Lindsey graham still lying


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV
About Rice and Obama and Benghazi. There was no attempt to cover up and miss-lead Americans about what happen surrounding the death of four Americans in the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi. It is a fact that there had been and was still demonstrations due to the anti-Islam video at the Embassy and at the Consulate and first reasonable reactions would have been the attack on the Consulate was cause by the demonstrators or other extremist like Al Qaeda. And there is still no evidence that it was Al Qaeda or if it was well planned in advance of the demonstrations or during the demonstrations. Does not really matter when four Americans are dead. No one can say for certain what Rice and Obama knew and when. Certainly not Issa, Graham and McCain who have the audacity to call Rice “not very bright” considering he picked stupid to be his VP. It’s no wonder there is so much distrust after Bush’s lies and Romney’s lies. That is old pre-civil rights mentality which appears to die hard.

Investigating the Benghazi attack

The official said as many as 50 people have been brought in for questioning but not all of them were arrested. They were people who were at a protest outside the consulate but there was no indication yet that they took part in the violence, he said.
The senior Libyan government official said there is no evidence yet that the attack was planned or that al Qaeda was involved.
U.S. officials believe extremists carried out the attack on the consulate in Benghazi, but that they did it after a spontaneous protest began outside the building, said Susan Rice, the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations.
More arrests in U.S. Consulate attack, Libyan official says -
Your so blind even a seeing eye dog couldn't lead you around. Nobody heard of the video until obama brought it up, and if it was the video's fault, why hasn't bill mahers video bashing muslims been brought up? In one forum you say it was the video's fault, in another you say obama said it was a planned terrorist attack. Are you so used to obama lying to you, that you believe your own lies now? It's been over two months since it happened and their still investigating? My goodness they were watching on live tv while it was going on. The obama administration is the most incompetent group of people to occupy the white house in history. I could only imagine what you would've said about bush if two months after 911and he was still investigating. Remember it didn't take long to find out about 911, but then we had a president who cared about america, instead of the one we have now, who only cares about himself.
She's a blind Barrybot.

Hell. Her daughter lives off grants. Money provided by we the taxpayer. She's okay with it. Thinks its wonderful. All that free money keeping her daughter or is it granddaugter is fine style.

She's another flamming idiot like Truthspatters. She couldn't see the truth if it kicked her in the ass.
There was no attempt to cover up and miss-lead Americans about what happen surrounding the death of four Americans in the U.S? Only if lying about a video does not equate to misleading.
About Rice and Obama and Benghazi. There was no attempt to cover up and miss-lead Americans about what happen surrounding the death of four Americans in the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi. It is a fact that there had been and was still demonstrations due to the anti-Islam video at the Embassy and at the Consulate and first reasonable reactions would have been the attack on the Consulate was cause by the demonstrators or other extremist like Al Qaeda. And there is still no evidence that it was Al Qaeda or if it was well planned in advance of the demonstrations or during the demonstrations. Does not really matter when four Americans are dead. No one can say for certain what Rice and Obama knew and when. Certainly not Issa, Graham and McCain who have the audacity to call Rice “not very bright” considering he picked stupid to be his VP. It’s no wonder there is so much distrust after Bush’s lies and Romney’s lies. That is old pre-civil rights mentality which appears to die hard.

Investigating the Benghazi attack

The official said as many as 50 people have been brought in for questioning but not all of them were arrested. They were people who were at a protest outside the consulate but there was no indication yet that they took part in the violence, he said.
The senior Libyan government official said there is no evidence yet that the attack was planned or that al Qaeda was involved.
U.S. officials believe extremists carried out the attack on the consulate in Benghazi, but that they did it after a spontaneous protest began outside the building, said Susan Rice, the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations.
More arrests in U.S. Consulate attack, Libyan official says -

LMAO , even President Traitor has walked away from the video story.
Ya' gotta figure.....

.....and, has a tendency to lose the Truth, quite-often.

Why don't you post like a normal human being? This isn't a fucking powerpoint project.

When I want to be reminded their are insane scumbags breathing my air and polluting my country, I just have to read the liberal posts here.

A black POTUS and black AG break the law in Fast & Furious....but pointing it out is "racism."

