Libertarians and Corporations


Senior Member
Jun 29, 2008
As for the origin of corporations, I don't see why as a matter of voluntary cooperation and by means of contractual agreements made on a free market, individuals could not pool together their savings to provide capital for a business, voluntarily agree to rules governing risk and liability in the event of bankruptcy, and appoint managers to run the business- something akin to a corporation.

The Humble Libertarian: Libertarianism and Corporations

So to the Libertarians, are corporations good or evil? Or does it just depend on which corporation it is?
As for the origin of corporations, I don't see why as a matter of voluntary cooperation and by means of contractual agreements made on a free market, individuals could not pool together their savings to provide capital for a business, voluntarily agree to rules governing risk and liability in the event of bankruptcy, and appoint managers to run the business- something akin to a corporation.

The Humble Libertarian: Libertarianism and Corporations

So to the Libertarians, are corporations good or evil? Or does it just depend on which corporation it is?
Neither good nor evil.

"Corporation" fails the bucket test. That is to say that I cannot borrow from you a bucket of "corporation", with the promise that I'll pay you back with a barrel of it at the end of the month.

At its core, the title of "corporation" is a limited extension of the state's power of sovereign immunity, to those working under the auspices of the legal fiction.

Even thought the people operating under the corporate veil may do what can be judged as good or evil, the corporation, in and of itself, is no more so than a hammer or an automobile.

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