Like father like son: Now pro-life, Donald Trump Jr. wanted Republicans to ‘drop’ abortion fight in 2012


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
What most pro-life people wanted was a return to pre-Roe v. Wade, which is what SCOTUS has done. It is no longer a national issue and we need to move on from it being a national issue.

Unless people want to argue an unborn child has 14th Amendment protections and that will require another generation of arguing and winning over hearts and minds.

'Roe' did great damage, a stupid decision by SCOTUS which all too often fails to consider national implications in certain rulings.
NY Post resurfaced the comments following former President Trump's claim that pro-lifers find Florida's six week abortion ban "too harsh."

Meh, Don Jr. has never and does not now hold any public office. I don't really care what he has to say. His opinion means even less to me than yours does.
Why in the world would NY Post "resurface" comments by civilian Donald Trump Jr. in 2012? Civilians can change their mind because it doesn't impact the future of the Country Why not resurface quotes by the freaking president's anti-abortion stance ten or twenty years ago? Too embarrassing?

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