Libertarians for Romney

.....because losertarians are closet liberals.

They are anti-military like liberals, they support legalizing drugs, they are anti-Israel, etc, etc.

Liberals are losertarians except they like big Govt and high taxes on certain groups......
Who is "for" Romney? A lot of his supporters are just like Romney himself on various issues - flip-flops. Yesterday they were for Gingrich or Santorum, now they're "for Romney."

I don't get the feeling anyone truly likes this guy, we're just willing to unite against Obama no matter what.
Who is "for" Romney? A lot of his supporters are just like Romney himself on various issues - flip-flops. Yesterday they were for Gingrich or Santorum, now they're "for Romney."

I don't get the feeling anyone truly likes this guy, we're just willing to unite against Obama no matter what.

Yeah kinda like McCain in 2008 before he picked Palin ;)
Uh, cleatus....sour grapes is for the loser.

Romney is the winner, not Ron Paul.

Ron Paul is Ross Perot II, a kook from Texas that helped the Democrats win the White House. You're probably too young to know about Ross Perot.

Oh, I don't think I will win over Losertarians, Paulbots, Paulestinians or whatever you are when you start threads saying you won't vote for Romney. :cuckoo:

.....because losertarians are closet liberals.

They are anti-military like liberals, they support legalizing drugs, they are anti-Israel, etc, etc.

Liberals are losertarians except they like big Govt and high taxes on certain groups......
Way to reach out to get every vote you can, Sammy sour grapes. :lmao:
They convince themselves they are the GOP majority by starting a lot of threads like this and then endlessly posting about Ron Paul 24/7 and how much they hate Romney.

They are either insane or really stupid to believe Ron Paul could beat Obamination in a national election.

They have no common sense siding with Obamination in the real election then whining about liberals here non-stop. :cuckoo:

Libertarians are insecure and start a lot of threads about what Libertarians think.

Nobody cares.
Who is "for" Romney? A lot of his supporters are just like Romney himself on various issues - flip-flops. Yesterday they were for Gingrich or Santorum, now they're "for Romney."

I don't get the feeling anyone truly likes this guy, we're just willing to unite against Obama no matter what.

A vote for Romney is a vote against liberty.
Sour grapes are also for the bitter douchebag, who blames the customer for his shitty product.

Another in the uncountable ways that there ain't a dime's worth of difference between remocrats and depublicans.
Uh, cleatus....sour grapes is for the loser.

Romney is the winner, not Ron Paul.

Ron Paul is Ross Perot II, a kook from Texas that helped the Democrats win the White House. You're probably too young to know about Ross Perot.

Oh, I don't think I will win over Losertarians, Paulbots, Paulestinians or whatever you are when you start threads saying you won't vote for Romney. :cuckoo:

.....because losertarians are closet liberals.

They are anti-military like liberals, they support legalizing drugs, they are anti-Israel, etc, etc.

Liberals are losertarians except they like big Govt and high taxes on certain groups......
Way to reach out to get every vote you can, Sammy sour grapes. :lmao:
Uh, cleatus....sour grapes is for the loser.

Romney is the winner, not Ron Paul.

Ron Paul is Ross Perot II, a kook from Texas that helped the Democrats win the White House. You're probably too young to know about Ross Perot.

Oh, I don't think I will win over Losertarians, Paulbots, Paulestinians or whatever you are when you start threads saying you won't vote for Romney. :cuckoo:
Forgive us for not being too thrilled about voting for this guy:
[ame=]Still Voting For 'Mitt Romney'? - YouTube[/ame]

And by the way, saying "losertarians" makes you sound like a little kid.
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They convince themselves they are the GOP majority by starting a lot of threads like this and then endlessly posting about Ron Paul 24/7 and how much they hate Romney.

I'm convinced of no such thing. Never have been. And this thread isn't about Ron Paul. I'm pointing at the that so-called libertarians who are now dumping their principles to vote for Romney out of cowardly fear, were never libertarians to begin with.
You should've uttered those words while standing on the bridge of the Titanic in your underwear just before the infamous iceburg said "Hello." :cuckoo:

Who is "for" Romney? A lot of his supporters are just like Romney himself on various issues - flip-flops. Yesterday they were for Gingrich or Santorum, now they're "for Romney."

I don't get the feeling anyone truly likes this guy, we're just willing to unite against Obama no matter what.

A vote for Romney is a vote against liberty.
Paul got a few votes because nobody took him seriously, and rightly so.

If some dumbassed Libertarian ever actually did gain some traction in the Republican primary, the favorite would just run some ads revealing that said dumbassed Libertarian wants to pass laws to legalize whoring and drug dealing on the streets in your fine community.

And then of course it would be all over for said moron Libertarian.

You freaks need to have your own convention and stop masquerading as Republicans.
Uh, it's called common sense.

I didn't like McCain but hell would've froze over before I didn't vote against a Democrat.

You are dumber than shit to think Romney won't be better than Obamination.

They convince themselves they are the GOP majority by starting a lot of threads like this and then endlessly posting about Ron Paul 24/7 and how much they hate Romney.

I'm convinced of no such thing. Never have been. And this thread isn't about Ron Paul. I'm pointing at the that so-called libertarians who are now dumping their principles to vote for Romney out of cowardly fear, were never libertarians to begin with.
Paul got a few votes because nobody took him seriously, and rightly so.

If some dumbassed Libertarian ever actually did gain some traction in the Republican primary, the favorite would just run some ads revealing that said dumbassed Libertarian wants to pass laws to legalize whoring and drug dealing on the streets in your fine community.

And then of course it would be all over for said moron Libertarian.

You freaks need to have your own convention and stop masquerading as Republicans.
Right...Because neocon shitburgers can't run on their records, which are indistinguishable from those of socialist progressives.

Y'all even read from the same statist wanker playbook.

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