Liberal Hypocrisy and other redundancies.


Diamond Member
Oct 13, 2011
In Liberal minds, rent free.
The hypocrisy of the left has never been more on display than it is now.

For instance:

1. Code Pink is against all wars, unless there is a Democrat in the WH.

2. OWS protesters are against government bailouts of corporations, unless it's Solyndra.

3. The left vilifies the Koch Brothers but Soros is pure as the driven snow.

4. N.O.W. is pro women, unless they are Republican women.

5. N.A.A.C.P. supports and promotes Black Americans, unless they are Republicans.

6. Bill Clinton was railroaded but Herman Cain is a guilty bastard.

7. The left can't take religious zealots especially Christians, but Fundamentalist Muslims are way cool.

8. Water boarding a terrorist is a vile and unconstitutional act. Executing an American citizen w/o a trial is :thup:

And the list goes on and on.
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