LIES your President Told YOU-video

Iraq wasn't capable of making nuclear bombs, hence no WMD in Iraq.

The Record on CURVEBALL

That's not the point, KNB. The point is Saddam Hussein claimed he was close to having the bomb, and that he would get rid of Israel with it. With his track record of murdering his own Iraqi citizens (320,000 by my last count) using WMDS (superSarin), imagine the destabilization he would bring to the Middle East by doing his thing. And there are pictures of trucks loading a lot of stuff at suspected storage sites of scientific war weaponry laboratories in Iraq heading for the Syrian border, and unaccounted for.

After Saddam was ousted, our troops found a lot of WOMDs, and not just residues either, it's all classified.

Stop claiming that classified WOMDs don't matter because "it cannot be proved."

It's how the left smears calumny all over George W. Bush for doing the right thing that all the senators gave him the power to do in finding terrorists, and finding those who supported the terrorists. That is certainly true of Saddam Hussein who had his finger in every terrorist pie. When Afghanistan fell to Americans, Saddam sent 10 jumbo jets to Kabul to pick up Al Qaeda and Taliban leaders that very day.

You can't tell me that all of a sudden he started liking Al-Qaeda. He knew them by their first names and those of their wives and children. Yet you keep up the "Saddam didn't have any ties at all with AQ."

I say: Bullshit!

You keep fooling yourself by repeating, repeating, repeating, the same old stale lies the left has foisted on America in order to prop up leaders very interested in converting Treasury into cash for their heirs who invested in bad Green businesses who kept on producing the same losers their predecessors did, while China undercut their prices because they could.
Lets see, Romy shaking hands with Saddam in 1980...30+ years ago when he was our ally against Iran that had been holding our embassy prisoners, is supposed to show what? Want to see pictures of FDR with Joe Stalin?

Second article written 3+ years BEFORE the secret transfer of yellowcake.... Do you know what the word secret means?

You're not smart. Iran was Reagan's ally, too, even though they had American hostages.

Secretly. Do you know what the word secret means?

The Iran-Contra Affair, 1983-1988

THE IRAQ WAR -- PART I:*The U.S. Prepares for Conflict, 2001
THE IRAQ WAR -- PART II: Was There Even a Decision?
THE IRAQ WAR -- PART III: Shaping the Debate

Was Reagan ever brought up on crimes about this dum dum?...And Col. North was exonerated!

The hostages were let go as soon as Reagan was inaugurated! Had a big fight with OCD pogo over this, which I naturally won :D, as they were released 28 minutes INTO Reagan's term, and were held hostage all through Carter's last term!

Now, if you want to look it up, go ahead, because I'm not wasting my time with an outright idiot!

Carter only had one term.
You're not smart. Iran was Reagan's ally, too, even though they had American hostages.

Secretly. Do you know what the word secret means?

The Iran-Contra Affair, 1983-1988

THE IRAQ WAR -- PART I:*The U.S. Prepares for Conflict, 2001
THE IRAQ WAR -- PART II: Was There Even a Decision?
THE IRAQ WAR -- PART III: Shaping the Debate

Was Reagan ever brought up on crimes about this dum dum?...And Col. North was exonerated!

The hostages were let go as soon as Reagan was inaugurated! Had a big fight with OCD pogo over this, which I naturally won :D, as they were released 28 minutes INTO Reagan's term, and were held hostage all through Carter's last term!

Now, if you want to look it up, go ahead, because I'm not wasting my time with an outright idiot!

Carter only had one term.

Yes, his first term was his last term.... It just felt like 2, it was so horrible!:D

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