List of liberal lies and hoaxes


Gold Member
Jul 20, 2018
I will go down the line starting with.


The art of the big lie: the history of fake news

From the Reichstag fire to Stalin’s show trials, the craft of disinformation is nothing new.

The Russians call it dezinformatsiya. Disinformation – strategic deceit – It has played a part in the battle that has raged between democracies and its enemies since at least the First World War.

Conservatives and especially Christian conservatives find it hard to comprehend how and why liberals lie so easily. Many liberals seem to lie without the slightest guilt or compunction.

For left-wing politics, lying goes back to the Russian Bolsheviks or earlier. The masses were lied to because the ruling elite (or the ruling elite to be) felt that the ends (Marxism) justified any means, and the masses were too stupid and ignorant to know what was good for them. But the ruling elite knew exactly what was good for them. Leftists have a rather low opinion of the masses, the average citizen.

Liberalism is like a religion, and it has zealots as fanatical as any other religion. But unlike most religions, liberalism has no moral code. The closest thing to a moral code in liberalism is “don’t get caught”. Ethics are situational, and totally up for interpretation. The truth is subjective, and the truth is merely what you want it to be. To the fanatic the leftist cause is so noble, so sacred that any lying or cheating for the leftist cause is justified.

When a liberal lies to the American public, he is in effect saying,

You are too stupid to know what is good for you. I know what is good for you. I will say anything I need to say to convince you my way is the right way.”

If liberals were honest about their vision for this country few people would ever vote for them. -Liberals must lie to us in order to impose the tyranny of liberalism upon us.

The art of the big lie: the history of fake news

Why Do Liberals Lie So Much? | LIBERALISM SUCKS

The list I intend to cover is quite extensive....I intend to post many more of them as time permits.
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The media has dove right in on globalism and socialism...why?....why have our schools gone there?....the answer must be that they stand to gain something...and I guarantee it will be at our expense.....
Didn´t know Hitler and Stalin were liberals. Thank you.

No one said they were "Liberals"....Stalin was a leftwinger aka communist...but then of course liberals do love their marxism.

Hitler was a socialist and ...many,many liberals are intoxicated with socialism.

7 Quotes That Prove Adolf Hitler Was A Proud Socialist - The Libertarian Republic

The Liberal Hoax of global warming

The liberal media machine has spent decades bulldozing anyone who tells you global warming is a sham.

They even came up with a clever little title — “deniers.”

Every time a heat wave hits, every time a picture of a lone polar bear gets taken . . . the left pounds the table for environmental reform, more policy, more money to combat climate change. But how much has the world really warmed?

Their message is simple: Get on the man-made global warming bandwagon . . . or you’re just ignorant.

New Report: There is No Global Warming |

Didn´t know Hitler and Stalin were liberals. Thank you.

No one said they were "Liberals"....Stalin was a leftwinger aka communist...but then of course liberals do love their marxism.

Hitler was a socialist and ...many,many liberals are intoxicated with socialism.

7 Quotes That Prove Adolf Hitler Was A Proud Socialist - The Libertarian Republic


I went to this and stopped:

"In a speech in Munich in August 1920, Hitler addressed the National Socialist party on the issues of race and politics."

Note: There was no National Socialist Party in 1920.

Henry Ford receiving the Grand Cross of the German Eagle, 1938:
Oh....does anyone remember Dan Rather?

Well, he is better forgotten but remember this one?

Dan Rather – in what was supposed to be the defining moment of his CBS career, Rather compiled a report which the left hoped would take down then President George W. Bush prior to the 2004 elections. Instead, the documents Rather used to “prove” Bush’s Texas Air Guard service had been less then stellar were actually forgeries. Instead of admitting his error, Rather doubled down on the report and was subsequently released from CBS News a year earlier than his contract intended.
Didn´t know Hitler and Stalin were liberals. Thank you.

No one said they were "Liberals"....Stalin was a leftwinger aka communist...but then of course liberals do love their marxism.

Hitler was a socialist and ...many,many liberals are intoxicated with socialism.

7 Quotes That Prove Adolf Hitler Was A Proud Socialist - The Libertarian Republic


I went to this and stopped:

"In a speech in Munich in August 1920, Hitler addressed the National Socialist party on the issues of race and politics."

Note: There was no National Socialist Party in 1920.

Henry Ford receiving the Grand Cross of the German Eagle, 1938:

The above is a good example of what I am talking about....a liberal lying....well in this case perhaps he is just mistaken....or has a foggy memory.

The National Socialist German Workers' Party, commonly referred to in English as the Nazi Party, was a political party in Germany that was active between 1920 and 1945 and supported the ideology of Nazism. Its precursor, the German Workers' Party, existed from 1919 to 1920.
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I will go down the line starting with.