Now that same black POTUS with other white Democrap goons are covering up bullshit with Libya.....yep it's racism yet again.

You are going to burn in hell someday, that is my lone solace in all of this bullshit.
When I want to be reminded their are insane scumbags breathing my air and polluting my country, I just have to read the liberal posts here.

A black POTUS and black AG break the law in Fast & Furious....but pointing it out is "racism."

Now that same black POTUS with other white Democrap goons are covering up bullshit with Libya.....yep it's racism yet again.

You are going to burn in hell someday, that is my lone solace in all of this bullshit.

So when it is all said and done you get nothing for your efforts.

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You are only here from 1-100 years or so....burning in hell is going to be longer than that. :eusa_shhh:

BBQ is your name.

When I want to be reminded their are insane scumbags breathing my air and polluting my country, I just have to read the liberal posts here.

A black POTUS and black AG break the law in Fast & Furious....but pointing it out is "racism."

Now that same black POTUS with other white Democrap goons are covering up bullshit with Libya.....yep it's racism yet again.

You are going to burn in hell someday, that is my lone solace in all of this bullshit.

So when it is all said and done you get nothng for your efforts.

You are only here from 1-100 years or so....burning in hell is going to be longer than that. :eusa_shhh:

BBQ is your name.

When I want to be reminded their are insane scumbags breathing my air and polluting my country, I just have to read the liberal posts here.

A black POTUS and black AG break the law in Fast & Furious....but pointing it out is "racism."

Now that same black POTUS with other white Democrap goons are covering up bullshit with Libya.....yep it's racism yet again.

You are going to burn in hell someday, that is my lone solace in all of this bullshit.

So when it is all said and done you get nothng for your efforts.


Oh...I see.. you are threatening people with the wrath of your sky fairy.


You religious people make me laugh longtime.
You are only here from 1-100 years or so....burning in hell is going to be longer than that. :eusa_shhh:

BBQ is your name.

So when it is all said and done you get nothng for your efforts.


Oh...I see.. you are threatening people with the wrath of your sky fairy.


You religious people make me laugh longtime.
Not as funny as global warming nuts, how many predictions have been wrong so far? I mean I should've starved to death by now. Lol, I'll be thinking about that while i'm stuffing my face at the two seperate thanksgiving dinners i'm eating at today!
About Rice and Obama and Benghazi. There was no attempt to cover up and miss-lead Americans about what happen surrounding the death of four Americans in the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi. It is a fact that there had been and was still demonstrations due to the anti-Islam video at the Embassy and at the Consulate and first reasonable reactions would have been the attack on the Consulate was cause by the demonstrators or other extremist like Al Qaeda. And there is still no evidence that it was Al Qaeda or if it was well planned in advance of the demonstrations or during the demonstrations. Does not really matter when four Americans are dead. No one can say for certain what Rice and Obama knew and when. Certainly not Issa, Graham and McCain who have the audacity to call Rice “not very bright” considering he picked stupid to be his VP. It’s no wonder there is so much distrust after Bush’s lies and Romney’s lies. That is old pre-civil rights mentality which appears to die hard.

Investigating the Benghazi attack

The official said as many as 50 people have been brought in for questioning but not all of them were arrested. They were people who were at a protest outside the consulate but there was no indication yet that they took part in the violence, he said.
The senior Libyan government official said there is no evidence yet that the attack was planned or that al Qaeda was involved.
U.S. officials believe extremists carried out the attack on the consulate in Benghazi, but that they did it after a spontaneous protest began outside the building, said Susan Rice, the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations.
More arrests in U.S. Consulate attack, Libyan official says -

Rice lied to the American people for two weeks regarding an obscure You tube video. Maybe she was instructed to lie or maybe she was too ignorant or lazy to find the truth. Hussein and his cohorts watched the battle in real time for about 7 hours and did nothing to assist the Ambassador. The assumption is that the president's focus was on the muslem brotherhood he helped to establish in control of Libya and he "hoped" the ambassador wouldn't be killed (and raped?). Hussein screwed up big time and he didn't have the courage to take responsibility. His slime ball dirty tricks squad dug up dirt on the CIA director to discredit his testimony and then he skipped town hoping the media would cover his cowardly ass.

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