Louis Farrakhan speaks the truth on COVID and the forced vaccines policy that is comming:

I have been getting vaccinated all my life beginning with the Polio vaccine so I’m not inclined to reject all vaccines

that said, I dont expect a vaccine to eliminate the threat from the chinese disease because the virus keeps mutating faster than medical science can respond
I agree----all muslims should refuse vaccination and isolate themselves COMPLETELY in places like saudi arabia and pakistan and bangladesh and antarctica
YA MUSLIMEEN listen to the words of allah from the mouth of Farakharah
I know he hates people like me (white), but...nothing in this video was about whites...just the truth.

In fact, if you forgive and overlook his anti-white comments, practically everything else he says 100% spot on, which is, of course, why he was censored.

Seems Trumpsters have found their soul brother.

From my understanding, God works through many people, in many ways. God put Louis Farrakhan on his path to do good for people he fights for. I've listened to him many times. I simply wash away the anti-white portions and take the remaining message that God wanted me to hear as Christian.
I know he hates people like me (white), but...nothing in this video was about whites...just the truth.

In fact, if you forgive and overlook his anti-white comments, practically everything else he says 100% spot on, which is, of course, why he was censored.

Seems Trumpsters have found their soul brother.

Oh by NO MEANS, DO NOT address the OP, just post some bull shit video... that's the way to do it. That makes you look so smart.
I know he hates people like me (white), but...nothing in this video was about whites...just the truth.

In fact, if you forgive and overlook his anti-white comments, practically everything else he says 100% spot on, which is, of course, why he was censored.

Seems Trumpsters have found their soul brother.

From my understanding, God works through many people, in many ways. God put Louis Farrakhan on his path to do good for people he fights for. I've listened to him many times. I simply wash away the anti-white portions and take the remaining message that God wanted me to hear as Christian.

I am fascinated----once you wash away the "anti-white" just what is left of the farahkharah message that you find laudable or "christian" ?
I know he hates people like me (white), but...nothing in this video was about whites...just the truth.

In fact, if you forgive and overlook his anti-white comments, practically everything else he says 100% spot on, which is, of course, why he was censored.

Seems Trumpsters have found their soul brother.

From my understanding, God works through many people, in many ways. God put Louis Farrakhan on his path to do good for people he fights for. I've listened to him many times. I simply wash away the anti-white portions and take the remaining message that God wanted me to hear as Christian.

I am fascinated----once you wash away the "anti-white" just what is left of the farahkharah message that you find laudable or "christian" ?


There was a time when I was a lot like you, hopefully one day you will realize that people of color and people of other beliefs, are not the enemy.

What I've learned from Farrakhan is unadulterated and non-politicized (pure) plight and struggle and oppression that people of color have truly suffered around the world, not just in the United States.

And that's why he was censored from social media, like most conservatives.

There's plenty of antifa/communist/Democrat scum that spew hate and anti-white speech all day every day in mainstream media, as bad or worse than Farrakhan, but they do so in manner that adheres to the far-left agenda.

Farakhan doesn't play their game, he just says it like it is; however, he holds all white people accountable for the sins of Pedo Bill, Soros, Gates, etc; but he lumps all other whites into the hate, including you and me and even Trump and other Patriots that are otherwise trying to correct the course of this nation...because we're white.

You have to see it, forgive him and pray for him. We don't excuse his hatred for whites, but we do understand it, and that's why we can forgive.

Also understanding the true plight of colored people is important if we as a nation actually want to fix it and move on. But this Antifa communist insurrection hiding behind BLM is not the answer.
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MY policy in regard to any NEW medicine is-----give it time------it takes time for the problems to SHOW UP

Problems with RNA altering may not show up for decades.

For instance Huntington's disease is a DNA disorder that doesn't manifest for decades in most people...sometimes very late in life (some may lucky enough to die naturally or by accident from something else in their adult life before it takes hold).

Who knows that worldwide RNA and DNA altering vaccines can do...there's no amount of time you can wait and think it's safe.

And repeat: The Elite will NEVER take it, even if they say they did.
You have to see it, forgive him and pray for him. We don't excuse his hatred for whites, but we do understand it, and that's why we can forgive.
2nd, I think you're good people, but I don't agree with that - - - ^ ^ ^ - - - one bit. I don't have to forgive him, and I certainly won't excuse him for his hatred of white people. That's for God to do. I'm not God. I'm just a man, and if you hate me simply because I'm white, then I have no love or forgiveness for you either. The feelings are mutual.

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