Link Between Climate Denial and Conspiracy Beliefs Sparks Conspiracy Theories


Gold Member
Mar 22, 2010
I used to wonder why the really wacky conspiracy theorists were such a major part of this anti-science AGW-denial cult-like movement that the fossil fuel industry propagandists astro-turfed up to be their 'useful idiot' foot-soldiers in their campaign to deceive the public about the reality and dangers of anthropogenic global warming/climate changes and the urgent need to drastically restrict future carbon we know....someone did a bit of research that demonstrated a clear link between AGW denial and a general belief in the usual crackpot conspiracy theories, like the moon landings were faked....the really, really hilarious thing about that is that the AGW deniers immediately claimed that the study itself was part of a conspiracy against them.

Link Between Climate Denial and Conspiracy Beliefs Sparks Conspiracy Theories
By Stephanie Pappas, LiveScience Senior Writer
Sep 7, 2012

A study suggesting climate change deniers also tend to hold general beliefs in conspiracy theories has sparked accusations of a conspiracy on climate change-denial blogs. The research, which will be published in an upcoming issue of the journal Psychological Science, surveyed more than 1,000 readers of science blogs regarding their beliefs regarding global warming. The results revealed that people who tend to believe in a wide array of conspiracy theories are more likely to reject the scientific consensus that the Earth is heating up. University of Western Australia psychologist Stephan Lewandowsky based the findings on responses from an online survey posted on eight science blogs. According to the paper, Lewandowsky approached five climate-skeptic blogs and asked them to post the survey link, but none did. Now, climate-skeptic bloggers are striking back with a new conspiracy theory: that the researchers deliberately failed to contact "real skeptics" for the study and then lied about it.

Though about 97 percent of working scientists agree that the evidence shows a warming trend caused by humans, public understanding of climate change falls along political lines. Democrats are more likely to "believe in" global warming than Republicans, according to a 2011 report by the University of New Hampshire's Carsey Institute. In fact, deniers and skeptics who felt more confident in their climate-change knowledge were the strongest disbelievers. Believing that climate change isn't happening or that it's not human-caused requires a belief that thousands of climate scientists around the world are lying outright, Lewandowsky and his colleagues wrote in their new paper. Conspiracy theory beliefs are known to come in clusters — someone who thinks NASA faked the moon landing is more likely to accept the theory that 9/11 was an inside job, for example. So Lewandowsky and his colleagues created an online survey and asked eight mostly pro-science blogs and five climate-skeptic blogs to post a link to the survey for their readers. The respondents were self-selecting, but highly motivated to care about climate science, the researchers noted. The responses came only from the eight pro-science blogs, the researchers reported. Of 1,145 usable survey responses, the researchers found that support for free-market, laissez-faire economics was linked to a rejection of climate change. A tendency to believe other conspiracy theories was also linked to denial of climate change. Finally, climate-change deniers were more likely than others to say that other environmental problems have been solved, indicating a dismissive attitude toward "green" causes. "To our knowledge, our results are the first to provide empirical evidence for the correlation between a general construct of conspiracist ideation and the general tendency to reject well-founded science," Lewandowsky and his colleagues concluded. Psychological research has found that conspiracy beliefs are hard to dislodge, they wrote, but efforts to debunk multiple lines of conspiratorial reasoning at once may help.

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What a lame attempt to marginalize people who don't follow in lock-step. I know that Man-caused climate change is complete bull shit yet I don't believe in: 9-11 conspiracy, faked moon landing, any Kennedy assassination conspiracy, alien visitations, alien abductions or any of that non-sense.

In fact, a healthy dose of skepticism is required to sift through the bull shit that is the AGW religion and that same skeptical mind prevents belief in the nut ball conspiracy theories.

Sorry, you lose and the author of that article is an idiot.
Does the fact that some people who believe in anthropomorphic global warming also believe that Bush lied prove that AGW is a conspiracy, or is your article typical blather from an idiot that doesn't think things through?
Does the fact that some people who believe in anthropomorphic global warming also believe that Bush lied prove that AGW is a conspiracy, or is your article typical blather from an idiot that doesn't think things through? mean you actually seriously think that to believe that "Bush lied" is to believe in a conspiracy theory?

Does the fact that some people who believe in anthropomorphic global warming also believe that Bush lied prove that AGW is a conspiracy, or is your article typical blather from an idiot that doesn't think things through? mean you actually seriously think that to believe that "Bush lied" is to believe in a conspiracy theory?


Do you seriously think it isn't, even after every prominent Democrat that spouted that line during the 2004 election apologized for saying it?
Does the fact that some people who believe in anthropomorphic global warming also believe that Bush lied prove that AGW is a conspiracy, or is your article typical blather from an idiot that doesn't think things through? mean you actually seriously think that to believe that "Bush lied" is to believe in a conspiracy theory?


