Liberal Cities, Radical Mayhem


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Liberal Cities, Radical Mayhem
Democratic mayors and governors seem unable to stop the destruction of their own cities.

The “broken-windows” school of policing says that you can help maintain public order by taking care of even small examples of disorder—such as fixing broken windows. Liberals scorned that policy in the last decade as somehow racist. Well, in recent days we’ve learned that America’s left does have a broken-windows policy: Let rioters break enough windows and loot enough stores and maybe their righteous anger will be satisfied.
That’s certainly how it looked when the June sun rose Tuesday over the broken glass, looted storefronts, burnt-out cars, and vandalized buildings in New York, Philadelphia, St. Louis, Madison and other American cities. Public officials let rioters exploiting the memory of George Floyd run wild in the streets. Even after nearly a week of violence, these and other liberal Democratic cities let lawless radicals harass and plunder almost at will.
In downtown St. Louis, four police officers were shot after midnight. “I believe some coward randomly shot at the police line,” said police chief John Hayden. A 7-Eleven was looted and set afire, but firefighters were deliberately slowed by protesters in responding. “We had people lying down in the street” and trash cans were placed as obstacles to block fire trucks, said fire chief Dennis Jenkerson.
What all these cities have in common is that they are led by Democrats who seem to have bought into the belief that the police are a bigger problem than rampant disorder. They are either cowed by their party’s left, or they agree that America is systemically racist and rioting is a justified expression of anger against it. They offer pro forma disapproval of law breakers but refuse to act to stop them.
They should recognize that widespread lawlessness is not helping their cause.

Blue State and City politicians Not unable, UNWILLING. Their goal was to maintain the chaos through yesterday, thus attempting to show that in-person voting was too dangerous and we need to transition to an all mail voting system for the fall Presidential election.
This is about purposely creating chaos for the purpose of regime change. I believe the "Deep State" has continued to create a “color revolution” right here. They’ve had a lot of practice elsewhere.
Hmm...., I can see it now Democrats in Congress seeking federal funding to repair the cities they gladly allowed to be destroyed.
President Trump can and should bar all federal dollars to cities that showed their inability or that were unwilling to stop these riots.
Even some governors were taking these Blue city mayors to task about their intentionally allowing the riots, vandalism, looting and burning to take place within their cities....
The burning of churches, police stations and large stores is kowtowing to anarchism at the highest order. This is ordinary Progressive Marxist Socialist leftist action. Spending others money and redistributing the wealth to those who are in fact unequal. Looting Nike stores is the best and most satisfying form of wealth redistribution possible. The PMS/DSA Democrat Left has calculated that American cities and people being attacked somehow benefits them, so they allow all the chaos go on.
If law and order is lost this country is lost.
opens up with support of broken windows policing.....and im out


yea surprise just turning neighborhoods into police states drives crime out of those areas. WoWWWWWWWWW shocker

all it costs is LEO's respect for the bill of rights, sign me up/ hahahah

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