Liberal Attack Religion....Again.


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
In a recent thread, one member of our community, affectionately- but correctly- referred to as a 'certifiable idiot,' posted this:

"Liberals are not a monolithic bloc like the TPers. They range across the spectrum of religions and degrees of devoutness ... The individual right to believe (or not) is what is respected amongst liberals. They all have their own moral codes but they don't go around condemning others who don't believe as they do...".

Then, there is this:

1. "What is the most emphatic prohibition in the entire Constitution?

2. [All the various limits] are weak beer compared to the clause that says: “No religious Test shall ever be required as a Qualification to any Office or public Trust under the United States.”

3. “No . . . ever . . . any.” It’s not only the most emphatic statement in the entire Constitution but probably in all of American law.

4. ....cannot make religion, or the lack of it, a condition of holding public office in our country. Many who fled to America knew all about religious tests. So this is not in the Bill of Rights or any other amendment to the main document. It’s in the main body of the Constitution. It is American bedrock.

5. .... The New York Times ought to be ashamed of itself for running an advertisement attacking the religion of the five Catholic justices of the Supreme Court. It did this last week in the wake of the Hobby Lobby decision.

a. The ad actually contained the phrase “Roman Catholic majority.” It named Chief Justice John Roberts and Justices Antonin Scalia, Anthony Kennedy, Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito.

6. .... went on to accuse the Catholic justices in the majority in the Hobby Lobby case of siding with “zealous fundamentalists who equate contraception with abortion,” a statement that combines bigotry with factual inaccuracy.

a. Hobby Lobby actually already happily covers most contraceptives. It objects only to drugs that, rather than preventing an egg from being fertilized, stop a fertilized egg from developing into a baby.

7. The ad calls for the repeal of the Religious Freedom Restoration Act, which curbs the federal government from overly burdening religion with laws and regulations. The Times ad suggests the government should to be able to burden religion.

8. President George Washington in his farewell address..... called religion one of the “indispensible supports” to “political prosperity.” He warned that “reason and experience both forbid us to expect that national morality can prevail in exclusion of religious principle.”... The ban on religious tests was a contrast with England, where one had to be a Protestant Christian to be in Parliament.

9. .... not enough for the Democratic Party intelligentsia. It has been railing about Hobby Lobby for months. Joy Reid on MSNBC complained about the “six Catholic justices,” adding: “The question is do you trust this court to make those decisions?”

a. The American people are not dumb. They are increasingly seeing this kind of thing for what it is, a bigotry all its own.

10. One legal blog, the Volokh Conspiracy, this week ran a ...“It’s no coincidence that three of the four dissenters in Hobby Lobby were Jews with limited attachment to their religious heritage,” ... to mock the anti-Christian comments he was reading.... “attacking a fully secular Supreme Court opinion on the grounds that its authors happen to be Catholic should be well-out-of-bounds.”

11. Democrats in Congress are already scrambling to find a way to overturn the Hobby Lobby decision via legislation. If they fail, what will they do next — campaign against allowing Catholics on the Supreme Court in the first place? It wouldn’t be surprising were they cheered on by The New York Times."
Attack on Catholic Judges Breaches the Bedrock Of U.S. Constitution - The New York Sun

Vote Democrat and you are lending your support to bigotry.
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you religious nutters should stop puling after all you have god on your side:cuckoo:

This post is the ineluctable result of government schooling, the denial of the Constitution and the basis on which this once great nation was founded.

The poster could find a home in any totalitarian regime.
you religious nutters should stop puling after all you have god on your side:cuckoo:

This post is the ineluctable result of government schooling, the denial of the Constitution and the basis on which this once great nation was founded.

The poster could find a home in any totalitarian regime.
any suggestions from a spongy tickle-brained harpy like you will be gratefully received.
you religious nutters should stop puling after all you have god on your side:cuckoo:

This post is the ineluctable result of government schooling, the denial of the Constitution and the basis on which this once great nation was founded.

The poster could find a home in any totalitarian regime.
any suggestions from a spongy tickle-brained harpy like you will be gratefully received.

Government schooling has left you ill-equipped to discuss, or even grasp this topic.

Leftist governments infantilize their populace.....let me guess: you're a reliable Democrat voter.
Delish. What is it doing in LAW and JUSTICE?




I always wondered exactly what kind of idiot you were.
So, you are the kind of idiot who chooses to challenge the location of the post, rather than the truth of the information provided?

Interesting that you ignored the central theme....the Constitution.

