Life In US Is Expensive


Diamond Member
Nov 22, 2003
so is the 'clean up'...

Salvation Army Serving Storm Refugees
Feeding First Responders

The Salvation Army is currently providing services to storm victims and first responders in the Gulf Coast states.

A $100 donation to The Salvation Army will feed a family of four for two days, provide two cases of drinking water and one household clean-up kit, containing brooms, mops, buckets, and cleaning supplies.

Victims Needing Assistance:

> Please call 1-800-SAL-ARMY.

Connect with Loved Ones:

> SATERN - The Salvation Army's Team Emergency Radio Network has been activated. Click here to send a health and welfare request regarding family and friends you otherwise are unable to locate...

How You Can Help:

1. Financial Donations:

Financial contributions are greatly needed, and provide The Salvation Army with the funds to purchase what storm victims need. They also allow The Salvation Army to assess the unique needs of individuals and families, as well as put money back into the economy of those communities affected by the disaster.

> Click here to donate online...

> To donate by phone, call 1-800-SAL-ARMY..

> To donate by mail, send checks, earmarked 'disaster relief,' to PO BOX 4857 JACKSON, MS 39296-4857.

> Visit your local Wal-Mart or Sam's Club to donate to The Salvation Army's Hurricane Katrina relief effort.

2. In - Kind Donations:

Due to the uncertainty of specific needs and a desire for The Salvation Army to meet as many of those needs as possible, we are not accepting in kind donations at this time. Please take all donations of clothing to your local thrift store to assist them in continued service to your community. Corporations wishing to make in kind donations may contact 1-888-363-2769.

3. Volunteers:

> Click here to fill out a Salvation Army volunteer form or call 1-800-SAL-ARMY. You will be contacted as the need arises.

4. Prayer:

> Please pray for the victims of Hurricane Katrina and for the rescue and response workers as they all begin to
weed through the destruction.

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