The art of the big lie: the history of fake news

From the Reichstag fire to Stalin’s show trials, the craft of disinformation is nothing new.

The Russians call it dezinformatsiya. Disinformation – strategic deceit – It has played a part in the battle that has raged between democracies and its enemies since at least the First World War.

Conservatives and especially Christian conservatives find it hard to comprehend how and why liberals lie so easily. Many liberals seem to lie without the slightest guilt or compunction.

For left-wing politics, lying goes back to the Russian Bolsheviks or earlier. The masses were lied to because the ruling elite (or the ruling elite to be) felt that the ends (Marxism) justified any means, and the masses were too stupid and ignorant to know what was good for them. But the ruling elite knew exactly what was good for them. Leftists have a rather low opinion of the masses, the average citizen.

There is no end to the treachery of the Democrats

Liberalism is like a religion, and it has zealots as fanatical as any other religion. But unlike most religions, liberalism has no moral code. The closest thing to a moral code in liberalism is “don’t get caught”. Ethics are situational, and totally up for interpretation. The truth is subjective, and the truth is merely what you want it to be. To the fanatic the leftist cause is so noble, so sacred that any lying or cheating for the leftist cause is justified.

When a liberal lies to the American public, he is in effect saying,

You are too stupid to know what is good for you. I know what is good for you. I will say anything I need to say to convince you my way is the right way.”

If liberals were honest about their vision for this country few people would ever vote for them. -Liberals must lie to us in order to impose the tyranny of liberalism upon us.

The art of the big lie: the history of fake news

Why Do Liberals Lie So Much? | LIBERALISM SUCKS

The list I intend to cover is quite extensive....I intend to post many more of them as time permits.
I will go down the line starting with.


The art of the big lie: the history of fake news

From the Reichstag fire to Stalin’s show trials, the craft of disinformation is nothing new.

The Russians call it dezinformatsiya. Disinformation – strategic deceit – It has played a part in the battle that has raged between democracies and its enemies since at least the First World War.

Conservatives and especially Christian conservatives find it hard to comprehend how and why liberals lie so easily. Many liberals seem to lie without the slightest guilt or compunction.

For left-wing politics, lying goes back to the Russian Bolsheviks or earlier. The masses were lied to because the ruling elite (or the ruling elite to be) felt that the ends (Marxism) justified any means, and the masses were too stupid and ignorant to know what was good for them. But the ruling elite knew exactly what was good for them. Leftists have a rather low opinion of the masses, the average citizen.

There is no end to the treachery of the Democrats

Liberalism is like a religion, and it has zealots as fanatical as any other religion. But unlike most religions, liberalism has no moral code. The closest thing to a moral code in liberalism is “don’t get caught”. Ethics are situational, and totally up for interpretation. The truth is subjective, and the truth is merely what you want it to be. To the fanatic the leftist cause is so noble, so sacred that any lying or cheating for the leftist cause is justified.

When a liberal lies to the American public, he is in effect saying,

You are too stupid to know what is good for you. I know what is good for you. I will say anything I need to say to convince you my way is the right way.”

If liberals were honest about their vision for this country few people would ever vote for them. -Liberals must lie to us in order to impose the tyranny of liberalism upon us.

The art of the big lie: the history of fake news

Why Do Liberals Lie So Much? | LIBERALISM SUCKS

The list I intend to cover is quite extensive....I intend to post many more of them as time permits.
There is no end to the treachery of the Democrats. Diogenes of Sinope said he never found an honest man but he was blind and carried a lantern and Sinope was near ancient Athens, the birthplace of Democracy.
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Another huge,huge lie of liberals is that one about Trump being a racist.

No proof whatsoever that Trump is or ever has been a Racist....yet the liberals/democrats repeat that big lie over and over thinking that through repetiion some may be deceived....and it is true....many have been deceived.

Trump is no racist, and accusers know it - WND - WND
Didn´t know Hitler and Stalin were liberals. Thank you.

No one said they were "Liberals"....Stalin was a leftwinger aka communist...but then of course liberals do love their marxism.

Hitler was a socialist and ...many,many liberals are intoxicated with socialism.

7 Quotes That Prove Adolf Hitler Was A Proud Socialist - The Libertarian Republic


I went to this and stopped:

"In a speech in Munich in August 1920, Hitler addressed the National Socialist party on the issues of race and politics."

Note: There was no National Socialist Party in 1920.

Henry Ford receiving the Grand Cross of the German Eagle, 1938:

The above is a good example of what I am talking about....a liberal lying....well in this case perhaps he is just mistaken....or has a foggy memory.

