Libya attack revenge for Obama's drone kill of AQ's 2nd command


Diamond Member
Oct 16, 2010
This was a well planned revenge attack for the Obama's administrations drone kill of AQ's #2 suggests a Brit think tank.

It was only a matter of time before AQ started retaliating. Sadly the embassy had jack shit protection. Not even bullet proof glass. The whole article will blow you away about the lack of security.

Here's the details though of what the think tank is calling a revenge killing.

A London think tank run by a former Libyan militant leader suggested on Tuesday that not only was the Benghazi attack 'well planned,'but that it may have been retaliation for an American drone attack that killed a Libyan leader of al Qaeda's core command group earlier this year

The Quilliam Foundation said that 24 hours before the Benghazi incident, al Qaeda leader, Ayman al-Zawahiri, distributed a video to militant websites in which he confirmed the death of his second in command, known as Abu Yahya al-Libi, and urged Libyans to avenge his killing.

Quilliam, whose president, Noman Benotman, once was a leader of an anti-Gaddafi militant faction said that according to its sources, up to 20 militants had prepared for a military assault.

Quilliam said the assault on the Benghazi Consulate took place in two waves.

After the first wave, U.S. officials arranged an evacuation of the Consulate by Libyan security forces. As the evacuation was taking place, a second wave of attacks was launched against U.S. officials.

The whole article is here.

Safe house where Ambassador died had no Marine guard and his body was missing for five hours: Full scale of chaos surrounding Libyan killings revealed | Mail Online
I never said stop killing AQ. How crazy are you?

Don't answer that because all sorts of people are saying that it was a "bad bad movie" that caused this and want to draw and quarter the freaking producer.

The true motive will turn out to be the drone kill and these kills have to be carried out. I understand we have to eradicate AQ.

It makes sense though that AQ was finally going to retaliate at a certain point. My beef as should every body's beef be is the lack of security at this embassy.

Not even bullet proof glass. Someone should get their ass kicked for this lack of security.
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I never said stop killing AQ. How crazy are you?

Don't answer that because all sorts of people are saying that it was a "bad bad movie" that caused this and want to draw and quarter the freaking producer.

The true motive will turn out to be the drone kill and these kills have to be carried out. I understand we have to eradicate AQ.

It makes sense though that AQ was finally going to retaliate at a certain point. My beef as should every body's beef be is the lack of security at this embassy.

Not even bullet proof glass. Someone should get their ass kicked for this lack of security.

Fucking progressives are getting so paranoid they are seeing shit that isn't there.
I never said stop killing AQ. How crazy are you?

Don't answer that because all sorts of people are saying that it was a "bad bad movie" that caused this and want to draw and quarter the freaking producer.

The true motive will turn out to be the drone kill and these kills have to be carried out. I understand we have to eradicate AQ.

It makes sense though that AQ was finally going to retaliate at a certain point. My beef as should every body's beef be is the lack of security at this embassy.

Not even bullet proof glass. Someone should get their ass kicked for this lack of security.

I posted yesterday that it was probably a retaliation for killing the number 2..

Catch up.
I never said stop killing AQ. How crazy are you?

Don't answer that because all sorts of people are saying that it was a "bad bad movie" that caused this and want to draw and quarter the freaking producer.

The true motive will turn out to be the drone kill and these kills have to be carried out. I understand we have to eradicate AQ.

It makes sense though that AQ was finally going to retaliate at a certain point. My beef as should every body's beef be is the lack of security at this embassy.

Not even bullet proof glass. Someone should get their ass kicked for this lack of security.

I posted yesterday that it was probably a retaliation for killing the number 2..

Catch up.

I honestly didn't see it. The board was moving so fast yesterday. I lost a couple of my own threads. They're probably on page 30 by now. :D

Seriously though, Libya was different from the get go because this was a full scale assault and the perpetrators knew what they were doing.

Damn these people were sitting ducks.
So I guess we should stop killing al qaeda because they might occasionally fight back?

What the fuck do you people want?

No, we just need to recognize that they will retaliate for actual killings on our part and it's just stupid to blame it on some little youtube video. Second, recognize that they are in the wrong and not worthy of an apology from our government for every little thing that gets under their skin. Christians get bashed on a daily basis and manage to ignore it. I have never, ever heard one liberal insult any filmmaker who bashed religions other than Islam. Then there was the movie about the assassination of Bush and it was a hit with liberals. It's only wrong when the other side does it. And it is tiring the way they go out of their way to defend Muslims.

