Liberals, not Just Hillary, are pretty d@mn STUPID when it comes to E-Mails


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Wikileaks Releases Nearly 20,000 Hacked DNC Emails

DNC committeewoman: 'Women in charge' put the party all-in for Hillary

Top DNC staffer apologizes for email on Sanders’ religion

Wikileaks email dump suggests DNC tried to suppress Sanders

'The fix was in': Trump camp stokes Dem tensions over emails suggesting anti-Sanders bias | Fox News

BREAKING: Hillary Just Received The Worst Possible - Putin Is Smiling!

Vladimir Putin Has Everything He Needs to Blackmail Hillary Clinton

The Secrets and Aliases of Obama Admin - The DENISE SIMON EXPERIENCE Blog

Former EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson used private email accounts. She and Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack also used email aliases, making it harder for Freedom of Information Act filers to track down correspondence.

Former Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius used private email. As did former Acting Labor Secretary Seth Harris, who had three private accounts.

The head of the Chemical Safety Board used a private account and didn’t preserve the correspondence.

High-ranking Justice Department officials—including the former head of the criminal division—were off the government grid.

Disgraced former IRS official Lois Lerner used two off-reservation email addresses, as well as an internal instant-messaging service that didn’t archive conversations.

Newly released emails show EPA director’s extensive use of fictional alter ego

Obama officials defend personal emails and aliases

While US Attorney General, Eric Holder Used Kareem Abdul-Jabbar’s Birth Name as His Official Email Address | VICE News

Eric Holder, Others in Obama WH Used Fake Names on Official Emails

Congressman leads FBI chief through damning Hillary Clinton fact-check

GOWDY: Hillary Clinton claimed she never sent or received any items bearing classified markings - Is that true?
- FBI Director COMEY: 'That is not true'

GOWDY: 'Hillary Clinton claimed she never emailed 'any classified material to anyone on my email' and 'there is no classified material'
- COMEY: 'No, there was classified material emailed'

GOWDY: 'Secretary Clinton said she used one device. Was that true?'
- COMEY: 'She used multiple devices during the four years of her term as secretary of state.'

GOWDY: 'Was Hillary Clinton accurate when she claimed that she and her lawyers had given the State Department all her work-related emails.'
- COMEY: 'No, we found work-related emails, thousands that were not returned,'

'Most Transparent Administration EVUH'?! President Obama and his crooked band of miscreants, crooks, and criminals have proved his administration has been anything BUT transparent...and they have demonstrated they have to be about the stupidest bunch on the planet when it comes to e-mails, servers, and using aliases.

Comey, above, proved Hillary broke the law, violating the FPOIA, the Federal Records Act, and even the Espionage Act.

It was discovered and revealed than numerous members of Obama's cabinet / administration were not only using their own e-mails to get around that pesky FOIA but were also using aliases. AG Eric Holder was even using Kareem's birth name to BREAK THE LAW! Lois Lerner did so while illegally carrying out the illegal targeting and punishing of US citizens Obama considered threats to his re-election.

After each new scandal broke, and was quickly minimized / buried, the Libs never did quite seem to learn their lesson. Over and over again their ignorance, recklessness, arrogance, and criminal activity superseded the law and even our national security, as Hillary demonstrated.

And now, again, thanks to the Russians / Assange, yet another e-mail / security scandal has blown up in the Democrats' faces, exposing their betrayal, racist views towards Jews (Bernie Sanders in particular), willingness to politically attack Christianity / Catholicism, show how the fix was in from the start against Sanders, and how they are so power-hungry and crooked they turned on one of their own. (If they will betray one of their own inner-ranks they will have no problem, as Hillary has done her whole life, screwing the American people to get what she wants.)

The repeated, openly demonstrated FAILURE of the Democratic party to be trusted to follow laws such as FOIA and the Federal Records Act, their inability to keep any information / e-mails safe from hackers, and their inability to ensure our national security is a massive RED FLAG and should be an automatic disqualifier for Hillary as President or any idea of voting for her.

With their record of protecting classified, e-mails, and information, they would be better off writing everything down on sticky notes and passing them around or having them delivered by carrier pigeon!