Do you seriously think it isn't, even after every prominent Democrat that spouted that line during the 2004 election apologized for saying it?

What planet do you live on? Did you just arrive here? Or are you perhaps just another delusional rightwingnut retard?

List of George W. Bush Lies

Bush lies and deceptions

The List of Bush's Lies and Policy Failures

Top Ten Bush Lies

Long List Of Bush-Cheney Administration Lies

The 935 lies of George W. Bush

The True Lies of George W. Bush

Log of lies from the Bush-Cheney administration

[ame=""]Big Bush Lies: 20 Essays and a List of the 50 Most Telling Lies of George W. Bush[/ame]

Of course, now you'll (without reading any of those links) explain to us how all of those websites are part of a 'conspiracy' to defame Bush. LOLOLOLOL.
Last edited: mean you actually seriously think that to believe that "Bush lied" is to believe in a conspiracy theory?


Do you seriously think it isn't, even after every prominent Democrat that spouted that line during the 2004 election apologized for saying it?

What planet do you live on? Did you just arrive here? Or are you perhaps just another delusional rightwingnut retard?

List of George W. Bush Lies

Bush lies and deceptions

The List of Bush's Lies and Policy Failures

Top Ten Bush Lies

Long List Of Bush-Cheney Administration Lies

The 935 lies of George W. Bush

The True Lies of George W. Bush

Log of lies from the Bush-Cheney administration

[ame=""]Big Bush Lies: 20 Essays and a List of the 50 Most Telling Lies of George W. Bush[/ame]

Of course, now you'll (without reading any of those links) explain to us how all of those websites are part of a 'conspiracy' to defame Bush. LOLOLOLOL.

One of the hallmarks of conspiracy nuts is the ability to provide multiple links to the same information.
Do you seriously think it isn't, even after every prominent Democrat that spouted that line during the 2004 election apologized for saying it?

What planet do you live on? Did you just arrive here? Or are you perhaps just another delusional rightwingnut retard?

List of George W. Bush Lies

Bush lies and deceptions

The List of Bush's Lies and Policy Failures

Top Ten Bush Lies

Long List Of Bush-Cheney Administration Lies

The 935 lies of George W. Bush

The True Lies of George W. Bush

Log of lies from the Bush-Cheney administration

[ame=""]Big Bush Lies: 20 Essays and a List of the 50 Most Telling Lies of George W. Bush[/ame]

Of course, now you'll (without reading any of those links) explain to us how all of those websites are part of a 'conspiracy' to defame Bush. LOLOLOLOL.

One of the hallmarks of conspiracy nuts is the ability to provide multiple links to the same information.
One of the hallmarks of the delusionally insane is the inability to recognize it when their moronic claims are debunked. As I just did to your laughable claim that knowing that Bush lied is somehow equivalent to believing in a conspiracy.

BTW, how would you know whether or not those links all lead to the same information when you never looked at them? The point was to debunk your retarded claim with a preponderance of evidence.
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What planet do you live on? Did you just arrive here? Or are you perhaps just another delusional rightwingnut retard?

List of George W. Bush Lies

Bush lies and deceptions

The List of Bush's Lies and Policy Failures

Top Ten Bush Lies

Long List Of Bush-Cheney Administration Lies

The 935 lies of George W. Bush

The True Lies of George W. Bush

Log of lies from the Bush-Cheney administration

Big Bush Lies: 20 Essays and a List of the 50 Most Telling Lies of George W. Bush

Of course, now you'll (without reading any of those links) explain to us how all of those websites are part of a 'conspiracy' to defame Bush. LOLOLOLOL.

One of the hallmarks of conspiracy nuts is the ability to provide multiple links to the same information.
One of the hallmarks of the delusionally insane is the inability to recognize it when their moronic claims are debunked. As I just did to your laughable claim that knowing that Bush lied is somehow equivalent to believing in a conspiracy.

BTW, how would you know whether or not those links all lead to the same information when you never looked at them? The point was to debunk your retarded claim with a preponderance of evidence.

Posting a bunch of links to conspiracy sites doesn't debink me calling a conspiracy a conspiracy. If it worked that way I could prove the government has a secret base at the center of the Earth that they use to control the weather on Jupiter.
One of the hallmarks of conspiracy nuts is the ability to provide multiple links to the same information.
One of the hallmarks of the delusionally insane is the inability to recognize it when their moronic claims are debunked. As I just did to your laughable claim that knowing that Bush lied is somehow equivalent to believing in a conspiracy.

