LISTEN: Bristol Palin’s weepy, foul-mouthed post-brawl statement to police


Gold Member
Sep 18, 2012
LISTEN: Bristol Palin’s weepy, foul-mouthed post-brawl statement to police

BTW - she is really getting fat. Drinking too much?

“Oh, f*cking hell no,” Bristol tells police on tape, “no one is going touch my sister.”

Why is this in politics and why do you care about the Palins so much? Do you masturbate every time you start a Palin thread?
The Left's fascination with the Palins rivals that of their fascination with the Kennedys.
Mama Grisly and her brood strut their white trash stuff for the world to see. Take a good look, everybody. They're absolutely perfect role models for RWers who seem to think that whatever they think or feel at any given moment is enough of a justification in and of itself for their subsequent behavior. That's why conservative talk radio is full of emotional ranters like Mark Levin who latch on to any emotionally laden story, regardless of how devoid of truth it may be, if and when they think it will further their cause and help them achieve their goals of election victory. That's when you'll need to watch out as the radical stealth agenda is enacted, regardless of what they said to the contrary prior to votes being cast.
It was a party that got out of control. Some bad blood between some people and it started some fights. According to the video some guy shoved her down and drug her around by her feet as well.

I can understand the cussing and fussing after some folks just beat the hell out of each other.

Not condoning it, but if I was at a party and some man was dragging a women around the yard I'd pound that turkey into the ground myself.

This is just the left getting their kicks on attacking the Palin's. Nothing new here.
The left was soooooooo scared that America might send Sarah Palin one step away from the presidency.

So they saved us by giving us this:

liberal limp wristed pussified men soo screed of the palin women
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