Wikileaks Releases Nearly 20,000 Hacked DNC Emails

DNC committeewoman: 'Women in charge' put the party all-in for Hillary

Top DNC staffer apologizes for email on Sanders’ religion

Wikileaks email dump suggests DNC tried to suppress Sanders

'The fix was in': Trump camp stokes Dem tensions over emails suggesting anti-Sanders bias | Fox News

BREAKING: Hillary Just Received The Worst Possible - Putin Is Smiling!

Vladimir Putin Has Everything He Needs to Blackmail Hillary Clinton

The Secrets and Aliases of Obama Admin - The DENISE SIMON EXPERIENCE Blog

Former EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson used private email accounts. She and Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack also used email aliases, making it harder for Freedom of Information Act filers to track down correspondence.

Former Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius used private email. As did former Acting Labor Secretary Seth Harris, who had three private accounts.

The head of the Chemical Safety Board used a private account and didn’t preserve the correspondence.

High-ranking Justice Department officials—including the former head of the criminal division—were off the government grid.

Disgraced former IRS official Lois Lerner used two off-reservation email addresses, as well as an internal instant-messaging service that didn’t archive conversations.

Newly released emails show EPA director’s extensive use of fictional alter ego

Obama officials defend personal emails and aliases

While US Attorney General, Eric Holder Used Kareem Abdul-Jabbar’s Birth Name as His Official Email Address | VICE News

Eric Holder, Others in Obama WH Used Fake Names on Official Emails

Congressman leads FBI chief through damning Hillary Clinton fact-check

GOWDY: Hillary Clinton claimed she never sent or received any items bearing classified markings - Is that true?
- FBI Director COMEY: 'That is not true'

GOWDY: 'Hillary Clinton claimed she never emailed 'any classified material to anyone on my email' and 'there is no classified material'
- COMEY: 'No, there was classified material emailed'

GOWDY: 'Secretary Clinton said she used one device. Was that true?'
- COMEY: 'She used multiple devices during the four years of her term as secretary of state.'

GOWDY: 'Was Hillary Clinton accurate when she claimed that she and her lawyers had given the State Department all her work-related emails.'
- COMEY: 'No, we found work-related emails, thousands that were not returned,'

'Most Transparent Administration EVUH'?! President Obama and his crooked band of miscreants, crooks, and criminals have proved his administration has been anything BUT transparent...and they have demonstrated they have to be about the stupidest bunch on the planet when it comes to e-mails, servers, and using aliases.

Comey, above, proved Hillary broke the law, violating the FPOIA, the Federal Records Act, and even the Espionage Act.

It was discovered and revealed than numerous members of Obama's cabinet / administration were not only using their own e-mails to get around that pesky FOIA but were also using aliases. AG Eric Holder was even using Kareem's birth name to BREAK THE LAW! Lois Lerner did so while illegally carrying out the illegal targeting and punishing of US citizens Obama considered threats to his re-election.

After each new scandal broke, and was quickly minimized / buried, the Libs never did quite seem to learn their lesson. Over and over again their ignorance, recklessness, arrogance, and criminal activity superseded the law and even our national security, as Hillary demonstrated.

And now, again, thanks to the Russians / Assange, yet another e-mail / security scandal has blown up in the Democrats' faces, exposing their betrayal, racist views towards Jews (Bernie Sanders in particular), willingness to politically attack Christianity / Catholicism, show how the fix was in from the start against Sanders, and how they are so power-hungry and crooked they turned on one of their own. (If they will betray one of their own inner-ranks they will have no problem, as Hillary has done her whole life, screwing the American people to get what she wants.)

The repeated, openly demonstrated FAILURE of the Democratic party to be trusted to follow laws such as FOIA and the Federal Records Act, their inability to keep any information / e-mails safe from hackers, and their inability to ensure our national security is a massive RED FLAG and should be an automatic disqualifier for Hillary as President or any idea of voting for her.

With their record of protecting classified, e-mails, and information, they would be better off writing everything down on sticky notes and passing them around or having them delivered by carrier pigeon!


You NaziCons are hilarious!





The dims are back to what they always do... blame Bush.
The dims are back to what they always do... blame Bush.
It's pathetic and it won't work.. CNN has been broadcasting the Bernie Protesters LIVE and was just asked why they won't stand down since Bernie is supporting Hillary.. They were very LOUD and frank stating, "This isn't about Bernie - it's much bigger and we won't stand down." They have a podium already set up and already 1000 there, with expectations of 50,000 people.

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