Liberals are the force for good, and conservatives...

It's funny how liberals actually think that a speech from a compulsive liar gives them the moral high ground and another win.

I wonder what form of insanity causes that?

It's funny how liberals actually think that a speech from a compulsive liar gives them the moral high ground and another win.

I wonder what form of insanity causes that?

Yay my team! Liberals see themselves are truly caring about others. Ergo anyone who disagrees with them must not care about others and be selfish and unfeeling. Selfish and unfeeling are cardinal sins to a lib.
someone has been watching to many star war shows

they be the FORCE of good, Republican be the force of bad bad bad

that's sick

this whole notion is they are just Saints. Why did the people just take their power away in just SIX YEARS of the tyrant, that saintly dear wonderful Leader, O-B-A-M-A...first the house and then the Senate. they are the Force of good right.

good grief
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This is the kind of thing you'd expect to explain to a 5 year old.
Libs are basically arrested adolescents. No respect for authority, defiant, self centered yet criticizing others for not doing enough, whatever that is. That's why "liberal" is derived from the Latin word for child.
It's funny how liberals actually think that a speech from a compulsive liar gives them the moral high ground and another win.

I wonder what form of insanity causes that?


They do believe themselves superior over all others. what it shows to me is how pathetic they can be.
...Well, the force for other than good. Seriously. Ever notice how when liberals are talking it's about doing something for the good of others, but conservatives are always talking about doing something bad for others? Conservatives are so negative, hating everyone in sight, whereas liberals are positive and good-natured. What's that about? Is it just the nature of a two-party system, someone's gonna be the good guys, the others the bad guys?
Please list good things leftist support that don't add to our growing debt.

A debt that harms all of us.

Once you see that you can't name one fucking thing.....

Liberals support the farm to table movement.
Many liberals do not support privatization or faux privatization of prisons, schools, and the post office because tax payers pick up the bill, pay for the lawsuits, and see no accountability. Many liberals do not support funding for education being funneled into over testing. Many liberals want an end or at least greater scrutiny applied to crop insurance fraud. I could go on.
Liberals support the farm to table movement. never heard of it, but who wouldn't then I guess you don't really know what your talking about.
Many liberals do not support privatization or faux privatization of prisons, schools, and the post office because tax payers pick up the bill, pay for the lawsuits, and see no accountability.we already pay for all of that That's a meaningless comment. Many liberals do not support funding for education being funneled into over testing. leftist are against taking money our of education or have any accountability for the money spent Yawn. You got nothing there. Many liberals want an end or at least greater scrutiny applied to crop insurance fraud. I could go on.

you might want, cuz those were not any good

Great. Prove it. Or at least make your whine fest worth my while.
Prove what?

That leftist waste our tax dollars while coming up short every year, for like, ever, in charity donations?

leftist will not help anyone unless the government does it for them
...Well, the force for other than good. Seriously. Ever notice how when liberals are talking it's about doing something for the good of others, but conservatives are always talking about doing something bad for others? Conservatives are so negative, hating everyone in sight, whereas liberals are positive and good-natured. What's that about? Is it just the nature of a two-party system, someone's gonna be the good guys, the others the bad guys?
Liberals never want to do good for others at their own expense. They always want to do good on someone else's dime, usually some hated group of people that need to pay their fair share in order to provide that help or some other bullshit that demonizes one person for the reason the people needing help can't do it on their own.

Conservatives do good for the so called "others" by giving them an opportunity at not being an "other" but an individual who can make their own way in a fair environment. An environment not categorizing some of the people as "others" that aren't up to the task of taking care of themselves and succeeding on their own. We don't look at people as "others" like you do. You look for people to push into the the "other" category for your own benefit. We look at them simply as people that if given a chance will do fine on their own.

Conservatives are negative? Only during a liberal phase of government are we negative. You people on the other hand are in a constant state pissed off. Even during the great obie clueless liberal years you still aren't happy. You will be a miserable person no matter what is happening. The perpetual self loathing liberal can never be happy. We only become unhappy when we have to deal with your ideas of government control. Conservatives will be happy when we get rid of this piece of shit president. You on the other hand can't even achieve happiness with him in power. Your perpetual misery isn't our problem.
...Well, the force for other than good. Seriously. Ever notice how when liberals are talking it's about doing something for the good of others, but conservatives are always talking about doing something bad for others? Conservatives are so negative, hating everyone in sight, whereas liberals are positive and good-natured. What's that about? Is it just the nature of a two-party system, someone's gonna be the good guys, the others the bad guys?

I think you have a lopsided way of looking at things. Look at the government as the Parent. You see the Parent as good because they are very "giving." They supply the education, infrastructure, protection (military and police), almost everything complete to food, clothes housing and money to live on. Even a free phone!

It's not surprising that some of the "kids" just turn out to be lazy and never get out on their own, they are in the proverbial Parent's basement. The Parent is an enabler.

It wasn't always like this. The Parent at one time taught responsibility and did not offer their children free food, clothes, housing and money to watch the soaps. It was meant for the the sick and elderly. Now, it goes to anyone who "can't find a job."...Who happens to be most anyone who isn't looking very hard. It used to be, accepting welfare meant you were a failure. No one wanted to admit that. Now they write books on how to get free stuff from the government!

So, Conservatives are the Old Souls who still work and teach their children that working is better than taking from the government. And they want others to teach their kids the same way.

Democrats want to "give" all the minorities more and more so there is no reason to get out of that basement. But some day, we will run out of money. What are we at now 20 Trillion in debt by now? What are the bottom feeders going to do then? The Parent has given so much and no one learned how to toil. And it's not just minorities. All are in on the gig. Free this, free that. Just expect more and do less.
Liberals are for doing good..and see what you have done.

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