Recognize the term?

You Liberals will say anything that believe (I almost said think) will reflect poorly on a post....
you religious nutters should stop puling after all you have god on your side:cuckoo:

This post is the ineluctable result of government schooling, the denial of the Constitution and the basis on which this once great nation was founded.

The poster could find a home in any totalitarian regime.
any suggestions from a spongy tickle-brained harpy like you will be gratefully received.

If you knew her religion I'm sure you would feel totally justified in adding that to your hate filled spew.
Delish. What is it doing in LAW and JUSTICE?




I always wondered exactly what kind of idiot you were.
So, you are the kind of idiot who chooses to challenge the location of the post, rather than the truth of the information provided?

Interesting that you ignored the central theme....the Constitution.

Recognize the term?

You Liberals will say anything that believe (I almost said think) will reflect poorly on a post....

Oh, I read the "information".


You start your OP with an insult toward another member, namely, Derideo_Te, and you expect us to take you seriously? Really?

And then you mix the juristicl with religion?


Back to Civics Class with you!

And then, when you get frustrated, you call me an idiot.


I graciously accept your concession. Your inability to debate is becoming legendary!!!
Last edited:
This post is the ineluctable result of government schooling, the denial of the Constitution and the basis on which this once great nation was founded.

The poster could find a home in any totalitarian regime.
any suggestions from a spongy tickle-brained harpy like you will be gratefully received.

If you knew her religion I'm sure you would feel totally justified in adding that to your hate filled spew.
Do tell Peking old chap.
Delish. What is it doing in LAW and JUSTICE?




I always wondered exactly what kind of idiot you were.
So, you are the kind of idiot who chooses to challenge the location of the post, rather than the truth of the information provided?

Interesting that you ignored the central theme....the Constitution.

Recognize the term?

You Liberals will say anything that believe (I almost said think) will reflect poorly on a post....

Oh, I read the "information".


You start your OP with an insult toward another member, namely, Derideo_Te, and you expect us to take you seriously? Really?

And then you mix the legal with religion?


Back to Civic Class with you!

And then, when you get frustrated, you call me an idiot.


I graciously accept your concession. Your inability to debate is becoming legendary!!!

1. " an insult toward another member, namely, Derideo_Te, and you expect us to take you seriously?"
You took it seriously, and that's why you posted.

And "us"? You have a tapeworm?
Couldn't happen to a nicer....

2. Ok.....even though an insignificant twerp like you couldn't possibly 'frustrate' me....I'll give you what you came for: you're an idiot.

Leopold von Sacher-Masoch would be proud of you.

a. And, so you don't miss the import: Du bist ein Esel

3. "And then you mix the legal with religion?"

Really? You can't grasp more than one item at a time? I've heard that there are folks like you.....

Antonio Gramsci, Italian Marxist theoretician and founding member and one-time leader of the Communist Party of Italy. Gramschi’s motto is that of liberals today: “that all life is "political."

4. Here's the truth: I am the flame to you, moth. You'll never be able to stay away.

And the results will be as predicted for the other moth.
Last edited:
I always wondered exactly what kind of idiot you were.
So, you are the kind of idiot who chooses to challenge the location of the post, rather than the truth of the information provided?

Interesting that you ignored the central theme....the Constitution.

Recognize the term?

You Liberals will say anything that believe (I almost said think) will reflect poorly on a post....

Oh, I read the "information".


You start your OP with an insult toward another member, namely, Derideo_Te, and you expect us to take you seriously? Really?

And then you mix the legal with religion?


Back to Civic Class with you!

And then, when you get frustrated, you call me an idiot.


I graciously accept your concession. Your inability to debate is becoming legendary!!!

1. " an insult toward another member, namely, Derideo_Te, and you expect us to take you seriously?"
You took it seriously, and that's why you posted.

And "us"? You have a tapeworm?
Couldn't happen to a nicer....

2. Ok.....even though an insignificant twerp like you couldn't possibly 'frustrate' me....I'll give you what you came for: you're an idiot.

Leopold von Sacher-Masoch would be proud of you.

a. And, so you don't miss the import: Du bist ein Esel

3. "And then you mix the legal with religion?"

Really? You can't grasp more than one item at a time? I've heard that there are folks like you.....

Antonio Gramsci, Italian Marxist theoretician and founding member and one-time leader of the Communist Party of Italy. Gramschi’s motto is that of liberals today: “that all life is "political."

