Libya and deficits?


Diamond Member
Sep 24, 2010
Does anyone have any idea how much this adds to the federal deficit of (is it now 1.54 trillion) this year?

Or does it add at all, ie is it factored to the budget somehow ?
Libya only produces 3 per cent of the world's oil supply. Let the Arab oil producing countries pay us back in oil.
What we'll spend in Libya could've secured our border with Mexico for years to come.
Libya only produces 3 per cent of the world's oil supply. Let the Arab oil producing countries pay us back in oil.
What we'll spend in Libya could've secured our border with Mexico for years to come.

Libya just got started putting out oil again on a global level, they were under sanctions for decades for the Lockerbie bombing and the German disco bombing, there is alot of potential in Libya.:cool:
Got to put in work for those multi billion dollar oil contracts.

That's assuming US companies actually get the contracts.

We did have some of them, but when Obama publicly told Ghaddafi to step down Ghaddafi said Germany would be the only Western country allowed back into Libya because the Germans opposed the no fly zone. Obama sided with the rebels when he said that, so basically Ghaddafi needs to fall for us to have a crack at those oil contracts.:cool:
Libya only produces 3 per cent of the world's oil supply. Let the Arab oil producing countries pay us back in oil.
What we'll spend in Libya could've secured our border with Mexico for years to come.

Libya just got started putting out oil again on a global level, they were under sanctions for decades for the Lockerbie bombing and the German disco bombing, there is alot of potential in Libya.:cool:

Know that. It occurred under Bush. We got alot of untapped oil we need to tap here. The tribal middleast will never be stable no matter how much money and blood we will need to continue to spend there to keep their oil flowing. Not cool.
from the article linked above....the pentagon has about a billion in its budget to cover actions such as, unless it goes over a billion, it should not add to deficits.

Still, the Pentagon has the money in its budget to cover unexpected contingencies and can also use fourth-quarter dollars to cover the costs of operations now. "They're very used to doing this operation where they borrow from Peter to pay Paul," said Gordon Adams, the White House Office of Management and Budget's associate director for national security during the Clinton administration.

Indeed, former Pentagon comptroller Dov Zakheim estimated that the Defense Department would only need to send a request for supplemental funding to Capitol Hill if the U.S. military's share of operations expenses for Libya topped $1 billion. Such a request would likely be met with mixed reactions in a Congress focused on deficit reduction. And, while many key lawmakers have been agitating for action in Libya, others have been more reluctant and have urged the Obama administration send them a declaration of war.
Got to put in work for those multi billion dollar oil contracts.

That's assuming US companies actually get the contracts.

We did have some of them, but when Obama publicly told Ghaddafi to step down Ghaddafi said Germany would be the only Western country allowed back into Libya because the Germans opposed the no fly zone. Obama sided with the rebels when he said that, so basically Ghaddafi needs to fall for us to have a crack at those oil contracts.:cool:

That's all well and good, but look what happened in Iraq. We rid them of Saddam and bestow freedom upon them and the first oil contracts go to the Chinese.

Why Asian oil firms are likely to be*first at*Iraqi's oil - Apr. 5, 2007
That's assuming US companies actually get the contracts.

We did have some of them, but when Obama publicly told Ghaddafi to step down Ghaddafi said Germany would be the only Western country allowed back into Libya because the Germans opposed the no fly zone. Obama sided with the rebels when he said that, so basically Ghaddafi needs to fall for us to have a crack at those oil contracts.:cool:

That's all well and good, but look what happened in Iraq. We rid them of Saddam and bestow freedom upon them and the first oil contracts go to the Chinese.

Why Asian oil firms are likely to be*first at*Iraqi's oil - Apr. 5, 2007

You have a point, these adventures never turn out the way we want them. Ghaddafi has went on record saying the US is out on these contracts but hes a kook anyways.:cool:
from the article linked above....the pentagon has about a billion in its budget to cover actions such as, unless it goes over a billion, it should not add to deficits.

Still, the Pentagon has the money in its budget to cover unexpected contingencies and can also use fourth-quarter dollars to cover the costs of operations now. "They're very used to doing this operation where they borrow from Peter to pay Paul," said Gordon Adams, the White House Office of Management and Budget's associate director for national security during the Clinton administration.

Indeed, former Pentagon comptroller Dov Zakheim estimated that the Defense Department would only need to send a request for supplemental funding to Capitol Hill if the U.S. military's share of operations expenses for Libya topped $1 billion. Such a request would likely be met with mixed reactions in a Congress focused on deficit reduction. And, while many key lawmakers have been agitating for action in Libya, others have been more reluctant and have urged the Obama administration send them a declaration of war.

Okay. Great. It just comes out of fuckin' thin air.
it is astounding to me that Defense/pentagon has a $708 billion A YEAR budget allowance and we only have 1 billion set aside for unexpected actions such as this..... :(
from the article linked above....the pentagon has about a billion in its budget to cover actions such as, unless it goes over a billion, it should not add to deficits.

Still, the Pentagon has the money in its budget to cover unexpected contingencies and can also use fourth-quarter dollars to cover the costs of operations now. "They're very used to doing this operation where they borrow from Peter to pay Paul," said Gordon Adams, the White House Office of Management and Budget's associate director for national security during the Clinton administration.

Indeed, former Pentagon comptroller Dov Zakheim estimated that the Defense Department would only need to send a request for supplemental funding to Capitol Hill if the U.S. military's share of operations expenses for Libya topped $1 billion. Such a request would likely be met with mixed reactions in a Congress focused on deficit reduction. And, while many key lawmakers have been agitating for action in Libya, others have been more reluctant and have urged the Obama administration send them a declaration of war.

Okay. Great. It just comes out of fuckin' thin air.

Charge it to the game.:cool:

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