Liberals Having A Cow Over Tax Cuts For The Rich.Well What About The Clintons?

Rexx Taylor

Platinum Member
Jan 6, 2015
Sarasota, Florida
:argue: Right? Why was it OK for the Clintons to cash in on all of those donations, maybe up to 250 Million, and did the Clintons pay 39% Tax on it?
And yet, the Clintons really didnt work to make that 250 Million, they just took the money and no one on the left complained, yet now that Trump wants to cut taxes on small businesses, he's the next Joseph Stalin and soon all our children are going die a slow agonizing death because Trump wants to cut taxes for the rich and middle class.
If the dems were actually true to their beliefs they would be praising the all powerful government for taking 90% of obie's speaking fee the moment he got the check. When do you think we will see that?
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If the dems were actually true to their beliefs they would be praising the all powerful government for taking 90% of obie's speaking fee the moment he got the check. When do you think we will see that?
right? will Barry donate the 400K to help poor black people? or take an Hawaiian vacation?
You have to understand Rex that we have a different standard for Liberals. Liberals only have to say the right things, it does not matter what they actually do. Never mind that any tax break will ALWAYS be a tax break for the rich since they were the ones paying most of the taxes in the first place, and you can't free up an economy or help create more jobs without taking the burden off the people who actually create the jobs and do the hiring in the first place. Don't worry, in the end, the Clintons will get what they deserve.
:argue: Right? Why was it OK for the Clintons to cash in on all of those donations, maybe up to 250 Million, and did the Clintons pay 39% Tax on it?
And yet, the Clintons really didnt work to make that 250 Million, they just took the money and no one on the left complained, yet now that Trump wants to cut taxes on small businesses, he's the next Joseph Stalin and soon all our children are going die a slow agonizing death because Trump wants to cut taxes for the rich and middle class.
Seriously? You are just too too too stupid to be real Rexx!!!! :lmao::lmao:
You have to understand Rex that we have a different standard for Liberals. Liberals only have to say the right things, it does not matter what they actually do. Never mind that any tax break will ALWAYS be a tax break for the rich since they were the ones paying most of the taxes in the first place, and you can't free up an economy or help create more jobs without taking the burden off the people who actually create the jobs and do the hiring in the first place. Don't worry, in the end, the Clintons will get what they deserve.

Yeah, it worked great in the last decade. Tax cuts for the wealthy, including lowering the capital gains tax. That tiny recession we had in 2001, took five years for the recovery and wages remained flat for the working class. That little recession took almost as long as the Great Recession, which was massive in comparison.
And then there's the 5-7 trillion added to the National Debt and that's just the tax cut. Trump will be in Obamaland in regard to deficits and there's a good chance he could add more. As documented, tax cuts have never paid for themselves.
We actually still are paying for the Bush Tax Cuts.
bush tax cuts.jpg
:argue: Right? Why was it OK for the Clintons to cash in on all of those donations, maybe up to 250 Million, and did the Clintons pay 39% Tax on it?
And yet, the Clintons really didnt work to make that 250 Million, they just took the money and no one on the left complained, yet now that Trump wants to cut taxes on small businesses, he's the next Joseph Stalin and soon all our children are going die a slow agonizing death because Trump wants to cut taxes for the rich and middle class.

The tax cuts have nothing to do with the Clintons. You are confused.
If the dems were actually true to their beliefs they would be praising the all powerful government for taking 90% of obie's speaking fee the moment he got the check. When do you think we will see that?
if Sarah Palin bought a 10 Million Dollar penthouse/condo for any of her daughters in NY, odds are a few lawyers would be up her butt about the where-a-bouts of the cash,,,,yet,,the Clintons buy a 10 Millon Dollar apt. for Chelsea, and not one peep from Cuomo or Herr DeBlasio?
:argue: Right? Why was it OK for the Clintons to cash in on all of those donations, maybe up to 250 Million, and did the Clintons pay 39% Tax on it?
And yet, the Clintons really didnt work to make that 250 Million, they just took the money and no one on the left complained, yet now that Trump wants to cut taxes on small businesses, he's the next Joseph Stalin and soon all our children are going die a slow agonizing death because Trump wants to cut taxes for the rich and middle class.
/---- The mind of a liberal is a deep dark scary place.
mind of a liberal.jpg
:argue: Right? Why was it OK for the Clintons to cash in on all of those donations, maybe up to 250 Million, and did the Clintons pay 39% Tax on it?
And yet, the Clintons really didnt work to make that 250 Million, they just took the money and no one on the left complained, yet now that Trump wants to cut taxes on small businesses, he's the next Joseph Stalin and soon all our children are going die a slow agonizing death because Trump wants to cut taxes for the rich and middle class.
/---- The mind of a liberal is a deep dark scary place.
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If a rich republican went on a two week vacation in the Hamptons,,,Cuomo would of sent him a bill for 800,000 just for breathing.
If the dems were actually true to their beliefs they would be praising the all powerful government for taking 90% of obie's speaking fee the moment he got the check. When do you think we will see that?
and where does Harry Reid live in DC? those Marriott/Ritz Carelton condos arent exactly 150,000 each.
If the dems were actually true to their beliefs they would be praising the all powerful government for taking 90% of obie's speaking fee the moment he got the check. When do you think we will see that?
and where does Harry Reid live in DC? those Marriott/Ritz Carelton condos arent exactly 150,000 each.
Where ever he is I'm sure he's staying as far away from "exercise equipment" or as most of us call it mob henchmen as he possibly can.
When rich Congress critters propose 90% tax rates on speaking fees, I'll believe they're serious about paying higher taxes.
When you cut taxes for the Rich, someone else has to be taxed to make up the difference.

Who among you RWers volunteer to pay the Rich's share?

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