is not patriotic to dodge the draft and to mock war heroes and their families. It is not patriotic to discriminate against active-duty members of the armed forces in one's companies, or to campaign to keep disabled veterans away from one's property. It is not patriotic to compare one's search for sexual partners in New York with the military service in Vietnam that one has dodged. It is not patriotic to avoid paying taxes, especially when American working families do pay. It is not patriotic to ask those working, taxpaying American families to finance one's own presidential campaign, and then to spend their contributions in one's own companies. It is not patriotic to admire foreign dictators. It is not patriotic to cultivate a relationship with Muammar Gaddafi; or to say that Bashar al-Assad and Vladimir Putin are superior leaders. It is not patriotic to call upon Russia to intervene in an American presidential election. It is not patriotic to cite Russian propaganda at rallies." Timothy Snyder On Tyranny: Twenty Lessons from the Twentieth Century by Timothy Snyder

"The trick never ages; the illusion never wears off. Vote to stop abortion; receive a rollback in capital gains taxes. Vote to make our country strong again; receive deindustrialization. Vote to screw those politically correct college professors; receive electricity deregulation. Vote to get government off our backs; receive conglomeration and monopoly everywhere from media to meatpacking. Vote to stand tall against terrorists; receive Social Security privatization. Vote to strike a blow against elitism; receive a social order in which wealth is more concentrated than ever before in our lifetimes, in which workers have been stripped of power and CEOs are rewarded in a manner beyond imagining." Thomas Frank, What's the Matter With Kansas?: How Conservatives Won the Heart of America

"As a student of history, I recognize this type. He emerges everywhere and in all eras. We see nurtured in his campaign an incipient Proto-fascism, a nativist anti-immigrant Know Nothing-ism, a disrespect for the judiciary, the prospect of women losing authority over their own bodies, African Americans again asked to go to the back of the line, voter suppression gleefully promoted, jingoistic saber rattling, a total lack of historical awareness, a political paranoia that, predictably, points fingers, always making the other wrong. These are all virulent strains that have at times infected us in the past. But they now loom in front of us again—all happening at once. We know from our history books that these are the diseases of ancient and now fallen empires. The sense of commonwealth, of shared sacrifice, of trust, so much a part of American life, is eroding fast, spurred along and amplified by an amoral Internet that permits a lie to circle the globe three times before the truth can get started." Ken Burns
'A House Divided Against Itself Cannot Stand': Ken Burns' Stanford Commencement Address | HuffPost

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