4. Here's the truth: I am the flame to you, moth. You'll never be able to stay away.

And the results will be as predicted for the other moth.
I love it,this may be my epiphany.From now on PC I shall worship you from afar.:smiliehug:
Oh, I read the "information".


You start your OP with an insult toward another member, namely, Derideo_Te, and you expect us to take you seriously? Really?

And then you mix the legal with religion?


Back to Civic Class with you!

And then, when you get frustrated, you call me an idiot.


I graciously accept your concession. Your inability to debate is becoming legendary!!!

1. " an insult toward another member, namely, Derideo_Te, and you expect us to take you seriously?"
You took it seriously, and that's why you posted.

And "us"? You have a tapeworm?
Couldn't happen to a nicer....

2. Ok.....even though an insignificant twerp like you couldn't possibly 'frustrate' me....I'll give you what you came for: you're an idiot.

Leopold von Sacher-Masoch would be proud of you.

a. And, so you don't miss the import: Du bist ein Esel

3. "And then you mix the legal with religion?"

Really? You can't grasp more than one item at a time? I've heard that there are folks like you.....

Antonio Gramsci, Italian Marxist theoretician and founding member and one-time leader of the Communist Party of Italy. Gramschi’s motto is that of liberals today: “that all life is "political."

4. Here's the truth: I am the flame to you, moth. You'll never be able to stay away.

And the results will be as predicted for the other moth.
I love it,this may be my epiphany.From know on PC I shall worship you from afar.:smiliehug:

Take a number.
Delish. What is it doing in LAW and JUSTICE?




I always wondered exactly what kind of idiot you were.
So, you are the kind of idiot who chooses to challenge the location of the post, rather than the truth of the information provided?

Interesting that you ignored the central theme....the Constitution.

Recognize the term?

You Liberals will say anything that believe (I almost said think) will reflect poorly on a post....

Oh, I read the "information".


You start your OP with an insult toward another member, namely, Derideo_Te, and you expect us to take you seriously? Really?

And then you mix the juristicl with religion?


Back to Civics Class with you!

And then, when you get frustrated, you call me an idiot.


I graciously accept your concession. Your inability to debate is becoming legendary!!!


When she isn't cutting and pasting, she's insulting and declaring victory.
1. " an insult toward another member, namely, Derideo_Te, and you expect us to take you seriously?"
You took it seriously, and that's why you posted.

And "us"? You have a tapeworm?
Couldn't happen to a nicer....

2. Ok.....even though an insignificant twerp like you couldn't possibly 'frustrate' me....I'll give you what you came for: you're an idiot.

Leopold von Sacher-Masoch would be proud of you.

a. And, so you don't miss the import: Du bist ein Esel

3. "And then you mix the legal with religion?"

Really? You can't grasp more than one item at a time? I've heard that there are folks like you.....

Antonio Gramsci, Italian Marxist theoretician and founding member and one-time leader of the Communist Party of Italy. Gramschi’s motto is that of liberals today: “that all life is "political."

4. Here's the truth: I am the flame to you, moth. You'll never be able to stay away.

And the results will be as predicted for the other moth.
I love it,this may be my epiphany.From know on PC I shall worship you from afar.:smiliehug:

Take a number.

Is it possible to take a negative number?

1. " an insult toward another member, namely, Derideo_Te, and you expect us to take you seriously?"
You took it seriously, and that's why you posted.

And "us"? You have a tapeworm?
Couldn't happen to a nicer....

2. Ok.....even though an insignificant twerp like you couldn't possibly 'frustrate' me....I'll give you what you came for: you're an idiot.

Leopold von Sacher-Masoch would be proud of you.

a. And, so you don't miss the import: Du bist ein Esel

3. "And then you mix the legal with religion?"

Really? You can't grasp more than one item at a time? I've heard that there are folks like you.....

Antonio Gramsci, Italian Marxist theoretician and founding member and one-time leader of the Communist Party of Italy. Gramschi’s motto is that of liberals today: “that all life is "political."

4. Here's the truth: I am the flame to you, moth. You'll never be able to stay away.

And the results will be as predicted for the other moth.
I love it,this may be my epiphany.From know on PC I shall worship you from afar.:smiliehug:

Take a number.
okay is 666 still available ?
In a recent thread, one member of our community, affectionately- but correctly- referred to as a 'certifiable idiot,' posted this:

"Liberals are not a monolithic bloc like the TPers. They range across the spectrum of religions and degrees of devoutness ... The individual right to believe (or not) is what is respected amongst liberals. They all have their own moral codes but they don't go around condemning others who don't believe as they do...".

