Love that Inflation..

Lumpy 1

Diamond Member
Jun 19, 2009
Well now the Obama/Democrat inflation is kicking in pleasant...

All the Democrats have is... we can terrorize the populous over the Ryan plan..


Eighty-eight percent (88%) of adults report paying more for groceries now than they were a year ago. While that’s down slightly from May’s high of 91%, it’s still above results found in all of 2010. Just seven percent (7%) say they are not paying more for groceries compared to last year.

88% Are Paying More for Groceries Now Than A Year Ago - Rasmussen Reports™
If the stats for inflation and unemployment were properly done, the Obama Misery Index would be over 30%.

But given that stats can't hide double digit food inflation from consumers, and can't make the unemployed feel employed, the Misery Is Real.
Higher commodoties and precious metals too, Lumpy. It's beautiful out there aint it? Circa late 70's redux with Jimmy and the boys?

Pass me a cold Billy Beer and a bag of pork rinds, s'il te plait.
So. .. what have the Democrats done that's working out well..?

I've asked.. they can't seem to come up with anything... seriously nothing..
Oh yeah. I forgot.

More Unemployment Checks and Food Stamps for Everyone (except of course, the Evul Rich who make over $250K per year). That will stimulate the economy!
So. .. what have the Democrats done that's working out well..?

I've asked.. they can't seem to come up with anything... seriously nothing..

I have asked 3 times in threads 2 of which I started- where are the plans mr. president? debt ceiling? entitlement reform, deficit reform, 2012 budget?

beats me. but he glamored them in Ireland ;)
So. .. what have the Democrats done that's working out well..?

I've asked.. they can't seem to come up with anything... seriously nothing..

yeah, they have the same record as the Republicans. Bad for America, both of them.

I don't quite agree.. Republicans spent like drunkin sailors and deserved to lose power, whereas Democrats spend like drunkin high priced prostitutes..
So. .. what have the Democrats done that's working out well..?

I've asked.. they can't seem to come up with anything... seriously nothing..

I have asked 3 times in threads 2 of which I started- where are the plans mr. president? debt ceiling? entitlement reform, deficit reform, 2012 budget?

beats me. but he glamored them in Ireland ;)

His plans are....he caught Osama bin Laden and the GOP is pushing Granny off of the cliff.
So. .. what have the Democrats done that's working out well..?

I've asked.. they can't seem to come up with anything... seriously nothing..

I have asked 3 times in threads 2 of which I started- where are the plans mr. president? debt ceiling? entitlement reform, deficit reform, 2012 budget?

beats me. but he glamored them in Ireland ;)

His plans are....he caught Osama bin Laden and the GOP is pushing Granny off of the cliff.

“The Only Thing We Have, Is Fear Itself”

okay... I did change the FDR quote a tad..:lol:

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