Fact is, the extremists have said time and time again that they want death to all infidels. So, scream at the little filmmaker all day long, but unless we all stop being infidels and don burkas and robes, we will remain targets for murder.

Obama likes bragging about the killing of Osama, yet cries when they get mad and then he blames it on someone else. Man up and deal with these losers.
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This was a well planned revenge attack for the Obama's administrations drone kill of AQ's #2 suggests a Brit think tank.

The Brits do not 'think' anymore. Their National Healthcare System has decided that thinking makes them obese.
The Obama administration dropped the ball. They had information of the coming attack 48 hours in advance and did nothing with it. I mean why should they? The Muslim brotherhood loves us now that Obama is president and Hilary's staff has one of it's representatives on board. Maybe we should just borrow another few billion from the Chinese to give to them and then forgive their debt to pay it back..
The Obama administration dropped the ball. They had information of the coming attack 48 hours in advance and did nothing with it. I mean why should they? The Muslim brotherhood loves us now that Obama is president and Hilary's staff has one of it's representatives on board. Maybe we should just borrow another few billion from the Chinese to give to them and then forgive their debt to pay it back..

Do you eat beef jerky?
So I guess we should stop killing al qaeda because they might occasionally fight back?

What the fuck do you people want?

seems to me...the question is whether it is a result of the film maker or obama...what do you think?

I'd say both, yet neither one specifically. The Muslim extremists hate infidels. Period. Even if we all went about our business, not going after any terrorists or insulting them in any fashion, they would still want us dead. I think their first target is Israel, but we're a close second and they'll take any opportunity to take a jab at us.

Meanwhile, our government (with our blessing) is going after terrorists and killing them, yet when the predicted attacks happen, the left will point at military burning korans used to send secret messages among prisoners or someone who makes a comment or a movie and lay the blame on them for the radicals acting like the radicals they are.
Go figure. Are they really pretending that the Muslim extremists will tolerate the killing of bin laden and other operatives, then go off because of a film?
So I guess we should stop killing al qaeda because they might occasionally fight back?

What the fuck do you people want?

seems to me...the question is whether it is a result of the film maker or obama...what do you think?

I'd say both, yet neither one specifically. The Muslim extremists hate infidels. Period. Even if we all went about our business, not going after any terrorists or insulting them in any fashion, they would still want us dead. I think their first target is Israel, but we're a close second and they'll take any opportunity to take a jab at us.

Meanwhile, our government (with our blessing) is going after terrorists and killing them, yet when the predicted attacks happen, the left will point at military burning korans used to send secret messages among prisoners or someone who makes a comment or a movie and lay the blame on them for the radicals acting like the radicals they are.
Go figure. Are they really pretending that the Muslim extremists will tolerate the killing of bin laden and other operatives, then go off because of a film?

It was just a matter of time when AQ or others would start to retaliate for all the assassinations.

And think of the weapons that fell into Libyan hands at the time of the overthrow. This is beyond worrisome. One of the men that was killed was an ex-Seal who specifically was over there to attempt to locate these weapons.

So knowing all of this how the hell could the State Department not provide adequate security for their Ambassador and others?

Now that some of the pieces are starting to fall into place I think we're seeing just the tip of the iceberg of some serious deadly serious issues we face in Libya.

They have surface to air missles missing over there. Cripes, this is getting uglier by the minute.

One of the Americans killed alongside Ambassador Christopher Stevens in an attack on a U.S. diplomatic mission in Libya Tuesday told ABC News before his death that he was working with the State Department on an intelligence mission to round up dangerous weapons in the war-torn nation.

In an interview with ABC News last month, Glen Doherty, a 42-year-old former Navy SEAL who worked as a contractor with the State Department, said he personally went into the field to track down so-called MANPADS, shoulder-fired surface-to-air missiles, and destroy them.

After the fall of dictator Moammar Gadhafi, the State Department launched a mission to round up thousands of MANPADS that may have been looted from military installations across the country.

U.S. officials previously told ABC News they were concerned the MANPADS could fall into the hands of terrorists, creating a threat to commercial airliners.

Glen Doherty, Former Navy SEAL Killed in Libya, Was on Intel Mission to Track Weapons - ABC News

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