The National Socialist German Workers' Party, commonly referred to in English as the Nazi Party, was a political party in Germany that was active between 1920 and 1945 and supported the ideology of Nazism. Its precursor, the German Workers' Party, existed from 1919 to 1920.
Sorry, I confused the years: German Workers' Party - Wikipedia

However, you didn´t address liberal communist Henry Ford.
Didn´t know Hitler and Stalin were liberals. Thank you.

No one said they were "Liberals"....Stalin was a leftwinger aka communist...but then of course liberals do love their marxism.

Hitler was a socialist and ...many,many liberals are intoxicated with socialism.

7 Quotes That Prove Adolf Hitler Was A Proud Socialist - The Libertarian Republic


I went to this and stopped:

"In a speech in Munich in August 1920, Hitler addressed the National Socialist party on the issues of race and politics."

Note: There was no National Socialist Party in 1920.

Henry Ford receiving the Grand Cross of the German Eagle, 1938:

The above is a good example of what I am talking about....a liberal lying....well in this case perhaps he is just mistaken....or has a foggy memory.

The National Socialist German Workers' Party, commonly referred to in English as the Nazi Party, was a political party in Germany that was active between 1920 and 1945 and supported the ideology of Nazism. Its precursor, the German Workers' Party, existed from 1919 to 1920.
Sorry, I confused the years: German Workers' Party - Wikipedia

However, you didn´t address liberal communist Henry Ford.
Didn´t know Hitler and Stalin were liberals. Thank you.

No one said they were "Liberals"....Stalin was a leftwinger aka communist...but then of course liberals do love their marxism.

Hitler was a socialist and ...many,many liberals are intoxicated with socialism.

7 Quotes That Prove Adolf Hitler Was A Proud Socialist - The Libertarian Republic


I went to this and stopped:

"In a speech in Munich in August 1920, Hitler addressed the National Socialist party on the issues of race and politics."

Note: There was no National Socialist Party in 1920.

Henry Ford receiving the Grand Cross of the German Eagle, 1938:

The above is a good example of what I am talking about....a liberal lying....well in this case perhaps he is just mistaken....or has a foggy memory.

The National Socialist German Workers' Party, commonly referred to in English as the Nazi Party, was a political party in Germany that was active between 1920 and 1945 and supported the ideology of Nazism. Its precursor, the German Workers' Party, existed from 1919 to 1920.
Sorry, I confused the years: German Workers' Party - Wikipedia

However, you didn´t address liberal communist Henry Ford.

Ford had interests in politics but was never successful as a politician, and unsuccessfully ran for Senate as a Democrat
Didn´t know Hitler and Stalin were liberals. Thank you.

No one said they were "Liberals"....Stalin was a leftwinger aka communist...but then of course liberals do love their marxism.

Hitler was a socialist and ...many,many liberals are intoxicated with socialism.

7 Quotes That Prove Adolf Hitler Was A Proud Socialist - The Libertarian Republic


I went to this and stopped:

"In a speech in Munich in August 1920, Hitler addressed the National Socialist party on the issues of race and politics."

Note: There was no National Socialist Party in 1920.

Henry Ford receiving the Grand Cross of the German Eagle, 1938:

The above is a good example of what I am talking about....a liberal lying....well in this case perhaps he is just mistaken....or has a foggy memory.

The National Socialist German Workers' Party, commonly referred to in English as the Nazi Party, was a political party in Germany that was active between 1920 and 1945 and supported the ideology of Nazism. Its precursor, the German Workers' Party, existed from 1919 to 1920.
Sorry, I confused the years: German Workers' Party - Wikipedia

However, you didn´t address liberal communist Henry Ford.
Didn´t know Hitler and Stalin were liberals. Thank you.

No one said they were "Liberals"....Stalin was a leftwinger aka communist...but then of course liberals do love their marxism.

Hitler was a socialist and ...many,many liberals are intoxicated with socialism.

7 Quotes That Prove Adolf Hitler Was A Proud Socialist - The Libertarian Republic


I went to this and stopped:

"In a speech in Munich in August 1920, Hitler addressed the National Socialist party on the issues of race and politics."

Note: There was no National Socialist Party in 1920.

Henry Ford receiving the Grand Cross of the German Eagle, 1938:

The above is a good example of what I am talking about....a liberal lying....well in this case perhaps he is just mistaken....or has a foggy memory.

The National Socialist German Workers' Party, commonly referred to in English as the Nazi Party, was a political party in Germany that was active between 1920 and 1945 and supported the ideology of Nazism. Its precursor, the German Workers' Party, existed from 1919 to 1920.
Sorry, I confused the years: German Workers' Party - Wikipedia

However, you didn´t address liberal communist Henry Ford.

Ford had interests in politics but was never successful as a politician, and unsuccessfully ran for Senate as a Democrat
He was an anti-Semite. And like Ford, most of Hitlers funding came from the private economy, and the private companies remained private.
No one said they were "Liberals"....Stalin was a leftwinger aka communist...but then of course liberals do love their marxism.