Then, there is this:

1. "What is the most emphatic prohibition in the entire Constitution?

2. [All the various limits] are weak beer compared to the clause that says: “No religious Test shall ever be required as a Qualification to any Office or public Trust under the United States.”

3. “No . . . ever . . . any.” It’s not only the most emphatic statement in the entire Constitution but probably in all of American law.

4. ....cannot make religion, or the lack of it, a condition of holding public office in our country. Many who fled to America knew all about religious tests. So this is not in the Bill of Rights or any other amendment to the main document. It’s in the main body of the Constitution. It is American bedrock.

5. .... The New York Times ought to be ashamed of itself for running an advertisement attacking the religion of the five Catholic justices of the Supreme Court. It did this last week in the wake of the Hobby Lobby decision.

a. The ad actually contained the phrase “Roman Catholic majority.” It named Chief Justice John Roberts and Justices Antonin Scalia, Anthony Kennedy, Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito.

6. .... went on to accuse the Catholic justices in the majority in the Hobby Lobby case of siding with “zealous fundamentalists who equate contraception with abortion,” a statement that combines bigotry with factual inaccuracy.

a. Hobby Lobby actually already happily covers most contraceptives. It objects only to drugs that, rather than preventing an egg from being fertilized, stop a fertilized egg from developing into a baby.

7. The ad calls for the repeal of the Religious Freedom Restoration Act, which curbs the federal government from overly burdening religion with laws and regulations. The Times ad suggests the government should to be able to burden religion.

8. President George Washington in his farewell address..... called religion one of the “indispensible supports” to “political prosperity.” He warned that “reason and experience both forbid us to expect that national morality can prevail in exclusion of religious principle.”... The ban on religious tests was a contrast with England, where one had to be a Protestant Christian to be in Parliament.

9. .... not enough for the Democratic Party intelligentsia. It has been railing about Hobby Lobby for months. Joy Reid on MSNBC complained about the “six Catholic justices,” adding: “The question is do you trust this court to make those decisions?”

a. The American people are not dumb. They are increasingly seeing this kind of thing for what it is, a bigotry all its own.

10. One legal blog, the Volokh Conspiracy, this week ran a ...“It’s no coincidence that three of the four dissenters in Hobby Lobby were Jews with limited attachment to their religious heritage,” ... to mock the anti-Christian comments he was reading.... “attacking a fully secular Supreme Court opinion on the grounds that its authors happen to be Catholic should be well-out-of-bounds.”

11. Democrats in Congress are already scrambling to find a way to overturn the Hobby Lobby decision via legislation. If they fail, what will they do next — campaign against allowing Catholics on the Supreme Court in the first place? It wouldn’t be surprising were they cheered on by The New York Times."
Attack on Catholic Judges Breaches the Bedrock Of U.S. Constitution - The New York Sun

Vote Democrat and you are lending your support to bigotry.

I like to think the Supreme Court's decision wasn't based on religious beliefs or laws. I don't agree with their decision, but at the same time I don't like to entertain the possibility their religions effected their ruling. If it did, they should resign because they're no longer impartial.

But trying to circumvent their ruling because of the mere possibility their religon was in play isn't right either. If that were the case, it should be obvious in their other rulings when compared to Catholic doctrines. I think instead this is just the latest salvo in America's religious war within itself.

Since people with pronounced religious beliefs have been marginalized and in decline of political power since Reagan, they've been desperate to get that power back. And with the recent bans on banning homosexual marriage being a body blow to the religious types, they need a victory anywhere they can get it. And the Hobby Lobby ruling was that victory. But the forces opposite them naturally wanna take it away from them and keep the religious majority marginalized and silent.
I always wondered exactly what kind of idiot you were.
So, you are the kind of idiot who chooses to challenge the location of the post, rather than the truth of the information provided?

Interesting that you ignored the central theme....the Constitution.

Recognize the term?

You Liberals will say anything that believe (I almost said think) will reflect poorly on a post....

Oh, I read the "information".


You start your OP with an insult toward another member, namely, Derideo_Te, and you expect us to take you seriously? Really?

And then you mix the juristicl with religion?


Back to Civics Class with you!

And then, when you get frustrated, you call me an idiot.


I graciously accept your concession. Your inability to debate is becoming legendary!!!


When she isn't cutting and pasting, she's insulting and declaring victory.

Yes, same procedure as every day with her.

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