BTW, how would you know whether or not those links all lead to the same information when you never looked at them? The point was to debunk your retarded claim with a preponderance of evidence.

Posting a bunch of links to conspiracy sites doesn't debink me calling a conspiracy a conspiracy. If it worked that way I could prove the government has a secret base at the center of the Earth that they use to control the weather on Jupiter. all those websites have to be "conspiracy sites" just because you happen to have a completely delusional belief that Bush never lied.....but of course you would never actually examine the evidence that was presented to you showing conclusively (with citations to the sources) that Bush are such a good example of the conspiracy theory mentality mentioned in the OP......and of course you're also really retarded and dead ignorant about the basis of climate science.....just like most of the other denier cult retards who post on here.....
One of the hallmarks of the delusionally insane is the inability to recognize it when their moronic claims are debunked. As I just did to your laughable claim that knowing that Bush lied is somehow equivalent to believing in a conspiracy.

BTW, how would you know whether or not those links all lead to the same information when you never looked at them? The point was to debunk your retarded claim with a preponderance of evidence.

Posting a bunch of links to conspiracy sites doesn't debink me calling a conspiracy a conspiracy. If it worked that way I could prove the government has a secret base at the center of the Earth that they use to control the weather on Jupiter. all those websites have to be "conspiracy sites" just because you happen to have a completely delusional belief that Bush never lied.....but of course you would never actually examine the evidence that was presented to you showing conclusively (with citations to the sources) that Bush are such a good example of the conspiracy theory mentality mentioned in the OP......and of course you're also really retarded and dead ignorant about the basis of climate science.....just like most of the other denier cult retards who post on here.....

You have no idea who you are talking to, do you? I suggest you do a search of "everybody lies" or "all politicians lie" with my name, then come back and sputter some more.
Posting a bunch of links to conspiracy sites doesn't debink me calling a conspiracy a conspiracy. If it worked that way I could prove the government has a secret base at the center of the Earth that they use to control the weather on Jupiter. all those websites have to be "conspiracy sites" just because you happen to have a completely delusional belief that Bush never lied.....but of course you would never actually examine the evidence that was presented to you showing conclusively (with citations to the sources) that Bush are such a good example of the conspiracy theory mentality mentioned in the OP......and of course you're also really retarded and dead ignorant about the basis of climate science.....just like most of the other denier cult retards who post on here.....

You have no idea who you are talking to, do you? I suggest you do a search of "everybody lies" or "all politicians lie" with my name, then come back and sputter some more.
Oh geez, QuantumDirtbag, it doesn't matter if "all politicians" or "everybody" lies or not because that is not the issue you raised here. You basically denied that Bush lied and equated the knowledge (based on abundant evidence) that Bush lied to belief in conspiracy theories. I don't need to do any silly searches to have a very good idea about exactly who I'm talking to here - another rightwingnut retard who imagines that knowing that Bush lied repeatedly and deliberately about extremely vital matters is somehow evidence of a belief in conspiracy theories - another denier cult imbecile who believes that all of the world's climate scientists and many leaders in business, industry and government are all in on a huge world-wide conspiracy to deceive the public about the reality and dangers of AGW for some convoluted reasons that only conspiracy theorists understand. You are one of the duped, brainwashed cretins who work to deny the reality of the climate change crisis we face in order (even if you may not consciously know why) to protect the short term profits of the fossil fuel industry at the expense of all of the rest of the human race and all of the other life forms on this planet, many of whom are going to suffer and die because the human race, in spite of the very clear warnings from the scientists, has been deceived by short sighted greed-heads into delaying the necessary actions to swiftly reduce or eliminate most human caused carbon emissions in time to prevent the worst consequences.
if you don't fall into lock step with these people you are accused of being ANTI-SCIENCE

This is how they BULLY people..

the'd make good little commies
Still see no evidence as to the link between denying the complete non-sense that man is changing the climate to the other nonsense that comprizes most conspiracy theories.

It takes a skeptical mind to debunk those theories and that very same skeptical mind will tell you that AGW is complete garbage. The author of that article is a moron at worst and a left wing stooge at best.
What a dummy..................

Everybody cares about "green causes"...........until its time to open up their wallet.:D:D

Which is why green energy is still a veritable joke. It was a fad 20 years ago. Its a fad now. It will be a fad 25 years from now.

World Energy Outlook 2012 predictions for the state of energy in 2035


Oh......and PS..........once fiscal budgetary considerations become serious in future years, all green subsidies will vanish. It'll be one of the first things to get jettisoned............politicians will be desperate to support cheaper energy, the emphasis on "er".
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With science, when the experiment or data falsifies your theory, you modify or discard your theory; with AGW consensus, when the experiment or data falsifies your theory, you modify or discard the data

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