Hitler was a socialist and ...many,many liberals are intoxicated with socialism.

7 Quotes That Prove Adolf Hitler Was A Proud Socialist - The Libertarian Republic


I went to this and stopped:

"In a speech in Munich in August 1920, Hitler addressed the National Socialist party on the issues of race and politics."

Note: There was no National Socialist Party in 1920.

Henry Ford receiving the Grand Cross of the German Eagle, 1938:

The above is a good example of what I am talking about....a liberal lying....well in this case perhaps he is just mistaken....or has a foggy memory.

The National Socialist German Workers' Party, commonly referred to in English as the Nazi Party, was a political party in Germany that was active between 1920 and 1945 and supported the ideology of Nazism. Its precursor, the German Workers' Party, existed from 1919 to 1920.
Sorry, I confused the years: German Workers' Party - Wikipedia

However, you didn´t address liberal communist Henry Ford.
No one said they were "Liberals"....Stalin was a leftwinger aka communist...but then of course liberals do love their marxism.

Hitler was a socialist and ...many,many liberals are intoxicated with socialism.

7 Quotes That Prove Adolf Hitler Was A Proud Socialist - The Libertarian Republic


I went to this and stopped:

"In a speech in Munich in August 1920, Hitler addressed the National Socialist party on the issues of race and politics."

Note: There was no National Socialist Party in 1920.

Henry Ford receiving the Grand Cross of the German Eagle, 1938:

The above is a good example of what I am talking about....a liberal lying....well in this case perhaps he is just mistaken....or has a foggy memory.

The National Socialist German Workers' Party, commonly referred to in English as the Nazi Party, was a political party in Germany that was active between 1920 and 1945 and supported the ideology of Nazism. Its precursor, the German Workers' Party, existed from 1919 to 1920.
Sorry, I confused the years: German Workers' Party - Wikipedia

However, you didn´t address liberal communist Henry Ford.

Ford had interests in politics but was never successful as a politician, and unsuccessfully ran for Senate as a Democrat
He was an anti-Semite. And like Ford, most of Hitlers funding came from the private economy, and the private companies remained private.

Henry Ford did not like drink'in and his goons would invade your house and if drink'in is going on, you're fired from a five dollar a day job which was good money back then.
It is why Democrats (Liberal/Progressives) have to disguise all their positions, and policies, because if they told the truth nobody would want what they are peddling.
I went to this and stopped:

"In a speech in Munich in August 1920, Hitler addressed the National Socialist party on the issues of race and politics."

Note: There was no National Socialist Party in 1920.

Henry Ford receiving the Grand Cross of the German Eagle, 1938:

The above is a good example of what I am talking about....a liberal lying....well in this case perhaps he is just mistaken....or has a foggy memory.

The National Socialist German Workers' Party, commonly referred to in English as the Nazi Party, was a political party in Germany that was active between 1920 and 1945 and supported the ideology of Nazism. Its precursor, the German Workers' Party, existed from 1919 to 1920.
Sorry, I confused the years: German Workers' Party - Wikipedia

However, you didn´t address liberal communist Henry Ford.
I went to this and stopped:

"In a speech in Munich in August 1920, Hitler addressed the National Socialist party on the issues of race and politics."

Note: There was no National Socialist Party in 1920.

Henry Ford receiving the Grand Cross of the German Eagle, 1938:

The above is a good example of what I am talking about....a liberal lying....well in this case perhaps he is just mistaken....or has a foggy memory.

The National Socialist German Workers' Party, commonly referred to in English as the Nazi Party, was a political party in Germany that was active between 1920 and 1945 and supported the ideology of Nazism. Its precursor, the German Workers' Party, existed from 1919 to 1920.
Sorry, I confused the years: German Workers' Party - Wikipedia

However, you didn´t address liberal communist Henry Ford.

Ford had interests in politics but was never successful as a politician, and unsuccessfully ran for Senate as a Democrat
He was an anti-Semite. And like Ford, most of Hitlers funding came from the private economy, and the private companies remained private.

Henry Ford did not like drink'in and his goons would invade your house and if drink'in is going on, you're fired from a five dollar a day job which was good money back then.
Doesn´t sound too liberal.
No one said they were "Liberals"....Stalin was a leftwinger aka communist...but then of course liberals do love their marxism.

Hitler was a socialist and ...many,many liberals are intoxicated with socialism.

Except Hitler wasn't really as socialist... he was a Nationalist. The NSDAP pretty much purged all their socialist elements in the Night of the Long Knives at the insistence of German Industrialists... then the Nazis and Krupps pretty much were hand in hand walking to oblivion.

When the Nazis sent people to camps, there were big corporations waiting to exploit their labor at a profit.

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